Can we remove skill specialization?

indeed. I didn’t even think about that. that is a valid argument.

this is a very simple matter of programming and not at all an issue. the game is already designed so that you can’t summon an army of skeletons, then swap it off your bar to a damage skill and KEEP the skeletons. there is already a system in the game to prevent you from using a skill that isn’t on your bar.

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No Idea where you get from that i think every skill should have 20 points all the time. But respeccing should not require me to grind for 15-20minutes until the skills feel reasonably strong again in non trivial content, especially not in lower levels. Thats just not good game design.


This is untrue, there are many skills that can be specialized and cast without manually casting it. This free’s up a spot on the skill bar to be used. It is true of minions/companions though I believe.

My bad, it was a part of the original suggestion I believe –

Lol, wow.


and it took years to lose, and you lost it concurrently with your gaining of the newer skills. you didn’t decide “okay, i want to learn how to play guitar, better forget how to crochet to make space.” then lose the ability to crochet, then spend a period of time where you had neither skill until you may or may not have mastered the guitar. and then, if you wanted to re-learn how to crochet, you don’t then have to forget guitar to do it, nor would it take as long to relearn as the first time, for that matter, real life isn’t limited to 5 skill slots, so this argument, while i believe we can agree is stupid on the face of it, also has no bearing on the current situation.

suppose you have Elemental Nova that autocasts Lightning Blast (there 's such a node on EN skilltree). Casting 20 point specialized LB and 0 points un-specialized LB is two very different things. And to use 20 poin LB you need ot have it on your skillbar preventing from using other skills and that is a choice the devs like players to make.

That is hyperbole and I think you know it.

Your bad decision was to dump all of your skills simultaneously without regard for how that would affect your characters’ level of power and therefore the effort involved in simultaneously re-leveling all of your skills at once, and are now trying to argue that an inconvenience you gave to yourself is a design problem because an already very permissive skill system is not permissive enough for you to fix your mistake as fast as you’d like to.

In short - You can’t marry a gorilla and then complain about the stench of bananas.


and? the system already works this way by your own admission, so being allowed to level the thing on your bar wouldn’t change this. gaining more power is only a problem in competitive scenarios which this game has exactly one of with it’s own set of rules that could be balanced around, it would even be a nerf to expand the system to prevent any effects from activating if the corresponding skill isn’t on your bar, but i don’t know why it would be in yours or anyone else’s interest to advocate for nerfing the characters who are already having an issue regaining lost power that shouldn’t have been lost in the first place.

so make it to where it uses the basic form of lightning blast unless equipped? there are dozens of items on D3 that do exactly this sort of thing, where something autocasting will use the basic form unless a specific rune is equipped, thus taking a skill slot, and there are plenty of more useful skills that could be put on your bar in that game than in this one for a given build, but i imagine that will change over time as multiplayer and support builds become viable and just the general fleshing out of the classes to have more self supporting skills.

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Yes, it would… It would give you 6 specialized skills (minimum) that could be used. Which is a massive power increase. You can use a skill and not have it be specialized.

No. If players gain too much power, the game is trivial, and therefore to many, including myself, not fun to play. It matters for game balance, period.

This is your opinion. Thank you for sharing. We disagree. The dev’s seem to also disagree. Maybe this will change in the future. I doubt it, but maybe.

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again, this goes back to the idea that THIS SYSTEM SHOULDN’T HAVE CONSEQUENCES! i accept that in it’s current form it does, and thus i made a poor decision, but that the system requires you to reduce your power at all is nonsense, especially in regard to a learned skill.

you want the devs to cater to hardcore players, and this game will die over it.

oh i didn’t know you were all of the devs? guess i shouldn’t have bothered to play your poorly designed, hardcore only, punish you for trying game. (obviously to the real devs, this is a joke, i know the game has and will make more improvements)

Every game has consequences. If there are no consequences then there are no choices that matter, you might as well be watching an autoclicker game play itself.

Even naughts and crosses and mine sweeper have consequences.

You not liking it does not make it a bad system, it just means you don’t like it. If you can articulate what you dont like about it well then that’s useful feedback for the devs.

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and there still would be consequences, i made no argument against the system of deleling a skill to persue a different tree therein, as it makes sense that in order to respecialize something you’d have to forget the “bad habits”, but having that system on top of the specialization system is pushing players away from making a descision to change their build, even if their build would become stronger, simply because it might not and you’d be stuck with unreasonable consequences.

also speaking of auto clickers, i’m reminded of an old joke about how ARPG’s were sprouted off from auto clickers, because at the end of the day, no matter what decisions you are making, you’re still just clicking to watch numbers appear on screen.

I’ve been articulating it, i just hope it hasn’t been as ignored by the devs as it seems to have been by you, but i don’t have a beef with you, just with the system. but for summary: the system doesn’t need a change, it needs to be removed entirely, as there’s simply no way to justify it outside of adding more consequences to a game that needs none, i.e. there’s no positive benefit to this system, so remove it.

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I have no doubt we’ll see more and more of this thread where the OP (correctly) points out how stupid it is to lose those points just because you want to respec–especially as it picks up more players.

I’m still of the opinion that the best thing the devs could do is make it a choice to pay some resource to keep the points or use the current model–not some either/or BS where you’re constantly going to have people saying why one system is better than the other and the game overall just suffers for it without good cause.

“Choices should matter” keeps getting repeated as if the current system is the only way to make that happen–or as if it even accomplishes that. It doesn’t. It’s a bad system.

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a fair view, if there was an option to level every skill, but you could only take the levels of 5 into the arena or any other competitive mode, then at the very least it should please everyone, (aside from the contrarians, but you can’t satisfy those people) but something needs to change.

Oh, yeah… I thought this was addressed already, but since people keep missing it:

There’s no reason why your skills would have to benefit from the specialization when they aren’t your selected specialized skills while keeping their levels. For the purposes of procs or anything else, these skills would be treated as basic versions of the skill unless they were actively selected for specialization, regardless of if they are in your action bar.

Don’t know why this is even a point of debate.

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so what your saying is that: keep specialization slots, but skills keep their levels, which in turn are only active while they are in the specialization slots?

if I’m interpreting correctly, then this is also an acceptable fix.

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Yes, it’s not a difficult concept, lol. I think other people here were either misunderstanding how this should work or were deliberately ignoring this possibility to make their argument sound better.

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seems reasonable, well done, sir.