CoF vs MG

After some research i found out that corruption does nothing for LP.
Its just the CoF benefits.
Even tho it feels like it, but that is probably only because you drop so much more stuff n higher corruption and therefore you see more LP items.

I dont know but the only thing that sells for 3-5 Mill are T7 items and i dont think you see much of them in MG.
But im not sure.

As a casual myself, I donā€™t really have an issue with an avg player not seeing LP3/4ā€¦ there should absolutely be reasons to keep hardcore players involved and get more rewards than the avg player. My only real gripe is how easily it is to brick an item you finally do get since the affixes that come over are random. I mean give us normies something EHG!

I have a couple LP2ā€™s myself and I intentionally wonā€™t slam them. Iā€™d rather live with the hope of what could be than the reality of seeing that trash affix on my once beautiful Unique lol.

Even for a hardcore player, some items just are not going to drop for an individual player. At least not in any reasonable chance of likelihood.

For example, high LP Omnis or Red Ring with good rolls. Basically, you arenā€™t going to get that. Does not matter how hardcore you are when the odds are stacked that high against you. With tens of thousands of people pooling their time and drop chances together though, someone might.

i even got an 1lp onmi and red ring.
CoF ftw but shit rolls on the omni.

Well, Iā€™ve be playing CoF since the V0.8. I have about 90 hours in the Last Epoch and Iā€™m struggling a lot to get what I want. Exalteds are in 90% of the time just bad. But, I canā€™t agree the unique drops donā€™t help, it is just u canā€™t control them wich is fine. For exemple: Iā€™m playing a Sorcerer/Meteor build at level 96, and all my 3LP and my only 4LP are items for melee users. So, I just started another caracter to fit the items I got. That is the problem with it, sometimes u are so invested in making your build and doing a lot of effort to do so and the CoF system just doesnā€™t help u to accomplish it. While in MG u just have to focus in farming gold and eventually u will get some good drops that u will sell for millions of gold. Like I said, Iā€™m playing a Meteor/Sorcerer and just couldnā€™t drop that freaking belt even though Iā€™m target farming it in the correct timeline and also doing prophecies. So Iā€™m stuck in the same corruption for about 2 weeks. And guys, I have a job 8h everyday, I just wanted to farm my loot without being stucked in the same spot forever.

TL:DR: MG let u play what u want in the same time that CoF doesnā€™t.

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They should make some improvements in the CoF last tiers. The entire set drop is just a joke. Set items are just so bad that I never saw anyone using them. I think set items will be a viable choice only when they have LP. They could make a mechanic of combining unique items, like combining 3 equal unique items with 1 LP will give u that item with 2 LP but binded to CoF to not allow MG players use it bc of the trade factor.

Yep, Iā€™ve seen a couple of Ominis drop. OK affixes, no LP of course. I actually think the red ring might be easier with CoF since you can just spam ring prophecies nonstop til you get it.

In the end it really comes down to preference, cause im sure they never intended to make a balance between MG and CoF.
CoF is just the SSF of Poe where its all about building your own character with the items the game gives you.
This also means you probably wont ever get to the powerlevel of an MG char, but thats fine you sign that if you join CoF.
Also you cant run every build in CoF cause some high tier builds only shine with certain high LP Uniques. In this case you kinda need MG.
CoF is just good if you know what to do with semi good exalted drops.
There is always a chance to make a mid exalted item into a BiS item with crafting.

I swapped to MG after rank 6 CoF and so far I like it. I was able to get the Uniques for my current build pretty cheap, although now Iā€™m in the lull of either waiting for rank 8 or actually seeing an LP item Iā€™m wearing drop. Both are unpleasant prospects, but itā€™s nice to see how the build actually operates since I already have the gear.

I would like to see some form of CoF being combined with MG, where CoF is just an added mechanic and MG is just the general auction house instead of separate factions.