Buying prophecies sometimes buys the wrong prophecy

Occasionally, buying a prophecy will give you a different prophecy and charge you the favor cost of the second one. Of the roughly 10 or 12 prophecies I’ve purchased so far, 2 have done this. The first time it happened I don’t remember the details, but the second time the prophecy I purchased from the telescope was a prophecy to kill 3 Exiled Mages anywhere for 4 large idols, which, when I opened the faction screen, then showed a prophecy to kill 1 Alfrig Wolfmaw in the Tier 4 Arena for 2 unique idols, with the Exiled Mages prophecy nowhere to be found. When it occurs, your favor total at the top of the telescope screen will show the remainder after your intended purchase, but looking in the faction panel will show a different prophecy, a different favor total, and the chat log will say you gained a different prophecy from the one you clicked on. I think it might be caused by purchasing a prophecy and switching which telescope area you’re looking at(clicking on the N,E,S,W buttons) too quickly(as in, before the new constellation has appeared) as that’s what I did immediately after buying both of the prophecies that got swapped, but I’m not able to replicate it reliably.

Edit: I’ve since had this occur once more while allowing the animation for the constellation to complete fully before changing telescope zones, so that was probably just a coincidence before.


Same thing happened to me with 2 of my prophecies switching to something other than the one I purchased. Didn’t change constellations though, but it may have been something I didn’t have unlocked yet? It wanted me to kill one of the monolith bosses but I hadn’t unlocked that part of the monolith yet.

I’m having the same issue but it happened with the very first and only two prophecies I purchased so far. I was so confused and figured maybe I just don’t understand how it works, but it makes no sense that the prophecies I’m getting are not the same as what I’m purchasing.

Just had this same thing happen to me. looking to buy a prophecy for 1400 Favor, then only 750 favor was removed and I get a prophecy that I am not even capable of doing. I pick specific prophecies for a reason. It should have given me what I selected and not what it decided. I deleted the prophecy because it was NOT what I wanted.

Can confirm this also just happened to me. Farmed 1500 favor to purchase one that rewards 2 unique gloves from Julra and it gave me 2 unique helmets from Arena which wasn’t even an option on the rolls available. Very annoying bug hope it is fixed soon.


Also happened to me just now. Bought The Enigma, got crappy Invitation instead.

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Same, i bought 2 prophecies for killing exiled mages and both were changed into one of hunting diamond matrons

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I noticed this as well. First time it happened I thought I must’ve misclicked, but it happened 3 times since. This has me wasting lots of favor on inconvenient prophecies for undesirable rewards.


same issue hope they fix soon

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Same happened to me, second and third prophecy I took got bugged. Was only picking bow prophecies, but I got two handed and scepter instead.

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It happened to me as well, second and third prophecy. I think I will collect favour in the meantime because it s impossibile to understand what prophecy we get

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got the same bug several times… fix this

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happened twice now with bow prophecies that cost upwards of 2500 please fix this

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yea…instead of 5 unique swords I just got some exalted off hand catalysts…why is this a thing??? please fix this … I cant farm my lp unique like this T_T

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Can confirm. I despise arena and never want to touch it and haven’t touched it ever since like 0.8 or something, yet somehow I have one with “rare” rewards. Happened with my other prophecies too.

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Same thing happening to me. Guess I’ll just grind favor until this is fixed.

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I had this 2 times in a row, first time I bought prophecy that gives unique armor with monolith boss kill. I go to check what I bought in menu, but there it says that it will give me rare shrine boots after 4xArena boss kills…WTF?!

So i buy another prophecy, with rare ring and killing Abomination, it gives me ###GiantScorpion### and rare armor.

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This happened twice to me as well already :frowning: please fix

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Happened to me on my very first prophecy I picked. I selected a 450 favor cost prophecy with set item as a reward, and instead I received a different prophecy, it cost 500 favor and the reward were some rares.
It happened on the south telescope (Mesembria), I don’t remember which celestial thingy was displayed.

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Happened to me as well. so far 2 out of 2. really frustrating when joining and wanting to try it out only to get random prophecies in content you didnt want to do with rewards that you didnt want.