Rank 9 of Circle of Fortune makes the entire set drop whenever a single set item drops.
On paper this seems amazing, you get the whole set.
In practice, this is near worthless because set items just pale in comparison to most uniques.
I did a quick scan of last epoch builds. Filtering builds for, ‘After Release’, there have been 330 builds posted. Of those 330 builds, only 7 use a full set, a whopping 2% of builds.
If I was LE god for 1 day, I’d move the rank 9 reward to rank 2, and make rank 9 give amazing bonus’s to crafting or prophecies or legendary potential or better rolls on uniques.
They have stated they will tweak sets and make them more enticing. In the mean-time, yeah—it’s hot garbage. Except for a few builds, sets are worthless and by the time you can get a full set to drop, what’s the point?? On the other hand, wearing all parts of some sets has a level requirement where you would be daft to use it by that point.