(commanding, urgent, critical and severe!) Greatly, character saved game transfer option from online legacy to offline legacy superbly demanded (feedback, advice, suggestion and command for LAST EPOCH online [online to offline])

Commandingly; urgently; critically; severely, I greatly demanded character saved game transfer option from online legacy to offline legacy because of no occurred cheat (Not character saved game transfer option from offline legacy to online legacy because of occurred cheat), superbly.
Commandingly; urgently; critically; severely, find, update, patch and expand LAST EPOCH the option, greatly superbly.
A relevant image, https://imgur.com/a/6JAfAF4

I wonder how quickly EHG caves to this critical urgently severe commanding message. The supreme commanding leader is back after all. :joy:


As i said on ur steam thread about this. Which is copy and pasted here now as well.

So heres my copy and past from my steam reply to u.

This cannot be done. Unless EHG restructure the save files system.

Offline and online saves are structured completely different. It would be a great thing. Its just not possible with how offline and online save files are structured

Tbh ur beginning to annoy the crap out of the community




You can edit save offline saves. Just edit one and make it the same as your online one.
There is no point in EHG wasting time in implementing this when you can already do it yourself, especially because it’s not a feature that is bound to be used often.

Do you think the average gamer will be capable of doing that with precision (TLDR, no)?

That’s fair.

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Jesus… more word salad. I’m going to just block this dude and move on… it’s not even worth trying to understand the point he’s trying to make.


But it’s fun to watch that stuff that fella demands get implemented :). I starting to guess that he’s in reality not as stupid as it looks but realy smart. He makes wordsalad from everything he reads and predicts this way in what topic EHG caves in next.
Like that octopus Paul that forsees soccre scores :smiley: .


There were many players that did not know editing saved game file(s). Transferring option from saved game online to saved game offline via in-game LAST EPOCH is more convenient and more easy for many players that did not know editing saved game file(s).

The point is each player does not need to create new offline character again, therefore you can use online character to play in offline mode. Many players did not know editing saved game file. The option would be great for them.

Thank you.

Many players had not known editing saved game file(s) in offline mode. Many players did not want to level character again, and many players did not want to find item again. The option would be great for them, because they did not have to levelling and finding again.

Yeah because this is cheating and cheating is a topic that isn’t allowed on this forums. Then again it looks like EHG isn’t as firm on this topic as back in the days when posts about cheating have been removed in under 24h.

Don’t get me wrong… I couldn’t care less about this in offline mode I think it’s just intresting to see that a lot of stuff about what EHG moderated in the past because of rules is now there for anyone to see it ^^.

Even in offline? Who are they cheating? Other than themselves out of the game?

Just because it’s only you playing doesn’t mean you’re not cheating, even when it defeats the whole purpose.
You can play solitaire and peek at the covered cards. That’s still cheating.

This threads title reads like an AI text prompt the English is so poor.

Also it is a repost from a different section, using THE EXACT SAME TITLE AND INTRO MESSAGE. Making the possibility this is AI more likely.


But if it’s just me playing, why do you care?

I’m not saying I care. Just saying that it’s still cheating. Even if it defeats the whole purpose of playing a game anyway.

Cheating is the method of playing the game in any non-intended way. Be it ‘trainer’ programs (adjusting values for your character through files), cheat-codes (they’re actively called that for a reason), console commands (which is basically the main way to input ‘cheat-codes’ nowadays) or whatever else. X-ray, adjusting loot display outside of the provided framework… whatever you could theoretically find.

‘Cheating’ is not reliant on Single- or Multiplayer environment.

Being pedantic again, but you’re technically wrong. Cheating is playing the game in a way the game doesn’t allow.
If you play a racing game and you turn your car around and drive in the opposite direction, it’s not how you’re intended to play, but the game allows you to do so. This is not cheating. But playing it with a no-clip mod, for example, would be cheating, since it’s something the game doesn’t allow.

Likewise, playing naked isn’t the way LE is intended to be played but isn’t cheating, whereas editing your save to get extra levels or gear is.