Character respec and spell levels, please

@Resist1990 don’t want to level another toon and don’t want to listen to other people with different oppinions. I think we all got his point :). This topic pops up every now and then and it’s a game system almost everyone is okay with.
Sure sometimes people react like lil kids at the checkout when mom don’t want to buy that sweet stuff but I think such behaviour wont change anything.
Are there reasons why some isn’t able to change his specialization on the fly? This is just a rethorical question btw and should be self explenatory. From my point of view they system in place is okay even if I want to play 12 different Sentinel builds at some point into the game.

If it pops up constantly, then not everyone is okay with :slight_smile: .

Not a single gameplay benefiting one, at least. It could be technical, but as I said, the entire system is copy paste from Grim Dawn, which has that option.

You can still do it with a respec system in the game. Nobody is stopping you.

Yeah if ~10 people voice their dislike, everyone in an extra thread of course, but that’s an drop in the ocean.
You posted your point of view in different words for who knows how long… we got it :smiley: . I dislike the system in place for casuals but then again if you play a grind game or a loot hunt game that’s simply how it is.
From your point of view you don’t play leagus or seasons or stuff like that after you created every char at least once, because why should you play again? You already have said class and it should be a system in place to transfer said class into a cycle because you don’t want to play said class again…
It’s totaly fine if you don’t like the existing system and I feel for you and I’m so sorry you are that upset about it.

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Yeah and like 10 people are in favor it. Your point is? People who go to the forums and join discussions are extreme minority, regardless of their opinion on the matter.

No, you don’t, because nobody is refuting that specializations aren’t classes and everyone is using stupid arguments, that has nothing to do with my point.

No, it’s not. PoE has a respec system, D3 has one, Wolcen has one, any RPG since 2004 have a respec system. It’s not “how it is”. Not having a respec system is an exception, in my opinion a bad exception, because iduses repeating tidious content, that doesn’t benefit the player in any way.

How the hell did you get to that conclusion? :rofl: I have over 5k hours in PoE I have played most leagues. Do you know why it’s different? Because it’s different content, with each league having numerois gem, skill, ascendancy changes and game mechanics. No league is the same as the previous one.
Here I’m talking about the game making me repeat things I have already done and learned for no beneficial to my game experience reason…
The fact that you don’t get the difference between leveling a new character in a new season filled with changes to the game and just releveling the same character in a current patch, is being ignorant… I’m sorry, you are just as ignorant and farfetched as the rest of the system deffenders.

I’m not upset about the system, I’m upset about the people being stupid and trying to mark me as the unreasonable one.

People who think their oppinion is the only valid one and who insult people with a different oppinion or the broadly accepted system in place are by definition unreasonable :wink: . But whatever I’m done let’s see if things changes because of your feedback.


You aren’t addressing any of my arguments, you just say I’m unreasonable with a winky face, like somehow you gained the moral highground.
You don’t try to explain yourself about why the system is beneficial to the players, or why you came to the conclusion of me disliking seasonal content. You didn’t address the diffrences between leveling a new character in a new league and releveling the same character in current content just to play a different spec.
You basically said “lol,you, nobody cares, bye”, which would be ok, if you just did it like that, instead of trying to sound constructive, but turning a tail, the moment your entire point gets dismantaled.

I adressed all your arguments :slight_smile: .

  1. I get it from a casual point of view. With only 10h per week it’s a sad system.
  2. it’s the system in place and the vocal minority is okay with it.
  3. If you can’t stand it it’s your problem because it’s the system in place.
  4. Changing a specilisation takes time and effort and even in a time traveling setup it looks like our toons are unable to change all that much.
  5. Descission making is a thing in this game.
  6. Your resoning is made on a sword you got what a good point to start :wink:
  7. You don’t need another 30h to get to level 80 on another toon.
  8. Making a new toon is the most drastic way to respecc but still a respecc :stuck_out_tongue:
  9. In the past you lost all skill points for respeccing a skill this was changed because of player feedback and we are at a far better spot right now.
  10. Every hour I put into the game helped me to understand it better, get more mats and items and different build ideas.

It’s your turn to offer arguments now that aren’t always the same but this time you might write something else like “Me, want,go, away!” :wink: .

Then show that you are better than this.
I agree, this response was not appropriate. As some others were not either. But you had a chance to ignore them, help them disappear and have the conversation become correct. Now, the topic is mainly exchanges of insults and of “I’m right I prove it” vs “no you’re wrong I prove it”.
Usually, ARPGs are said to be played by “aged” and mature people. Ah. Ha.

