Controller Support Feedback

Yeah i ran into some of these issues myself, one issue i noticed that has to do with UI is when opening your skills, and you decide to move the cursor with the right thumbstick. Clicking A on an xbox controller to confirm when hovering over a skill with cursor will actually apply to whatever node is currently “Selected or highlighted” instead of what the cursor is hovering over. Has happened a few times. When i mean selected, its when that white UI outline or whatever is shown on what the current UI element is being selected. Luckily i can just respec most things, but it is and can be annoying if a wrong node gets chosen.

Glad to see a lot of the jank I experienced during EA fixed in 1.0. In particular the vendor, inventory and crafting interactions are a lot better and make the biggest difference to whether I need to keep a mouse handy.

Rolled Primalist this time and pretty quickly discovered that Fury Leap is a pretty borked and not viable skill with the current controller implementation. I can see the highlighted enemy change as I change directions, but Fury Leap doesn’t target that enemy, it just zooms off over its head for max range in that direction. There appears to be no way to short leap at all. A bit disappointing and puzzling about how this slipped through QA. I didn’t necessarily expect “full controller support” in 1.0 but that’s what y’all put in the patch notes. I’m just gonna have to try another class for now I guess

HOW DO I USE THE IN GAME KIEYBOARD??? i got it to pop up once by accident i know its there

Controller support is still awful. Especially for the menus. Why are we using the right joystick as a mouse?

There’s probably already suggestions like mine in this topic, but I’d thought I’d chip in:

If you don’t go the auto targetting route, using a twin stick shooter approach for all ranged actions would be nice. Using the right stick to rotate the character and have an circle around them that corresponds to the input (so effectively a mouse cursor that is locked within this circle and automatically bounces back to the center when the stick is released). Maybe add an option to resize the max size so players can freely choose if they want mid- or long-range control.

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Why can I not assign Square to Ability 5? Using ps5 controller. I want my right click attack to be square on the controller and it says, “assignment conflict square is already in use cannot be replaced”. I tried unassigning square, still says same thing.

Reposting what I said on the LE Reddit:

The wording in their patch notes of “full controller support” is unfortunate.

Due to physical limitations, I’ve been strictly a controller player for the last 5-ish years. While not yet at the point of Diablo 4 or Path of Exile with respect to controller support, it IS greatly improved over the beta. There are very few scenarios where I have to resort to using the mouse-pointer functionality of the controller, but there are some.

  1. On the skill trees, rather than limiting d-pad and bumpers to top row buttons and L3 for navigating the individual nodes, they just need to make the entire screen d-pad functional.

  2. There’s something wonky in settings where if I’m adjusting graphical settings, I can’t just use the controller buttons to submit pending changes. I have to use the mouse pointer to make the window lose focus, and then bring it back to make the “Accept Changes” purple button active to then submit it.

  3. The BIGGEST area where it needs help is in the remapping section. The number of remappable buttons and button combinations is TINY compare to M&K. For example, I’ve GOT to be able to get the toggle map overlay off of L3, as I keep hitting it during combat, e.g., be able to map it to L2+R2 or LB + RB (or a back button on steam deck). Sure, I can do some of these things through Steam settings rather than game settings, but the game needs to be fully functional unto itself.

  4. Auto-targetting needs serious help. This is an area where D4’s implementation is light years better. The auto target just isn’t auto. If you’re facing enough away from the target, you’ll just swing/cast at air.

All that said, my hope is they will improve from here and they don’t actually believe the current level of support is “full”.

P.S. I forgot: Yes, the radial wheel sucks moose testicles and needs to go die in a fire.

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I cannot speak for the melee feeling but using your current implementation of controller support for spells and ranged attacks is incredibly lackluster, also looting.
I have 6.8k hours on PoE most of which are controller hours.
There we have optimal auto targeting if no input/tilt is given. Increased loot radius and targeted loot pick when button is pressed. It really saves hand and finger movement which should be the goal.
Using controller in Last Epoch I feel I even have to increase my hand anf finger movement to jank the character into the right direction and looting is a complete mess since it does target the loot at the same range as with MKB control but you have to manually walk there.
Again using PoE as an example, in addition to increased loot radius, there is also a targeting priority translated to LE terms: You stand before a loot pile and on controller if would first target items that are deemed desirable i.e. exalted item.
So while it says full controlled support - I would agree as you can use all your controller buttons but it ends there.
LE is fantastic and I am even playing with MKB even though I told myself I wouldn’t - until pain arrives and I have to lay down the game.
You do not have to reinvent controller support, it is fine to look at your competitiors and adapt the good stuff.
GL on improving.

