(commanding, urgent, critical and severe!) Greatly, character saved game transfer option from online legacy to offline legacy superbly demanded (feedback, advice, suggestion and command for LAST EPOCH online [online to offline])

Cheat in offline mode is still acceptable for me because it does not affect other players. Cheat in online mode is most terrible, assuredly, because it affects other players.

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You did not want them to add the option, did you? The option would have made the game greater, assuredly.

The topic of cheating isnā€™t allowed and giving hints how to do it isnā€™t allowed. I donā€™t give a rats behind if someone is cheating and Iā€™m completely for adding a cheat system inside games to not have to use scetchy 3rd party software. Then again if the rules say talking about cheating is a nono it should be enforced or removed.

As stated above I talk about the board rules. I donā€™t care about cheating and everyone can do whatever they want. I have enough people to play with and they donā€™t cheat so Iā€™m fine anyway ^^. EHG just removed everything about cheating back in the day because the topic was cheating. itā€™s just about rules not about cheating ^^.

However, I do not support cheat in online mode. The mentioned option could have revolutionised arpg online video game industry. Even DIABLO II RESURRECTED could not have done it.

Iā€™m closing this as a duplicate topic. Please continue the discussion in your previous topic.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you of the message I left in your previous series of topics regarding the way in which suggestions are made. Topics like these are having the opposite effect than what is intended.