Change Factions Option

Hello everyone, been playing since the beginning and have quit as of recently. The reason being as a lot of people I know is because we went CoF :person_facepalming:.
Fist let me explain:
The amount of time / XP it takes to max out ranks is astronomical which is fine.
What isn’t fine is having realized CoF was a mistake ( heres why)
There is no way to target a specific item and most items we ALL want are so rare that we end up with duplicates of SOOOOO many worthless items it’s pointless.
For instance I need 1 jungle queens whatever belt and I have 450+ ( stopped counting after that) of worthless unique belts and not 1 is what I need.
Those 450+ are all from prophecies with no way to farm specifically for the one I want.
Meanwhile everyone that went Merchants Guild has bought all their end game items they wanted and are maxing out corruption.
There NEEDS to be a one time faction swap WITHOUT making us go through all that ridiculous grinding again.
The game lost its fun when I’ve spent a far majority of the hours played searching for one item which shouldnt be that rare to begin with ( don’t get me wrong I absolutely love ARPG grinds and the rarer the better in my eyes but again the other faction can literally go buy it right now right this second).
Not asking for major game changes just allow us players 1 faction swap which wouldn’t hurt the game in anyway shape or form.
Here’s hoping either CoF gets a massive upgrade or something changes because the 130+ hours or whatever I have was very enjoyable but it got to a point I hit a brick wall ( red ring altaria has dropped many more times than the belt and I’m not even wanting that)

But… you can already swap factions… And you don’t lose your progress. You only lose favour, and can only equip faction-specific gear. But not all your equips will be faction-specific anyway.

So switch freely all you want…

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If I swap to Merchants Guild right now I will NOT be max rank like I am in CoF. That’s the issue, most of us in CoF have realized it was a mistake but there is no way I am spending the insane amount of time it takes to re level it to max level. Which is why they need to add a 1 time “oops I FD up” and allow swapping 1 time with no consequences.

I know you won’t be max rank… But it actually doesn’t take long to level up MG to the point where you can buy exalteds and 2LP unique items in the bazaar … Sure it takes long to unlock the last 2 ranks, but you don’t need those to buy exalted and 1LP+ items … The higher the corruption in empowered monoliths, the faster you level up your faction. Get to work.

You only need rank 5 to get exalteds on the bazaar… In case you didn’t know this… Merchant’s Guild levels up from more than just XP… You actually get reputation from buying and selling items as well…

I am sorry to inform you, this is objectively wrong.

You can argue that the tools available to you are not enough, but maybe you are hunting for the super duper high end stuff which even with these tools is hard to get and should be. But that is how it should be.

LE has more target farm opportunities then any other similar game.

This isn’t true, though. You get favour from XP. Each point of favour you gain grants you 2 points to your reputation. Each point of favour you spend grants another 2 points. And this is true for both factions. If you spend points buying/selling/gambling in MG you get the same reputation as if you roll prophecies/reroll/gamble in CoF.

So both factions progress at the same speed. All that matters is how many points you get/spend and those are related to XP.

If I want to farm “The Slab” for example I have no way to target farm it. I can pick unique shield nodes in the monoloith but that is a big stretchfrom target farming because I farm shields. Not even the base of certain shields but all of them that are able to drop. This makes the chance of getting the shield I want low to begin with. If I then need a 2LP as an upgrade for my 1LP Slab things get even more out of hand.

The only real way to target farm in this game is going for the market guild because you get gold everywhere and you can buy what you want.

From your point of view target farming is is a completely different thing that most people think it is. I rather farm a specific enemy that drops one specific item at a low rate instead of farming something that hase a big loottable making it even harder to get what I want.

So I can’t farm a specific item i want. I can only farm a specific item type, shields for example, and never drop the shield I look for because I can’t target farm specific items. The latter is what most people think target farming is or should be.

The system in place is not different to farming boss X in game Y that has item Z in the loottable. the only difference is that you can aim to get a lot of shields with CoF but not the one you want. It’s just a number game and you increase the chane to get the item you want by a little bit and by almost nothing once you look for 3LP+ items. CoF isn’t potent enough the way it is implemented and will always fall short compared to the market guild.