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  • When playing on controller and the dialog box for “Online Play Unavailable” comes up, that dialog box is not navigable with the controller d-pad or left thumbstick.
  • When in a menu while playing on controller, pressing B should either just exit the menu and not trigger the ability on the hotbar for B, or stay in the menu and trigger the ability on the hotbar for B. Maybe let the user decide what they want in the settings. As it is now, pressing B does two separate actions simultaneously.
  • In the tooltip while on controller for equipment items, the controls are mislabeled between “Mod Explanations” and “Mod Ranges”. They should be swapped.
  • On controller, when changing a setting the “Monitor” setting in the “Graphics” tab of the Settings, the “Are You Sure?” menu is not interactable with the controller d-pad.
  • On controller, the quest details pane on the right side of the “Map & Quests” screen is not scrollable with the controller except by using the virtual mouse.
  • On controller, when opening the “Skills” menu, pressing X on an Xbox controller does not activate the “Swap Action Bar Skills” option even though it shows in the bottom left of the menu that I can. I have to press any other button on the controller that doesn’t exit that menu to remind the game that I am using controller. Then, it allows me to press X on an Xbox controller to swap action bar skills.
  • On controller, when I swap action bar skills for any ability, whichever ability I have on the B (Xbox controls) slot of my action bar, I am unable to press and hold the B button on my Xbox controller to either channel or repeatedly use that action. The workaround fix for players is to use the mouse or virtual mouse to swap the action bar skill to a different skill and then back to the skill I had it on before.
  • When crafting in the Forge UI, many of the tooltips overlap much of the UI, which is especially frustrating when using a controller since I can’t just move my mouse pointer out of the way because at all times something must be selected. Instead, I recommend anchoring any tooltip to the right side of the screen (where the inventory is) since I don’t think it’s necessary to see the inventory when there is a menu open in the middle of the screen.
  • When navigating the inventory grid with a controller d-pad, I expect to be able to roll my thumb between 2 different directions and hold on to the second direction and have it repeat in that direction without having to lift my thumb and press and hold the direction button again, which is how it is at the time of me writing this. Essentially what I’m doing is, for example, if I want to go from the top left to the bottom right. I want to hold right on the d-pad until I get to the right column, and then time it just right so that I roll my thumb onto the down button on the d-pad to continue repeating downward on the grid. However, it’s important to still keep that short delay before repeating so that if a player casually presses in a direction without lifting in time, they don’t accidentally skip over grid cells.
  • Bug with controller leveling up skills in specialized slots
  • When “Auto-Compare Items” is enabled in the Settings, and when playing with controller, loot items on the ground inconsistently “Auto-Compare” but most do not. I assume that an exception was made for “Auto-Compare” for controllers since the currently equipped item tooltip would get in the way of combat. But it doesn’t always work which confuses me, and I can’t reliably reproduce this bug yet. Regardless, I still would like the option to have it show the green and red comparison text without the currently equipped item tooltip when “Auto-Comparing” loot that is on the ground.
  • Using controller, I don’t see a way to compare a ring in my inventory with the ring in my second ring slot, nor do I see the option to quickly equip it into my second ring slot without manually bringing it up there with the d-pad.
  • Using controller, it would be nice to have the option to make LT toggle between the left and right sides and have RT mapped to the “Transfer Materials” button in the inventory so that there is less distance to travel for the d-pad for such a frequently used button.
  • The “Configure Tab” menu is not interactable with a controller yet.
  • On controller, opening the “Map & Quests” screen I think should automatically focus the d-pad selection to the top active quest because if I want to see the details of that quest, I have to press down and then up again on the d-pad to see it. That’s two buttons instead of one. Instead, just rely on the already existing functionality that the “Map & Quests” screen has to remember the show/hide quests state from the last time the player was on the “Map & Quests” screen.
  • The Loot Filter menus are not interactable with controller.
  • Let us use the left thumbstick for navigating the passives screen. Using d-pad only, it’s difficult to select certain nodes. The menu is practically full screen anyway, so there’s no reason to bind left stick to move my character when I can’t see where I’m going anyway.

That’s fair. I do like that feature in PoE for controllers where it prioritizes what the game deems as a higher value to size ratio. For example, 1x1 currency items are highest priority, rings, amulets, belts are next priority in order of rarity, and so on.

I would like to see that feature some to LE as well, but I see it as less of a pressing issue since we have in-game configurable loot filters. So, if there there’s ever anything I don’t want to pick up off the ground, I’ll just filter it out and hide it. So far, my time in LE with controller has just been to spam the A button on my Xbox controller to pick up everything I see, and then sort things out in my inventory grid.

A higher priority for me would be adding controller support to the loot filter menus.

Oh and them saying that patch 1.0 has “full controller support”, I agree with you. It was a bit of a lie. But it was a big improvement from early access.

I agree that ranged attacks with controller don’t feel as I expect it to, but I think that it’s mainly due to the turning speed of the player character. Kiting enemies by running away, and turning 180 degrees to do a ranged attack takes time, time longer than it takes my thumb to switch directions on the left thumbstick. So, I have to learn to wait like a third of a second after I turn before making my first ranged attack.

I thought the slower turning speeds were maybe intended, but then I tried turning 180 degrees with keyboard/mouse, and it was instant.

So, I think a major part of the solution is to make controller-turning instant, just as it is if you point and click with your mouse.

yeah maybe your right, maybe thats a solution…

I’ve got two more ideas that I just thought of while playing.

