Character Persistence Swapping from Standalone to Steam


Just a quick question really. I currently play via the standalone client but I’d like to swap to Steam. I believe my accounts are already linked as I’ve played via Steam before, but I’m wondering if my character list will persist through the change?

Sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere - I couldn’t find it.


Your characters are stored locally. I’m on mobile so I can’t type out the exact path with perfect accuracy but it’s something like:

C:/users/user name/Appdata/locallow/eleventh hour games/last epoch/saves

Backup this folder just in case.

When you switch to steam it will likely ask you if you want to use the saves on the steam cloud or use your local saves. Likely you’ll want to pick your local saves as they should have a newer date.

If you pick the wrong one, just restore the backup you made in the first part.

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