Character vanished

Character vanished after the game crashed… all my hard work goes poof after 3 weeks playing of void knight, hes lvl 78 now hes gone… wasting all my time :confused:

Hey there.

No need to reply to multiple threads like this. It does nothing to get you help any faster.

Crashes at the wrong moment - i.e. when the game is saving a character etc, can cause corruption. Sometimes, you can use the _temp version of the savegame that is corrupted, and only lose a little progress but without your player.log its impossible to tell what file was corrupted.

If both the corrupted file & its temp are corrupted, then there is nothing anyone can do.

It is unforutnately the nature of beta applications - it has happened to me many times in the past (with other games in beta) and I make manual copies of saves in any game I play to prevent any frustration when this ultimately happens.

The main thing to do to prevent this is to figure out why the game is crashing. With LE right now, its usually known bugs or performance issues (like settings too high). Once the game is stable, then losing characters due to crashing obviously becomes a non-issue. Finding out about why the game is crashing would need more info from you.

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