  • On controller, I want to have repeating d-pad buttons for the virtual keyboard with a short delay before repeating (user configurable delay and repeat rate ideally).
  • On controller, while channeling an ability or even holding a button to repeatedly attack, I think that the auto-aim for controller should only affect the first moment of channeling or the very first action of a press-and-hold repeating action. And for as long as the player continues to hold that button, I think that it should be manual aiming if, and only if, the player is also holding the left thumbstick in a particular direction, which would imply that the player wants more manual control at that point. But if the player releases the left thumbstick while continuing to hold the button for the ability, I think it should go back to auto-aim again.

Controller support’s better than EA, but still needs alot of work.

-minion targeting skills do not work on controller. I’ve reported this issue several times during early access, bit it was not addressed for 1.0. For example taking hecatomb and/or necrotic feast for drain life should make you target only minions with drain life, but drain life will not target minions while using a controller. this also applies to rip blood if you take the marrow drinker node. pls address this as you cant play one of the only endgame viable minion builds without drain life

-targeting is still a bit jank especially for casters or ranged options. Reading this thread and I’m glad many agree that this is an issue. For example, with ranged characters you usually have to kite mobs bc range characters typically cannot tank too well. The problem is you have to actually look at the mobs for your ranged move to connect instead of auto targeting to the mob. This makes playing ranged characters an absolute drag. I’d say just look at how POE, D4, D3, and GD have implemented controller support and just copy them. No shame in it bc all those games have better controller support by miles

-Remap controls is still busted. You virtually still cannot remap anything. Please let us of remap our controls.

This games fantastic, but I just can’t use MnK anymore due to wrist issues stemming from too much mashing in D2 as a kid. As anyone can tell you and I’m sure many people on your dev team know, D2 was a very clicky game. So seeing “full controller support” for a modern arpg brings me great joy, but man it needs to be better.

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In PoE with controller, what I liked was being able to cycle through my stash tabs with the bumper triggers on the controller even while I had an item in my inventory currently selected. This way, I could find the item I wanted to send to a stash tab, cycle through my stash tabs to find the one I wanted, and then it was a single button press to send the item to that stash tab.

Conversely, right now in LE, I find the item I want to send to a stash tab, I press LT to switch to the left side of the screen, then press LB or RB until I find the stash tab I want, then, I have to press RT to switch back to the right side of the screen. Then, and this is the biggest pain of the whole process, I realize that my position in my inventory grid was not remembered, so I start in the top left corner every time, so I have to use the d-pad to navigate over to the item I wanted to move and then press X (on the Xbox controller). A slightly better way, but still frustrating way, is to find the item in my inventory, press A to pick it up, press LT to switch to the left side of the screen, switch stash tabs, and then manually find an opening for the new item to place.

You might think, as I did for a moment, that the solution to this problem is to bind a button on controller for when an item is picked up by the cursor/selector and it is within the grid of a stash tab, so that when that button is pressed, it finds the first available area where that item will fit. But, that doesn’t change the face that I often have multiple items to put away in a row, and that will still mess with my flow. When I return back to the inventory side on the right, I will still be put back to the top left corner. And even if you did made it remember my last position in my inventory grid, with this solution, I’d still be up by 2 more button presses than should truly be necessary (LT to switch to the left, and RT to switch back to the right again).

I say the solution is to find a better place to put the “Blessings | Inventory | Appearance” tab bar in the inventory screen so that LB and RB control stash tab navigation from the inventory screen.


I want to echo others on here in regards to targeting with controller. Specifically with minions/companions. I am currently running a companion primalist build and I’d like to use eterra’s blessing, but I have no way to have it target my pet it only targets me. We either need a way to target on the fly, or a setting to tell a spell to only target a pet for any spells this applies too.

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This is next feedback is closely related to this quote I made earlier.

On controller, holding an ability and a direction on the left stick should keep your character still and only aim, just like it would if you used keyboard and mouse aiming with the mouse and pressing the hotkey for the ability on the action bar. The problem that this solves is when you want to keep your distance while ranged attacking, and you don’t want to lurch forward after every attack.

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Just want to echo this: I have been playing a minion based acolyte/necromancer with controller, and having no problems. However, playing a ranged bow-using rogue is painful, especially compared to a similar character in D4 or GD.

One problem I think is that with mouse, targets that are out of range/on a different Z-level will be ignored. With controller, they will be highlighted even if they’re far away.

Worst is be aiming at a boss, have an enemy minion show up at the periphery, and auto-target selects that instead.

Also sometimes an enemy is highlighted, will be aiming in that direction, but the angle is slightly off and shots keep missing.

There’s definitely room for some polishing here.

Edit: another detail: if using mouse, and target an enemy “below”, shots will go down. Using controller, same enemy is highlighted, but shots go out horizontally instead.

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I just want to play flame wraiths, but the build runs into severe mana issues if you can’t drain life the wraiths. Seems like fixing this is very low on the priority list…

Thanks for this especially your point #3 because I first starting playing this game a week ago and L3 would change mini map to overlay map (and vice versa) when I didn’t want it to and I thought this was a bug. Then I deduced that L2 must be mapped to tab key so I checked controller settings under keybinds to remove it and I couldn’t cause the fields there are blank. I’ve submitted this on their Discord support section; I hope it’s fixed as it’s annoying. Also hope everything else brought up regarding controller is fixed too.