Captain America Shield Throw META - Last Epoch Build Guide

Gib gas amoi, lei mea am pudan :roll_eyes:

Waiting for an update too :hugs:

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Build has been updated thanks to everyone helped pushing you guys are amazing!


Awesome, went the tanky spelldamage route and will try this, thanks for the update. SigNils of Hope ftw! :grin:

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Hi! something that has been around my mind is that if we can get to the eruption node via the irccochet one. Shouldn’t it be best to not convert the phys dmg to fire? then with the added fire the skill would scale with %phys and %fire. Isn’t it better? I’m trying to do a Forge vertion of shield throw build.

Separate bits of the skill would scale with phys & fire. If you convert the shield throw to fire then all of it scales with fire & you can stack % fire. Though Eruption is a spell so it’ll have a lower base damage since the only place you’re getting spell damage from is Sigils of Hope.

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Yeah that’s what i meant. The skill already scales with fire because of the added fire node and this way you could either get items with % phys or % fire and it will add to it. and divided type of damage would mean better dmg to specific resists.
The problem may be that if you only get % fire for example you would get less in total because you have some base dmg in physical… or viceversa

Which is why it’s more effective to focus on a single damage element.


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