I am stupid, and you obviously are having difficulties reading.

It is pretty obvious that my opening paragraphs weren’t at all serious suggestions. They were a sarcastic example of how far you could theoretically take the extreme of “easy mode”.

There. I hope that makes it clearer for you, although you don’t take anything anyone else posts onboard anyway. I apologise, English is obviously not your first language. I am sorry, but I do not know the native language of Trollish, so I cannot translate.

Obviously my other attempt at being helpful and pointing out the 48hour refund policy was of no use either. So, as you appear to not even like the game, I can only assume that either: a, you didn’t even buy it in the first place; or b, your only purpose in purchasing games is to then enter their forums & troll.

The devs do read the forums, and do tend to take onboard most discussions. Unfortunately, the way in which you have conducted yourself will probably degrade the value of any opinions you have expressed (again & again & again). Perhaps though they may indeed place high value on your opinions though. After all, the only people arguing against it are all “elitists”. I’m sure you think that this is a derogatory term. Me? I’m quite happy to be in an “elite” category. Thank you. Perhaps you should google what “elite” means. :roll_eyes:

Ordinarily, I block all trolls, but this one is way too entertaining in its dogmatism. I’d hazard a guess more at a Gnome than a Troll going back to my old DnD days.

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I’m not sure that “aged” always goes with mature Shtrak. I’m in my 50’s now and I dread the day that I become fully mature. That conjures up visions of pipe, slippers, & dog curled up on my feet in front of a fire with no TV, let alone a PC… :smiley:

Ordinarily, everything I’ve seen in these forums is very civilised, even when we disagree. The fact that so many normally level headed posters have been riled up by the OP merely goes to indicate and prove that this is nothing more than a textbook example of trolling. The account profile in question does nothing to dissuade me from that assumption. Perhaps this is a foreign agent from another aprg sent here to spread the seeds of discord?

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Same for me. But “…are said…” does not mean it must be true. :wink:

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I’m only reading along in passing at the moment, but…

do you really want to make everyone believe that you are trying to keep this whole thread only to the fool because you have not seen the dear sarcasm smiley or could interpret correctly?

[Due to “headache danger” I had to remark that just rhetorically for a moment, thank you, move on, there is nothing more to see here… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:]

You can already respec skill and passive very easy so what’s the problem with respec masteries ?
That’s change nothing for you. You can still play the game the way you whant.

And beeing sarcastic can be very mean when you talk non sens. It’s like an insult to deform the reality to a silly meaningless. Like we are Idiot who don’t whant to play. And seriously don’t talk like you are a game developer in LE. It’s not you’re place to say the game it’s like this or this. And I am sure peopole who working on this game are very open mind so try to be like them.

Making a quest with a nice story about time travel who allow to respec masteries will change nothing to peopole who don’t whant to do it. The game will still be the same game for you. But that’s will help people who don’t have time to level up one of each masteries or more.

You can’t just say “don’t use it, if you don’t like”. If a decision is supposed to have weight, you can’t make it optional.

This also isn’t a new argument and discussed over and over.

Some people here, although not being a game dev, have a huge knowledge of what the game philosophy is EHG is. When you follow the game over months or even years, reading dev blogs, dev posts, discord,… you get knowledge about that. And this is what people stated.

The core philosophy of LE is that decisions are supposed to matter. Back in the days skill respec was a lot harder. EHG did a bunch of iterations to make it less time consuming. They could have gotten rid of it instantly when the first player called it “tedious” and “waste of time”. But they did not. They made baby steps to find a compromise, because they want that mechanic to stay in. Because it’s one of their design pillars.

Of course the devs are open minded. But they also have a core plan of how their game should play.

Sometimes, when things are too easy to achieve, the final moment when you achieve it doesn’t feel very satisfying. There needs to be a balance between tedious grind and easy access. This of course is up to the devs.

What all this iterations of this topic have in common is the absolute lack of empathy for the other side of the discussion. This is no topic that can be decided by logic or reason. This is subjective and nobody will change his mind. I always try to explain why I feel that the respec skills/mastery restrictions are necessary for me to make the decisions I make feel meaningful.

If somebody doesn’t understand it, I’m sorry. This is not my fault. Nor will I change my mind when I got called stupid or silly or somebody thinks what I write is not valid.

How can you explain that blue is your favourite colour or you don’t like tomatoes. Can you convince people with logical arguments to change their mind about this? I don’t think so.

