Circle of fortune rank 9

The actual rank 9 is as below :
Rank 9:
When a Set item would drop, the whole set drops instead.

I would like to instead of having all set instead of one (which is useless since no one equip set in this game and it’s not that hard to farm a set) to have instead :

Your item are more likely to drop with higher stat within their tier.

Example for deft gloves from Julra t3 :
+80 Armor
+(30% to 45%) Void Resistance
+(5% to 40%) Cold Resistance
+(5% to 40%) Lightning Resistance
+(3 to 10) Spell Damage
Stats on this item also apply to your minions

Without rank 9 we can drop it like the normal one, but with rank 9 active it would be great to have this range instead (not showed this way but can’t go down below those min values :
+80 Armor
+(37% to 45%) Void Resistance
+(25% to 40%) Cold Resistance
+(25% to 40%) Lightning Resistance
+(7 to 10) Spell Damage
Stats on this item also apply to your minions

So basically we still have a range loot, but with a base percentile upgraded

It’s not only for exalted but also for unique which is sad to have a LP 3 on the ground with bad stats roll… trade beat us really hard on this

Why this ?
Rank 9 is hard to get and it’s frustrating to see that we have a useless buff, I don’t use set, and don’t planned to. For this “high rank” I would have loved to have something impactful to my loot.

A full drop set is not even beneficial if it stays on the ground because we either don’t use it or cannot upgrade those item via the LP system.

Bad design for the moment to have this so my suggestion I think is really add more sense in a way where trade sell every item with good stats where we (circle of fortune people) have to somehow brick our LP 3 or don’t even use it if it rolls badly.


I agree. Rank 9 feels like the least impactful of all the rank rewards. There are very few set items that see use in endgame builds , and afaik none of them is really super-duper hard to farm.
Rank 1-8 and rank 10 rewards are all amazing and feel great and motivating, but rank 9 is a bit like… hm… getting a pair of selfknitted socks for Christmas :D.

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Hey, grandma had a really hard time knitting with her arthritic fingers. Now you go wear them and say thank you!

The adult, that i have become, says your right, but the child within me, that somehow survived, nonetheless insists, that we want a sword and a dog and a cupcake :blush: .

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how do I vote this 100 times?

Most sets are complete trash tier. I would rather have exalted items then Set items.

Buy 100 copies of the game and have 100 forum accounts :joy:

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The Rank 9 for its inherent reward feels underwhelming, but you also unlock the 3rd lense slot with rank 9, which is insane.

Lenses are just so freaking strong, especially once you are such high rank (they scale with ranks).

So the power behind Rank 9 is a bit hidden.

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The main reason rank 9 CoF reward feels underwhelming is because sets are trash in general. EHG is aware of that, and they will likely change them in the future. If sets were amazing, dropping a full set at once would feel good.

I got your point

But I would rather have the third lense on the 10 rank along with the prophecies doubling loot, and have this instead of the set drop.

I think moving more power to tank 10 would be a mistake. People already complaining that rank 6, 7, 8 are too much work.

I would rather see set items be buffed or changed so this rank reward feels great.

Maybe but as a rank 9 reward it’s not that great, if you need a set to drop you have prophecies to target farm the parts, and you have the echoes. It’s not hard to farm a set. A full drop is not enough.

My proposal allow us to drop higher percentile based item, which is better for SSF since we can’t have a good unique on trade. Trade is way better at finding well rolled unique than us. We desperatly needs this.

Imagine one moment you drop a LP 4 unique. with the lowest roll on it, making it almost unusable because the roll is so low…

The didn’t tested trade was they ?

In trade you can only play and win gold and favours, and then on trade you have all of your unique (sometimes max rolled) for almost nothing with great LP or legendary affix on them.

As an SSF having a well rolled unique with LP is hard already.
It’s not about how incredible lvl 6/7 or 8 are but clearly on those 10 ranks, the roll on the items is an issue for SSF.

I agree in general; better rolled items could be more useful than sets. I doubt it will be implemented though.

The didn’t tested trade was they ?

In trade you can only play and win gold and favours, and then you go on market and have all of your uniques (most of the time well rolled) for almost nothing with great LP or legendary affix on them.

As an SSF having a well rolled unique with LP is hard already.
It’s not about how incredible lvl 6/7 or 8 are but clearly I have the feeling this proposal should have already been there in the first place.
Rolling good affix on the items is an issue for SSF.

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I have even better idea that would also follow the previous ranks theme:

Rank 9: Set items now drop with random exalted affixes following the same ruleset as exalted items.

Hey this is not a bad idea at all ! :slight_smile: thank you for your proposal.

Even if I appreciate yours I would like to have a base percentile upgraded on unique it would remove the deception of looting an LP 3/4 unique with the slowest rolls possible

You hit the nail on the head about the third lens slot. That lets you zero on in on exactly the content you want to run.

The set thing is whatever, at least with the sets in the game right now. I guess they’re okay for leveling for some builds? There may be more interesting sets coming in the future, so maybe we should stick a pin in this bonus and we’ll see later how good or bad it is.

Sets are pretty much useless at the moment, so I agree. Any replacement would be welcome.

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