Buying prophecies sometimes buys the wrong prophecy

Just tried again and yeah, it bugged. Gave me a different item and ‘quest’ to do to get it, it actually seems to give a prophecy that is in the same position after the consetallation changes. I might change to Market Board because this is just crippling.

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At least you all are getting prophecies added (albeit the wrong ones). Almost none of the prophecies I’ve accepted even get added to my list. I accept, the constellation goes blank and nothing happens. Then when I load back into the Prophecy screen, the constellation has changed, but no prophecy in my list. So far I’ve only 1 (yes one) prophecy has worked, ever other one never gets added to my list.

This happened to me when I didn’t have a lot of Favor and it tried to buy me a wrong prophecy that cost more than I could afford. You probably saved yourself getting something expensive you don’t want.

Lost 3 prophecies to the ether, 2 random purchases, 2 successful purchases. Any update on a possible fix?

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