Considering Glorious Return to the game on 1.1 League

But I have a few questions,

1). when will the massive patchnotes about balance/class/item changes be posted? Not the PTR but final changes for 1.1.

  1. Will there be any significant readjustments fixes for 2 main factions - No Luck Drops, and Scam Trade faction?

No luck drops was unable to farm any good gear reliably, and scam trade was overrun by RMT/Gold dupe, It also was missing a whole bunch of game affixes and had no ways to price check items before sellling, WHich is why you could sometimes buy billion gold item for free.

  1. How many pinnacle bosses are actually added? It is confusing because I only saw one in the trailer, is the game done when you just kill that one boss?

  2. Can/will you add visual identification to Legendary potential on the ground?

Patch Notes always dropped in the pre patch hype week before the patch. For 1.0 the patch notes dropped 2 days prior. So I woudl expect patch notes 2-5 days before the patch drops.

Can’t talk much about MG (don’t play itmyself and I am only aware of UI issues like filter and search).

Regarding “no drop luck” I don’t think this is a “universal problem” that exists in the game, this is very personal and subjective.
I personally think loot in LE is in a very good spot in terms of acquisition and how much target agency we as players have on farming specific types of loot.

One Pinnacle Boss, with new other bosses called Harbingers. The Harbingers are tied into the Pinnacle Boss with somekind of system that is undisclosed at this point, but they are related.

Not in 1.1 and most likey not in the foreseeable future the devs have stated multiple times on various platforms that they are against a FP/LP filtering option.

1- Next week.
2- Yes. Mike has said that there are more new rank rewards than old ones. Also the UIs will be improved.
3- 1 pinnacle boss, but there are more things, like the new bosses that lead up to him.
4- We don’t know yet (that would be part of next week’s notes), but it’s not likely it will happen in 1.1.

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Actually, Mike has said in one of his streams (like 1-2 months ago) regarding this very question that “community persistance can often bring about change, sometimes”. So I assume they’re planning on doing this eventually.

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Yes it can do that, but that still doesn’t mean it will come ventually.

Auto-Pickup and Mastery Respec has been subjects that quite a lot of people have been constantly pushing for years as well and the devs have been very stalwart against it (which is a good thing in my book).

There are just changes that might be enjoyable by certain individuals but are still a net negative for the game and the gameplay loop.


The thing is that regarding those issues Mike continues simply saying that they have no plans to do that or just a plain “No”. Which is what he used to say regarding LP on filters. But on that stream, when asked about it, he didn’t say “No”, he responded with that.

You can see it here:
The way he answers it makes it seem like they are considering doing it, despite their previous objections.

LP and WW filtering options are coming to the Loot Filter, as stated at the bottom of Harbingers of Ruin page.

other improvements

Harbingers of Ruin brings with it updates to our best-in-class Loot Filter, like the ability to filter loot with Legendary Potential and Weaver’s Will. It also includes numerous improvements to other aspects of the game, such as some exciting updates to the Blessings system. We also continue to improve, update, and strengthen every aspect of the core experience.


Most people and me including dropped Luck Search faction after we spent 20-30 hours of non-stop grind to target farm a single 2LP item and failed to do so.

Mind you I was about to delete game back then, but I have joined merchant guild after this. Farmed level 1 to 10 in one day, and acquired LP3-Lp4 items with perfect rolls for all my gear slots, not just the one I was missing. It took me much less than 30 hours, I spent farming 2LP item in No Luck guild, so there is definitely a problem.

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That confuses with consequent replies in this thread. Anyway the problem is very simple, you get 30+ unique helm drops at once, and you have to manually mouse over each of them to figure if it is trash or good. That was bad game design, in D4 you can see the amount of stars on item, and it does not even have loot filter like LE.

Yea I missed it in 1.1 announcement in the end, it will be added to loot filter, thats alright. I still think visual representation like a number or a symbol would be much better though.

Oh no… what a shame

Meanwhile I farmed 2 and 3 LP uniques very reliably over the last few major patches (even before CoF existed).

There are so many factors: What uniques are you farming, what are the methods you are using for farming?

LP is not LP across different uniques.

I still don’t hink there is an issue with the loot. People just need to get more experience to judge which uniques are within their reach for their player skill and efficiency level.

No its not bad game design.

You using a strategy that makes you drop 30+ helmets is somethign you deliberately do, you don’t have to do it that way. Also this doesn’t happen every 5 minutes, farming favor prophecies so you drop that amount takes quite some time.

If this is so important to you and you think that certain helmet (or other uniques) are trash you can filter them out already if you want. Especially if you only aim for specific uniques.

Also LP is an extension of potential item power. It does not invalidate non LP uniques.
Especially with the new Nemesis System coming you will be able to add LP to uniques so very wel lrolled 0LP uniques will become way more desirable.

This is not a problem.
You were in the wrong faction, now you found the right one for you.
All good.

If you want only very specific, pre-determined uniques with high LP, then yes, MG if where you belong.
If you prefer seeing what RNG brings you and finding ways to craft on it and use it, with this character or an alt, then CoF is calling.

In other words, for pushing super high corruption by min-maxing a chosen, pre-defined build, MG will always be much, much more efficient than CoF.
But for other players, including me, who enjoy finding random loot and experimenting with different builds more than min-maxing, buying gear takes away most of the fun. That’s why we have CoF.

Again, this is not a problem.
Just two different ways to play, and it is great to be able to choose.


So you don’t see a problem between a 6-hour ascension towards 10billion DPS, and being stuck for 200 hours at 15m DPS?

It is just not the same game on those two factions.

I don’t even want to respond to this message, that is how bad it is. Hopefully, devs are better and listen to an actual feedback.

And you pick the game you prefer.
It is not a problem, it is nice to have a choice.

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This is utterly delusional claim, I am all in for choice, but you don’t have a choice. The game you play is essentially the same.

You have same bosses, same PVE content, same dungeons, but one is geared in 10billion DPS in a dozen of hours, another will be stuck forever wearing Junk.

Lets wait for future seasons and see how they balance factions out. There are 2 more levels coming for each so who knows. But I am definitely going with Trade.

If I didn’t know that was just an exageration, I would assume you were talking about D3 with those damage numbers.

It’s not the same, nor is it supposed to be. Devs will rebalance both factions for 1.1, but I can bet whatever you want that MG will still get you gear faster. And always will.
CoF isn’t meant to be “Get BiS gear in 6h”. It’s supposed to be: “I don’t like/want trade. Do you have anything for me so I’m not screwed like in PoE?”.

It’s great for those people that just want to have the dopamine hits of drops. That want to build a character around the stuff that drops, rather than just buy the stuff to create the pre-defined build.
Neither playstyle is good or bad, it’s just a matter of personal preference.

But I reiterate, CoF will never be equal to MG, nor is it possible to be without having D3 style drops and killing the game.

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Ofcourse it is possible, because CoF gear is non-tradeable, you just need to uptune those prophecies from LP0-1 to lp2-3-4. And create more advanced mechanics, like after 100 prophecies you are guaranteed Lp4 drop.