CoF rank 9 change/added "increased chance for Boss drops"

Hey guys,

iam playing CoF and i really like it so far. The prophecies are really amazing and make target farming super fun! Now that beeing said on the other hand we have Boss drops like in my case Frost Lich belt or Fire Lich belt which i want for certain builds. Sadly there is no way of improving that.
So the market ppl can “just” buy these but as CoF i have no advantaged or ability to target farm that.

Idea #1:
Rank 9 has the “drop entire set” bonus which is ok but lets be honest its not a great benefit.
Please add for rank 9 “bosses have increased chance to drop their specific items”.

Idea #2:
We also get a lot of uniques that we can do nothing with. Because we can not sell them or want to use them. It would be cool if you add a Popup before Bosses where we can Sacrifice these items and depending on the LP on them increase the chance for that boss encounter to drop uniques.
Example: you get a 3 LP Dagger you dont want to use. Before you enter a Dungeon or start a MonoBoss you can put it in like it is done with keys and sacrifice it for better chances.

What do you think?
If there is something similar already please link it.

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there is already topic about this, i would add my personal idea “Rank 9: Set items now drop with random exalted affixes following the same ruleset as exalted items”.

That would make CoF feel special and a reason for even top-end players to play CoF instead of MG for new possibilities.

For CoF players the sell prices should be cranked up. Or add the gambler NPC after the echo so you can try gamble the useless items for something else.

Also because the Set items are currently mediocre, the CoF lvl 9 is mediocre too. They know it, but it is what it is for now.

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