Corruption does not affect Drops

I see, I was wrong here then. I assume nobody sane plays CoF as CoF has no scaling with corruption what so ever, prophecies forever stay at level 1 and do not get upgraded period.

This is not true, preference aside (I just prefer SSF / no trade), CoF does scale quite well with corruption. Favor gain is based on experience (750 experience = 1 favor) so the massive xp boost from corruption makes a huge difference. I’ve made videos on this as well, and have done some math / spreadsheets, but I can easily earn 100k+ favor per hour which equates to something like 400 uniques of a type of my choosing. With a 2x LP chance thanks to CoF rank 6.

Not going to argue with you on this but I am beyond 2000 corruption as CoF Frost Claw (gear: Runemaster, level 100 (Release / 1.0.5) - Last Epoch Build Planner)

You are absolutely clueless about statistics as well. There has to be a noticeable difference in drops between 100 and 1000 corruption. We are talking about a multitude of 10x at least. Your sample size does not matter. We are not talking about 4lp omnis or 4lp red rings.
You should not even see 0lp items drop in 1200+ corruption in theory.

If the difference for 1000 corruption was actually 10x LP then I might agree with you, my sample of 300+ items for each should yield some visible difference, especially when looking at the lower / mid LP level items that drop often and don’t have a 0.01% or whatever chance.

The problem is that it isn’t 10x at 1000, it’s 5% increased LP chance at 100 and around 18% at 1000, so the difference is pretty small: Last Epoch 1.0 Patch Notes - Last Epoch News


You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. IF in 100 corruption I have 10 good items drop, then in 1000 it should be multiple times higher.

We are not talking about 0.001% but a general drop rate which are millions of items dropping all the time.

Whatever Corruption levels advertises as increased item rarity is complete BS.

I’ve given up on any notion that Corruption yields any noticeably better rewards. It may be anecdotal and I have no hard evidence, but way too many people are claiming to have the same experience. Where there is smoke there is fire.

I also don’t care that much about rewards, but FWIW, add one more to the count of people who believe improved rewards with high Corruption levels is a hoax.


I will know soon enough, i am trying to replicate the video he did but for regular drops. I am using a mod to gurantee hundreds of uniques to drop, and i am checking it at various tresholds. I just hit 100, and will be testing 100-199, 200-299, 300-399, 400-499, 500-599, 600+.

I have noticed some small anecdotally difference between 0LP → 1Lp going from none empowered to empowered. To soon to comment on corruption difference.

But being at 100C makes a huge difference to being at 0 for 2lp, and less then 100.

Edit: typo

Yeah they have us on a hamster wheel foreal… It appears the “end game” is “B S”

Agree either the rarity increase % at higher corruption is B S or there is code that is saying basically “this player is at high corruption, he obviously dont need any good drops”

  • getting sick of grinding for NO purpose, and REFUSE to drop to low corruption if thats where the better drops are … WHAT FOR??

It is funny how QUIET devs are about legit Problems they dont want to fix… but when its some mediocre or small problem that doesnt affect much its “OK GUYS WE HEAR YOUR PLEAS… WE HAVE FIXED This this and this - you may pat us on the back now.”

If they were going to keep Drop rates SUPER low at SUPER High corruption then there should have been No cycles… Who the f wants to farm for 4 months reaching low gear limits only to doit again next cycle and live with only lp 1-2 gear on their builds…

have your tried the increased unique rate drop from fall of the outcasts, i feel like that increased my lp/unique drop rate significantly.

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I havent tried that and i will definitely look at it… ty for the suggestion… currently farming Reign of Dragons for twisted heart lp2+ i never knew there was increased uniques on fall of outcasts

EDIT- Do you mean the blessing for unique drop rates? If so yes i have that blessing maxed

What is sad is , i have noticed increased drop rates while in Party, but anyone who has ever Partied in group in this game knows you also gain increased Disconnects, Freezes, Glitches and it pulls your accomplishing time way down

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Most “end game” global items are WAY too rare for a 3 month Cycle only i love min-max and at the moment in LE it’s just impossible !

They are listening, as they always did.

The problem with the issue presented in this particular thread is, that is

a) uninformed
b) does not take everything into account

There is also a lot of hyperbole involved.

This is a very complex subject and not easy to “fix” or deal with. Argueably there is nothing to fix here, at least from what is presented in the OP.

Devs stepping into discussions is something that can swing arguments into a specific direction, that is why they don’t get involved in a lot of discussions and arugments.

But they are listening.

The devs often only step in when there is a very apparent and concise issues that needs to be fixed, like a bug or unintended bevhaiour.

But something like “loot sucks at high corruption” is not something that boils down to one singular thing that needs to be adjusted or fixed.
It is something that is affecting by a plethora of things.


We generally only heard circumstantial evidence that people have strung together to determine the vision of the devs, some people have done tests, even if you take all of them combined including my own LP test, it still not conclusive as there are millions of people playing, and we need a sample of size into the high millions.

We have all voiced our opinions, some for low drop rates/ no changes, and others have said they need to be changed. I STRONGLY BELIEVE THEY ARE NOT ENOUGH AND WE NEED TO 10X THE DROP RATES OF 3LP AND 4 LP ITEMS IN OFFLINE. None the less even if we ask the people on discord/reedit/ forums are not enough of a pole- even if you could ensure people only vote once. A comprehensive IP Locked pole would need to be asked of the majority of the people who played the game, NOT THOSE PLAYING IT.

As we have seen 97% of the players have quit, no it is not to do with PoE / Diablo season. Ask THOSE people.

I don’t disagree with you but consider this too:

Truth be told, a ton of stuff in this game simply does not work as advertised. It’s a new game made by a small studio, fine. A lot of us are willing to bear the growing pains if the game is good, we accept that. With that being said though, it comes with the caveat that players are simply more doubtful that something is not working properly if it doesn’t feel like it’s working properly.

Enough people have stated based on their own anecdotal experiences that Corruption doesn’t affect loot drops as advertised. Unfortunately, it can’t really be proven without a huge concerted effort, because one single person cannot produce a big enough sample size to prove nor disprove those doubts. However, a lot of people doing high corruption are making the same discovery. There has definitely been enough noise to create legitimate doubt.

It would be appreciated if the devs can at least confirm that their system works as intended this cycle, and provide more transparency around how this mechanism works or doesn’t.

It’s a core feature of ARPG endgame systems that more difficult enemies grant more/better rewards. Players want to feel rewarded for getting stronger, that is a fundamental principle of ARPGs. If endgame doesn’t feel like it facilitates that principle, it doesn’t feel rewarding to do. One of the biggest complaints about the Monolith grinds. Not enough feelgoods.

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I remember seeing in some post that at a certain point during EA Mike plugged into the loot module and simulated millions of drops. Since the offline client has everything, it shouldn’t be that hard to make a mod/addon that did the same.

Holds true for high corruption content drops too tho… video aside we were all put on a hamster wheel for NO additional benefit with high corruption HIGHA rarity%… its obvious that % means jack s*** .