Considering Glorious Return to the game on 1.1 League

When I spent 1million favor running for helmet slot, and had 100 of helmets drop every few minutes, I had a lot of things going, but zero dopamine.

LP will never have a guaranteed mechanic. It will always be random.

For CoF to compete with MG and get BiS gear in a day, that would mean D3 levels of drops, which would simply drive away a lot of players.
If you want Bis gear in a day, you can already join MG. CoF is aimed at a different type of player.

That is because you only get excited with BiS gear. I get excited when I get upgrades for my uniques, even when they’re not LP4 perfect rolled ones.

As I said, CoF is aimed at a different type of player. Even with the changes they’ll make in 1.1, I doubt you’ll enjoy it as much as you will enjoy MG.


I play CoF. I would never play MG, even if I know it is much “stronger”.
You play MG, and you don’t want to play CoF ever again.
The fact that we choose different ways proove that there is indeed a choice.

And that’s exactly the point: I can do all the content in CoF.
If in the future they introduce content that is near impossible in CoF, I would agree there is a problem, but atthe moment everything is accessible.
You might kill them at 2000 corruption, me at 400, but they are exactly the same ones. I am not particularly interested in raising the corruption level to kill the same boss I have killed already, and that’s why I play CoF. If I wanted to reach 2000, I would play MG.

I wouldn’t actually bother trying to argue that with him. He has made many posts since 1.0 that show that if it’s not in the top 3 builds it’s not a choice.
Likewise, if it’s not something that gives BiS in a day, it’s not a choice.

There is nothing wrong with being a competitive player, but he just has a narrow view of the game. He doesn’t really play to have fun but to win. Though, to be fair, I imagine winning is fun for him.

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So what is the point? I try to do a discussion to show you a different perspective.
You also say you didn’t want to respond :thinking:

Yet you are here only attacking my argumentation saying its bad without explaining why you think so.

Just to be clear I am 100% COF player, I couldn’t care less for MG.
And I don’t say CoF is in a perfect spot, it defintiely can use some improvements.

But I simply disagree with some of the argumentations that you made.

Regarding devs listening to feedback, I know they do, I am here since the beginning of EA.
But they don’t listen to everything.

People giving feedback is always good, but that doesn’t mean they implement it a certain way.

They actually revealed doing something that I personally disagree with a lot. They will add LP to the Loot Filter. Once that is in there is no going back, so for me personally that is a huge blow.

Indirectly this will help with you “problem” that you described, but I still think that you create suchs problems yourself by putting certain restrictions on yourself.

The only thing delusional is your very small minded and ignorant view on this subject.

CoF vs. MG will never be actually “balanced” and while the devs to attempt to make it as even as possible, the goal was never to provide two equally strong options.

The goal was to give reaonsable options for two vastly different was of acquiring gear.
Just because you seem to not like one of these two ways doesn’t mean its “bad”.

Its preference and flavour, not raw objective power that drives this choice the most.


They listen to everything, they don’t agree with everything.

I’m sorry you feel that the game doesn’t give you the participation medal that you feel you need to justify your, allegedly, leet skillz.

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I honestly sympathize with your position here. Looking at your character I know that at least 3 items (weapon, gloves, amulet) are all but impossible to get in CoF.

But like @DJSamhein already said, MG is basically easy mode like D3. You can get done with your character within the first weekend.

CoF on the other hand is SSF+ and while it needs a few adjustments that we discussed at length some weeks ago (most of which are coming :+1:), I generally like it and wouldn’t want a degenerate experience like D3 that my dead grandma could play.

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Haha that was my mistake. I german that sentence made a lot more sense.

In German you say “auf jemanden hören” in the sense of “to obey to someone”.

What I wanted to say is, that EHG doesn’t necessarily apply changes based on every single suggestion.

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You are suffering from adaptation bias, where you take whatever is in reality ,and say it is OKAY. It is not. Infact reality is imperfect and a lot of things have to be changed. More so in the games.

There has been a lot of mentions from DEVS themselves that they want to balance factions.