Then again I like CoF more because what do I have left to do in a game without real content when I have all my gear? Right nothing ^^.

We can start discussing the definition of target farming sure.
But that would be a whole discussion just around that.

The way you describe target farming is something I never want to see in a random loot based game.

There is a giant pool of random loot in this game and there are several ways to narrow down the potential outcome, such as this is targeting specific kinds of loot.

People say target farming is not possible in LE without even talking about any of these multiple mechanics just loose all credibility for me personally. Stuff like this whether you count it as Target farming" or not needs to be part of the discussion.
And yet OP hasn’t talked about any of these.

Namely Timeline Specific Unique/Set Rewards, Rune of Ascendence and Item Type/Unique Blessings.

All of these can be combined for some real target farming, while obviously still being random, that is the nature of these types of games and if you don’t want that you might be in the wrong genre.

My points still stands even if you disagree with the terminology.

Last Epoch has more tools at your disposal to narrow down the heaps of random loot you get, than any other game in the genre.


OK well just the last sentence wasn’t true I guess

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I’m completely okay with your points there are no issues with that. It’s just ones target farming is another ones random loottable. As you said LE has mechanics to help to come to a positive outcome.

On the other hand I’ve seen the stream of a friend who was hunting for specific gloves on a specific boss with all the gloves prophecies I can think of. He droped an ocean of gloves and non of them were the gloves he was looking for.

At the end of the day everything is rng and I’m okay with it. LE has so little meat on the bone that the only thing that would keep me playing is the item hunt and that’s why I picked CoF. Everyone who is against rng stuff should realy go to the market guild and never look back because CoF will always be terrible compared to the market.

No, there doesn’t… but there needs to be proper mechanics which don’t dick you over sideways and make you restart the game from scratch basically… as by the end you’ll be decked out in the equipment form CoF, which is fine.

Hindering to use that to grind up MG then - as you’ve already invested tons of time to get your gear - shouldn’t be a thing though.

The current faction mechanic limitations are one of the worst I’ve seen in gaming history.

I fully agree on the large time-investment for the ranks to be nonsensical. At least for MG. In CoF they make actually sense since they permanently and consistently increase your rewards, MG doesn’t though, their system is utterly faulty there.

I do though?
My favor is gone… for all characters.
My items can’t be used anymore.

How much more progress should I loose to count?

Because last I looked it takes around level 100 to have access to rank 8 of MG. That’s somewhere between 10-20 hours of time investment.

Given that you’re through the whole game as a new player in empowered monoliths by that time I would argue that ‘yes, it takes a ridiculous amount of time’ even. Nonsensically so, utterly baffling even.
If there were - which isn’t - more progression and the access to items would be - which isn’t - properly handled then there wouldn’t - which also again… isn’t the case - no problem. But alas… here we are.

So 1/12 of the available equipment, ignoring idols.

Rank 7 is the minimum requirement for empowered monoliths, which you won’t have reached by that time.

Which isn’t quite right.
Rep is handled the following way:

You get 2 rep per favor gotten. You get 2 rep per favor spent.

Nothing more, nothing less. Hence ‘Selling items’ is not true, ‘Listing’ them is, which is a very important distinction here as it’s otherwise misleading towards those atrocious flooded ‘0 gold’ listings again.

LP is a pure aspirational mechanic, not needed in any way, a bonus on top of the common progression.
It is currently not in a state where it’s mandatory and a pure chase-mechanic, you’re not ever expected to actually fulfill the chase reliably. 2 LP I’ll argue is something which is highly achievable for any item with LP in the game as a player in MG without using MG even, in the current state of the game.

Anything rare with that will obviously take dozens of hours of play-time… and anything beyond hundreds or even thousands of hours, but that’s a given.

Which we’ll see changing in the future as power-creep is a thing, without relevant content for it we won’t see a change though and actually shouldn’t even as it would be detrimental for the longevity of the game.