In the end this isn’t a democratic decision, although it might have an influence when 90% if the current player base would be of the opinion that the current respec will force them to stop playing and ask for a refund.

But we are far away from this when I read the answers to this topic. And before you argue that people got shut down to voice their opinion by the loud minority of fanboys:girls… I doubt that.

Please cool down everybody.

Its almost as if some people in this thread don’t understand this is a game, from a for-profit company, who wants to retain players for as long as possible, and designs certain features of the game to facilitate that goal.


I agree it’s subjective but I always think everybody can be happy. A décision can have sens and Impact without beeing définitive.

I’am ok for skill and passive the way they are now. Maybe a way to respect all passive at once even if it’s more expensive. My point it’s if you can do skill and passive you should be able to do it for masteries.

Respec masteries with something hard to get like you need to do level 100 long echo time travel with a fight against you’re owne three masteries at the end without dying and drop a special shard to get there.

If it’s hard to acheive I think choices will still make sens and have impact.





About Resist1990 you just do not complain… very strange.


That is exactly what some of the writers here are trying to make clear. IT IS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT PURE LOGIC. At least 90% of all people are not psychopaths and understand that among themselves.


I have tried to explain that, was initial really not meant badly, hence the said smiley.

Very subjective view, don’t you think?



I’m out of here then, reading along will have to suffice from now on.
[And if anyone else found my posts unusually offensive please forgive me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:]

I’m with @Zaodon on this point.

Respeccing a mastery sounds “good” in theory. Practically it’s really hard to get to the same power level you had before respec.

As a Paladin you will stack fire and physical damage. With that gear, you won’t get anywhere if you’d swap to Void Knight. You would need to invest a lot of time into new gear acquisition.

Maybe you have collected some VK gear along the way. But did you balance your defensive stats for the VK gear when leveling a Paladin. This sounds like a waste of time to me.

I respecced so many times within the same masteries and screwed the new build. If you’re going for a crit build with Warpath and switch to a crit build with Rive, it’s not hard. But going from a melee build to throwing or even spell focused build is a ton of work. If you do the switch in a level 85 timeline, you might have to go back to a lvl 65 timeline because you lack the propper gear and damage scaling.

Some content creator even has made a video about it if respec or releveling is easier.

And this is just with respeccing within a mastery.

The argument “but it’s the same class I already leveled” doesn’t have that much weight when you look at how different some masteries are.

  • Druid (melee) vs. Shaman (caster) vs. Beastmaster (minions)
  • Necro (minions) vs. Lich (caster/melee)
  • Sorcerer (caster) vs. Spellblade (melee)
  • Bladedancer (melee/throwing) vs. Marksman (ranged)
  • Sentinel is different because the masteries support various overlapping playstyles but it has very different damage scaling and defensive strategies

Even within these very generic playstyles I listed there you can also choose between different ailments or crit builds. These scale completely different.

I don’t say it’s faster by all means to level a new character. Maybe our is untill level 65 or whatever. But this also depends on the players experience and how big his stash is.

Recently I participated in 2 community challenges. We got about 1 week to level a new character SSF with a predefined main skill. Winner is who reaches the highest arena wave after that week.

I tested both builds (Detonating Arrow Marksman and Fireball Sorcerer) before the event start with my already availible toons to get a feeling of how I want to build. Both times my new leveled character was a lot more powerful than my test toon by the end of that week.

Starting fresh feels like a relief to me sometimes, when I struggle with changing a build.

With all that text o don’t want to convince you. I just want to try to explain where I’m coming from.

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That’s something I experienced many times. For me, at the beginning, it sounded counter-intuitive. But yes, it works. When you start fresh with a specific goal in mind, absolutely all your actions can be oriented towards this goal and then, you’ll be far more effective.
To be fair, I should have known because I often had the same issue at work. Can’t get from one situation from another? Restart from scratch. Of course it does not work for everything, but it can be very reliable!

Our brain knows how to build better than how to change.

I will not respond to Neokortex he is offensive and he know it.

You can’t say it’s faster to make a new caracter and it will be stronger with the same amount of time. It’s just wrong. Yes If you respec a caracter it will not be as strong as before and it’s good. But don’t tell me it will be faster to farm gear going 1 to 90. You have a 90 with set and unique probably with good rare and exalted too. You 90 will not go as fast as before respec but it will go way faster to farm gear with him doing low echoe than you new one doing the story.

So I am not ok with resist. I want to respec masteries but not in a easy way.