There are patchnotes that had no impact on MG, but buffed COFF by a 150% boss drops and 200% exile mage drops, and 200% overall drops. That is a multiplicative buff. Which aligns with my ideas that COF needed a buff all this time.

They should also uptune the prophecies, because the mechanics simply don’t scale. You have same level prophecies from level 30 of the game, to level 100+ and endgame where you are beating pinnacle bosses. Makes sense for you? That is a copium/adaptation bias.

Look I don’t care about CoF, I play MG, but I still go around saying COF must be buffed, just because it is Fair, our of pure benevolence towards you CoF players. I gain nothing from CoF buffs.

An amulet especially, I crafted it from 9th Julra try. So I bought about 200 exalted amulets with shred armor, and I had 10+ LP3 amulets to craft on.

It is fair to say that because of me, nobody could buy shred armor amule for about a week on auction house.

No one disagreed that CoF needed a buff. In fact, several people said so as well. What we disagree on is that CoF can ever be equivalent to MG without killing the game due to having D3 level of drops.

Which it can’t. CoF won’t ever be as good as MG. Even if you buffed CoF to the point where you could also get BiS gear in a day, MG is deterministic and CoF is RNG. There’s always a chance to fail, thus MG will always be superior to get BiS gear.

I am not saying that it should be better.

In fact trade league is not that easy as well, you need to use your brain, time trading, price checking = pain in the ass, to earn money. It is not deterministic to get BIS gear unless you RMT which is illegal. But you can see via gold that you are making progress step by step towards the items you need.

In CoF on other hand, you may spend 50 hours farming a single piece of gear, to not see it drop and to make zero progress towards it dropping. Most of your upgrades will stop at LP1 because that is what is allowed to drop.

RNG chance is rng chance, it means as long as you roll the dice enough times, it will eventually drop. Thats not bad. But that enough times can be reasonable in 10-20-50 or even a hundred. But it is not reasonable when you have to kill end boss in corruption monolith, 500 times to see an item drop once. That would mean running 500 x 30 = 1500 monolith nodes.

Don’t forget there is Julra, and you are going to likely destroy your BiS item after spending some 1500+ monolith nodes farming it.

In this game, there are item drops chances that are in sub 1/million. So you will never see them in CoF.

Also your assumption about D3 level of drops is silly, you don’t need to increase the quantity of drops, you need to increase the rarity, make it possible for a CoF player to at least get half of items BIS in 200+ hours farming. Furthermore this game does have some targeted farm ideas incorporated, they are just not working/scaling as well as they should.

Thing is in MG I had a lot of amazing drops, but what was more amazing, I could sell those LP3-Lp4 items to other players and trade for what I need. If I had the same item from the boss drop in CoF I would be stuck with trash unusable for my character.

They could think of a way for a CoF player to convert items he does not need into a resource to reroll or get items he needs.

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In the end what was your point, that a player who plays CoF, and spends 500+ hours playing non stop farming is not allowed to have good gear? For gods sake, this is a game, and it is to have fun.

Make it so the CoF can increase or boost rarity progressively with the investment, there should be an end point for the character in the league.

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I meant deterministic in that, as long as you have the gold, you have the gear. In CoF there are no guarantees.

This is a fundamental misunderstanding of how statistics work. There is no guarantee that it will eventually drop. In fact, there’s a chance that it never will. Which is why some players slam a 1LP gear twice in a row successfully, while others slam a 1LP gear 12 times in a row and fail them all.

Why? Most CoF players don’t actually care about BiS gear. CoF players tend to either be casuals or altoholics, both of which are more than happy with 0LP or 1LP gear.

What CoF needs to do, which it does, is to provide good gear so that your build does what it’s supposed to do and play all content. And even before the (needed) buffs, it accomplished that.

Which is why altoholics love CoF. Because they use most of the good items that drop, even if it’s not for their current character. In fact, many times drops inspire new characters.

With CoF you get good gear in less than 50h. You just don’t get BiS.

