Constantly loosing connection when swapping zones outside of monoliths

Zones outside of monolith constantly disconnects me during loadscreen when entering/swapping zones. Dungeons also have the same issue causing lots of losses of keys because of server stability.

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Supposedly this has been happening for quite some time now. So hopefully it’s something they are working on. It seems to be happening to plenty of people (me included) and it’s horrible to try to play through.

Yeah I have multiple lv80+ characters that still haven’t completed the campaign because it takes 20 minutes of relogging to switch zones (right now I’ve been trying to get my druid out of Heoborea on and off all evening).

It’s really sad because this is one of the most fun and well thought out ARPGs I’ve ever played, but these unbelievably bad and continuous technical problems with online play appear to have been getting reported for years, and I doubt it’s possible to solve them without a complete overhaul, so at the same time it’s the first game in decades that I feel legitimately ripped off over.

Since there’s no way to escape these characters into offline play, it might be take a break until the next cycle, but at this point I would never recommend anything other than offline to anybody.

Yeah its awful. Wife and i managed to coop through the campaign but now anything that needs to be done outside of monoliths is a chore, things that should take 5-10 minutes requires 30-40 minutes of disconnect->relog->disconnect until the zone lets us progress. Any prophecies outside monos or dungeons is a pain to do and gives the game a real sour taste.

And no, VPN or tweaking network settings that will affect other programs is not a valid solution

What’s your internet connection like? This game uses a massive amount of bandwidth when zoning, particularly relative to others in the genre, and my working theory is that’s related (possibly even triggering a race in some conditions, leading to the infinite load screen). I’m on 10Mbit DSL.

If I switch to a higher throughput but terrible latency connection I seem to be able to change areas more reliably, but then of course there’s then worst rubber banding I’ve ever experienced in a game. I’ve been relying on the Warlock bug to get past a number of bosses which are otherwise completely undodgeable, in the 4-5 second freezes. heh.

Im in Sweden with 250Mbit up/down on 2 clients (me and the wife). We have 0 disconnects or network issues with other games/applications. Router and network config on the desktops are fully open. We dont run anything else heavy on the network besides maybe discord and a twitch stream. Time of day doesn’t really matter too much either but it definetly gets worse at around 16.00-23.00

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I guess that kind of kills my theory about bandwidth, but something (which seems to be outside of change logs) has changed in the last few days and things have become somewhat more reliable, so I hope you’ve been having better luck too

This thread is about the exact same issue: Error "Lost Connection" when switching zones - #61 by Ellie
Maybe some of the discussed workarounds work for you guys … i haven’t been that lucky.

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Still happening daily. Bumping this issue.

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