Yes! After trying to buy your 10 million gold exalted item which you’ve got 6 copies of in CoF during the same time and buying your 25 million 2 LP item because it’s a rare one you’ve got your upgrade which just cost you around 20 hours of play-time re-investing all favor into listing items and hoping someone needs them more then you do.

A market is no miracle machine, it’s a sole re-distribution method, nothing more and nothing less. If something is rare demand and prices are high and hence you getting it will take loads of time. If it’s very rare then demand is so high that no supply is even available.

Divination card farming in PoE is also target-farming. So no, the example was absolutely true.
Div-cards have a high pool and a low chance to provide the wanted outcome, but it will come.

CoF is exactly the same. Your prophecy has a pool but the wanted outcome is not 100% guaranteed and even can’t be… unless you want to pay not 4k for the prophecy but 140k for it per try. Would that be better?

Yes, the same as target farming a boss. You have a chance to get the specific item rather then the full pool of items. The lower the pool the higher the chance. Hence by reducing the possible pool you ‘target’ a said item, no matter what it is.

That’s ‘target farming’.

Yes, and that’s a given and won’t be able to be avoided. CoF is a SSF-style mechanic which eases the acquisition rate of items to make it a viable way to play the game without interacting with trade.

If you want efficiency trade is impossible to beat and the equivalence standing in how CoF is presented is misleading to a degree. This is - in my eyes - a design error but after sitting down 5 minutes to think about the situation you should’ve known that beforehand. It’s a given.

Absolutely true!
But I guarantee you that you’ll never get a perfected gear set in your lifetime. I don’t think anyone actually will.

It mandates a double T7 exalted on a LP 4 unique with all rolls being maxed on top. unrealistic.

Boss-drop uniques are not affected by CoF.
This is an oversight in my eyes.

So I agree that it needs work there, you’re 100% right.

It’s not that the prophecies were bad but that he had 0% chance for the boss-drop unique to even drop in that case, they’re not in the pool.
And… it’s kinda hard to target-farm something when you don’t have it in the pool in the first place.

Yeah, it’s a 1.0, actually… it shouldn’t even be called ‘released’ since we’re missing 3 chapters of the main story, which is an awful state for a release candidate and shouldn’t be allowed to be called released in the first place.

But content-wise it’s in a decent state for a 1.0 with more to come. The game will grow for sure in depth.

@Kulze You keep your reputation for each faction when you switch … Meaning, you don’t lose your progress … Favor is so easy to get. Run a couple monos. Also, you dont need rank 8 in MG to achieve anything… You can buy exalteds at rank 5 which is super fast to attain… If you want Uniques with LP thats also EARLY in MG to buy… So alot of your points are irrelevant… EHG actually made swapping factions really good. And again, MOST of your equips at any given time, on any character will not be faction specific. Most of my characters only have a couple faction specific equips on at any time lmao

What you’re saying isn’t technically correct.
At rank 5 you can only buy exalted weapons. At rank 6 you can only buy LP unique weapons. At rank 7 is when you can buy all exalteds and at rank 8 is when you can buy all LP uniques.

So, the favor I earn is not a form of progression?
The gear I earn is not a form of progression?

The only progression hence is levels and state of the game?
Guess by that logic I have no reason to play on when reaching level 100 and empowered monoliths!

Your argument is fairly badly thought through there, it takes only a miniscule amount of the context into consideration.

Well then, re-hash the whole thing and look back. What does Rank 7 and 8 do exactly in MG?
And what does Rank 5 and 6 do exactly in MG?

Care to explain to me in that case? I made my argument with a very distinct expectation after all… but maybe it’s wrong, be free.

It is one of the most confining and badly implemented systems on the market which I’ve seen in 30 years of gaming.

That comment is baffling.

But I’m curious how you come to that conclusion definitely, because neither from a standpoint of design it’s well handled (double-dipping friction mechanics, loss of achievements) but also has consequences for your whole account made with a single character in a negative aspect. If I have 5 MG character and 6 CoF characters and I wanna switch one over to the other all my other characters loose the favor.