In the end, CoF and MG are for fundamentally different playstyles. And with different playstyles also come different goals. The vast majority of players doesn’t give a crap about chasing BiS and are happy with just good items. Very few players care about min-maxing.

His point is that buffing CoF to MG levels would reduce those 500 hours to 10. We don’t want that.

Not saying you get done in 10 hours in MG because of the work you have to put in. But the availabilty of something specific like 3 lp Wrongwarp is imbalancable without breaking CoF.

Don’t try to sell opinions as statistics. A single foul apple can invalidate an entire batch. I mean, I agree with a lot of what you say, but this is just silly.



you chose this

It must be incredible hard to SSF 100,000 a year without dealing with the ‘eCoNomY’ in rl

The majority of players don’t even finish campaign (just look at PoE achievements on steam. It’s a general trend for most games, but PoE is the closest to LE). More than half the players don’t even reach a place in the game where they can even hunt for BiS. So why would that be silly?

The games I played a lot, were built around 1v1 competetive duels. There was pro scene with best talents of the world competing for a bunch of money. The money might not be significant, the amount of players at the top may have been in the single digits.

But as long as there is a shining top to climb, millions were motivated to play the game, including a ton of casuals. Once, they decided that why would we feed pro scene, and lets make a game for casuals. The game died. Thats it. There is no more Quake.

ARPG should accomodate casuals, but not be built for them. It is the challenge, hardship, ladders, and many other things that actually drive ARPGs forward, if they will focus solely on casuals these games are going to die.


I believe you, but still any sentence starting with “majority of” is pointless. You mean “people like me” when you make those claims and while that makes them technically true, it also makes them irrelevant. You argue based on your personal viewpoint and imply to speak for a larger group.

I have long since stopped making such claims. We have a saying like “don’t trust any statistics you didn’t fake yourself” and there’s also “99% of statistics are made up on the spot” (including this 99 :wink: )

Now regarding relevance of different groups:

The largest imaginable group of the entire world’s population is not relevant for making LE decisions given that most of them (verifiable) do not even play or intend to play LE.

Another huge group is the one you’re referring to, everyone who ever bought or installed the game. But do we care for those? Should we? I should not matter for the development of most games I bought for I hardly played them.

So what is our target audience for active improvement of LE? I would say those who put in at least 100 hours into cycle 1. Below that people simply aren’t interested and would demand to turn a horse into a shark in order to return. But I as an invested player want the horse to be improved upon.

No, it was actually taken from months of forum posts about this and similar issues. There are some players that are min-maxxers but they’re a minority. Like players that care about ladder. They exist, they’re a significant number (especially because they tend to be more “loyal” to the game and end up buying MTX a lot) but even comparing just to the stable playerbase that returns each cycle, they’re a minority.
It is also based on years in a clan in PoE and interacting with (supposedly) more hardcore players that have a tendency to want to min-max and get BiS. Though even there they were a minority.

All of them, really.
You need to take into account the ones that only play the campaign because if you make it a good experience for them, they might stick around longer (this is one of the biggest issues in PoE, tbh. If they had a more friendly early game they might have been even more successful).
You also need to take into account the casuals that play 10-20h a week for a month, because they do make up the bulk of your returning players (again, from my experience with PoE).
And you also need to take into account the top 0.1% players that are very competitive because not only are they usually the ones that are more regular in returning and stick around the longest, they usually also bring players because they tend to be streamers.

D3/D4 only focused on casuals while ignoring the hardcore players, PoE was the reverse. I hope LE finds a balanced middle ground to attract more players. Especially when they have more endgame options which can appeal to different players.

Your first paragraph comes down to hearsay and personal bias.

See that’s where I had drawn my line. This applies to me (edit: I misread “a” month), though I haven’t taken a LE break so far, I don’t need to return. But still 100 hours is 1/6th of my playtime, maybe 1/7th at this point, so don’t accuse me of not caring for people more casual than me.

I just think that below 100 hours is a point at which people don’t really participate in LE. It would be nice to attract them back in but not at the cost of alienating the current active population.