Community Designed Unique: Unique Effect

I think people just hate teleport and are going crazy about this idea of “discouraging the movement abilities”. While “Purple orb” is just a “nice bonus” here, LMAO.

I also want to believe that Purple Orb is going to be at least barely playable, but (forgive me EHG) I doubt it SO SO SO MUCH.
We already have a dedicated VO item (a relic) – and it’s not a terrible item, far from it. Particularly with LP.

And yet no one plays VO, because VO is a terrible skill!

It’s stale, it’s not strong and it has a lot of very boring nodes like “get 1% damage per 1 skill point spent”. Very few (if any) nodes have exciting and powerful modificators.
(To be fair, that’s not the only Mage’s skill that can be given this description)

So, in the end, if purple VO wins – could you guys at least rework it?

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They can always make a unique-only base type like they did for the scythe that drops at t4 soulfire bastion.

There is absolutely 0 difference between doing that and making it a staff but calling it a spear in the unique description if we end up with this VO vendor food. I guess you appease the community vote but, it’s still just a staff with a spear flavor tag.

It would be a caster focussed weapon with a caster focussed effect that happens to be a spear for flavor reason.
I am failing to see the issue here.
The effect mentions herardry, in is not uncommon in popular culture to portray medieval heralds carrying a long spear with a flag, so it being a spear seems thematically appropriate.

For the record I voted for meteor on crit, but unfortunately purple VO seems to be winning by a landslide.

I’m not the biggest fan of this void VO (I voted meteor), but who told you this is gonna be vendor food? It depends on the item stats in the first place.

As for the melee synergy, there’s Dark Shroud of Cinders and literally half the Spellblade’s passive tree supporting Fire Aura generation and strength.

IIRC, there was even a build ( and not a bad one) some months ago for Void Fire Aura Spellblade. Now it can be improved upon with this new spear and the legendaries.

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There’s been several going back over the years. Even a caster version back when the Fire Aura on crit idols didn’t have a cooldown.

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Totally unrelated to anything that has happened recently: Will the Corrupted Heraldry have a stack limit? :wink:

Asking for a friend.

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By the way it’s worded currently I would assume that there is no hard cap. But since the stacks probably have a set duration you’d be limited by how many casts and hits you can keep generating.

So disappointing…

The VO thing sounds neat, I just don’t see how it fits a spear. Maybe get rid of the self-cast part and have attacking with the spear trigger VO casts. Since spears add base crit typically, have it be on melee crit.

One suggestion that McFluffin had that I wanted to say here. Next time something like this happen change to a March Madness kind of bracket where anyone can submit their full Unique idea and make a bracket for them to compete in. In a single elimination tournament style.


When we have any sort of unique ideas we have to process, they have to go through our senior game designers to a.) ensure they ‘can’ be made to work in the game world, and b.) they make sense to exist within the game world. The problem with submitting “a full unique” as a suggestion, is that it almost certainly couldn’t be implemented. When we create Supporter Uniques, it usually takes a couple of weeks of back and forth and internal iterations and tests to result in a unique to be implemented. That’s for one item.

However, we did to an extent have this. Throughout all previous posts, users have been able to submit unique effects for this poll. Other community members then voted for top options by ‘liking’ those suggestions (leaving a heart). All of these options in this poll are unique effects submitted by community members, which we then went over with our design team and tweaked to a “base” implementable form. We’ve left the implicit and other affixes to our design team so they can do what they need to to make the item as a whole work (whether the other stats on the item need to buff up to compensate for a weaker unique effect, or lower the power of a more powerful unique effect). To submit a ‘full unique’ means our design team wouldn’t have this ability to the same extent and thus would be far less implementable. I like the idea in theory though, it’s a fun idea!

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Lets go mana strike meteor! Opens up a new playstyle and you don’t have to play volcanic orb! Change your votes :slight_smile:


Okay that is totally fair. What if it was just what we are voting on this week (A unique effect) that the design team can then run with?

Can’t we already just use Mana Strike and manually cast Meteor every second? I feel like I am missing something…

Yes, we can, but by auto-casting you’re saving the actions (which means more Mana Strike hits). And also Meteor scales with cast speed, while Mana Strike scales with attack speed, which can provide some very interesting build opportunities (i.e. you can just avoid cast speed altogether and focus on Attack Speed for faster mana regen).

And (which is also quite important) you’re saving an active skill slot. I.e. you can specialize Meteor, but you don’t have to keep it on your panel and put some other unspecialized skill in its stead. Like Teleport or Focus (or even Flame Ward if you’re feeling ballsy not speccing it).

IDK, melee sorc seems like a very fun idea to me. Much more interesting and promising than yet another (most likely, potentially not very successful) attempt to implement a void build for non-void specialization.


because melee shit ussualy doesnt add spell damage

You don’t need any “melee shit” in that case, aside from the Melee Attack Speed prefix on gloves and may be another prefix on a spear, in case it rolls some LP and you’re lucky with the merge.

The rest you just build as a regular caster.

Sure would be nice to get back a fireball on-hit build.
Had a fun flame reave fireball build before flame reave got reworked to remove extra projectiles (which, imo, was a ‘quick fix’ for the fact that the fireball Embers node didn’t work with it, since it seems to use ‘recast’ mechanics similar to lightning blast to ‘fire sequentially’)
Clearly not going to win though :frowning:

I would love to see a bracket style adapted with single round elims for a unique design w/ a desired effect or style to make the unique around. It doesn’t have to be a fully fleshed out design idea but simply a reference to uniques in other games, or like a specific unique effect like was used to generate this poll. I’m sure it could be vetted and curated as to not cause conflicts with the design team. Then poll again with a few options that are just stat cards of what the unique would look like in LE around the winning design/unique effect. This style of voting currently is fun, but in case y’all do it again just throwing my +1 support for the bracket style :wink: