Cannot get past Character Selection to enter game

I am om comporium internet and believe its something to do with this ISP, or how things ‘move’ to get to the game server.

I can click “play online” and get to character selection, but cannot get past character selection, I get the error “LE-65 Failed to Connect to Game Server”, then after about 10 seconds i get “LOST CONNECTION”, and it moves me back to character selection again.

I am on Steam. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, verified files. I do not use a 3rd party firewall, and last epoch is in my ‘allowed’ apps list in network and security.

if i disconnect from my router, and connect through my hotspot connection on my phone using wifi (ATT network), i can get through from character selection.

Anyone have similar experience, especially if on comporium, and know how to ‘fix’ this?

There was one other post that even mentioned comporium here: Cannot get past Select for Online Character

And in that thread you can see others having a similar problem, one person mentioned being able to get through it by getting a VPN.

This is the only game i have problems with, and i CAN play offline just fine.

Its them not you, their servers are dogwater at the moment.


disappointing - any ideas if they have acknowledged this problem in general?

There is an up to date thread right now with live updates.

if this is the thread you are talking about? 1.0 Server Status Thread - #2 by Mordenius

I see the last update from a Dev was “2:54 PM” - but what day?

they dont seriously update this thread. Only discord. Maybe so it doesnt look like a huge fail when you check their official forums.

I had posted about my issue with this exact problem. My issue was resolved on the 1.0 release. Prior to that though, I did purchase a VPN and it was easy to user (1 Click in VPN App). For whatever reason this did allow me to play the game. The cost of the VPN for 2 years was the same as the game: ~30$ USD. If you want to play this game I would recommend getting the VPN until they resolve some of the ISPs not working.

Hey, SC here with Comporium. Same issue, started sometime during Early Access. Only way I’ve been able to play is unfortunately a VPN.

Same here I can select character but they are not loading into game. I tried all three us servers

I have tried using a vpn, logging in on another computer, and still get the same issue. I can select character but they are not loading into game. I tried all three us servers

I suppose I am glad its not just me - but this is pretty unacceptable…

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