Are you sure about that? Given that 35% of items baseline are CoF at Rank one, then we have a 1/4th chance to drop triple idols. This means instead of 4 idols you drop 6, which is a 33% idol drop-rate for CoF. Then we also have the prophecies, all of those items are tagged. We also have LP upgrades being automatically tagged CoF, which is a baseline 50% increase in chance, relating to the highest LP values having an ever more likely chance to become tagged rather then un-tagged.

So I’ll rather argue that the chance of a high-quality unique of your build being CoF tagged is around 80%, also if your exalted item is CoF tagged then your legendary will be CoF tagged.

Creating a legendary is the end of the end-game mechanics in LE, often needing tens of hours to get the respective unique base with LP as well as the fitting exalted item crafted to the state which is acceptable. In extreme cases for 3 LP to 4 LP items, especially helmets and body armor it’ll take hundreds of hours to achieve that, even in CoF.

And you want to tell me that ‘it’s no issue when I loose that effort’?

It goes against any reasonable value-conservation for the player. Taking away any sort of time-investment is always a critical aspect, it can even be used as a distinct game mechanic (perma-death, HC, such stuff) as it makes every moment meaningful. But when it comes to already achieved progress in terms of a choice with non-direct impact on the combat-side of things for a game distinctly focusing on that aspect it’s the sheer antithesis of what is considered ‘good design’.

It’s utterly and entirely baffling to read that whole post even. And I don’t want to sound condescending intentionally… but it’s hard not to… because I am in that case. You’re basically saying ‘yes, screw me over, that’s how I want it’ without receiving anything for it. The methods used in faction change are usually input into gameplay because it gives us mentally a push to perceive things as ‘dangerous’ in our mind. Our value is endangered, we wanna preserve it and hence when we manage to do it there’s the hormonal reward of our body telling us ‘good job’ for it.

Now to put it into perspective:
Go ahead and tell me how it feels when you realize - for whatever reason - that the pastures are greener on the other side, and instead of taking your assets with you you’ve to start over from ‘0’ and build it all back up there should you decide to switch. Ever heard of ‘sunken-cost-fallacy’? If so then you’ll realize that now this person in that situation has 3 choices to make and 2 are very likely with the 3rd only being a short-term solution.

Option 1: Keep on doing what you’ve done.
This will cause the person to be unhappy, the investment into the game becomes ever less valuable. ‘I could’ve made so much more otherwise’. Short-term as it causes permanent frustration to build up.

Option 2: Restart
This is one of the options chosen, the least likely long-term one.

Option 3: Quit
Yep, simple as that. ‘Need to restart or do it ‘badly’?’ Nope… I’m outta here. And this is the most likely outcome.

Good job EHG I would say! Not…

I stopped reading after the second sentence.

Most builds don’t require LP Uniques. You’re kinda getting into the weeds here… My intent was to help OP understand that switching factions really isn’t a big deal, and it’s pretty quick to gain back whatever you sacrifice by switching. Have a nice day folks. I’m over this thread.

You might want to read on because your argumentation is ridiculous. Might learn something from it :wink:

General suggestion to invest time into stuff you’re thinking you know what you’re talking about but don’t.

I agree with the LP statement. But you still need rank 7 just to get most of the exalted gear. So there’s still a lot of grinding.

Rep and rank no… u in fact do lose progression

As u prove here. U may have a couple of faction tagged gear. Not everyone is going to have a small amount of thier gear faction tagged. When u really think hard about how switching works its not good IMO.

As for ranking MG buying LP items isnt early thing u can do. Gaining favor is easy depending on where ur at in end game.

I have the reached max character limit … Meaning I have some 25 characters … Most of them are on empowered monoliths… Most of my characters only ever use a couple faction specific equips at a time… I’ve played 500 hours.

You do NOT lose your rank or reputation when you switch factions. You only lose favor.