Build guides for Season 2

Hey, everyone. Are you guys as hyped as I am for April 2? :slight_smile: My only concern for my wife and me to get a good start is guides based on the new changes. Any ideas when those will be coming?

With the patch notes, likely end of March.

Iā€™d suggest to keep an eye for the content creators that are in the community testing right now. They will be able to confirm whatā€™s very strong or not, and have some reliable build guides ready for launch.

I know Aaron (actionrpg channel) is in it (or at least, heā€™s under NDA and excited like a child before christmas).

Maybe Perry ? (perrythepig channel). Even if heā€™s not in the testing thing, he usually has good take and insight on the changes from cycle to cycle.

I donā€™t think Dread is in it ? (dr3adful channel)

Probably Lizard ? (lizardIRL channel) He knew everything and was blasting / racing like hell at previous ā€˜launchsā€™. But his channel as been radio silent for months, so no idea.

Frozensentinel is another very reliable creator and most of his builds are top tier genocidal machines, community tester or not. In fact, maybe I should have started with him : If you donā€™t know him, I suggest to take a look at his stuff! There is a googledoc with great resources under any of his YT videos.

Anyway, if you donā€™t plan to go over 300 corruption, you kinda can take any recent build and there is good chance that you will still easily be able to get there. Likeā€¦ for example even if Smite Paladin is nerfed (which I highly doubt), you will be able to clear all content if done right; you will simply not be able to go to crazy high corruption.

Ghazzy is also in it and he said he would also try to post new build guides when the season launches (I think on Maxroll?).


Canā€™t wait to see all the ā€œstart your X Class leveling with Mastery A and follow these skills. From there at lv 50 swap to Mastery B and pick these. Lastly at lv 80 swap to Mastery C and finish up to 100 where you can pick one of these endgame starter builds for each Mastery.ā€ /heavysarcasm


Thatā€™s whybi donā€™t like Mastery Respect


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but majority of the mechanics remains the same and weā€™re adding new on top.

So in terms of a ā€œgood startā€, any pre-1.2 guides will still be very relevant :slight_smile: So my guide to season 2 would be:

  1. Check patch notes if your main skill received major changes.
  2. If not, feel free to play your favorite build.

Considering that VR got reworked, and pretty much any sentinel build uses VR, Iā€™d say no sentinel build guide will be compatible with 1.2.

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None of my Sentinel builds used VR, so mine would be good. I just wish my motivation for 1.2 wasnā€™t shattered with the launch trailer.


VR is a great example, because while it is correctly presented as part of ā€œpretty much any sentinel buildā€, in reality, itā€™s not actually an integral part of most sentinel builds. That means a majority of those sentinel builds will still work just fine without VR.

VR is integral only in a few builds, for example one build where Judgement burns 100% of your mana and then VR is used to regain that mana back.

In general, I believe the theme of the Sentinel changes is integrating the power of VR into various Sentinel parts, so old builds that used VR should retain their power, and builds that didnā€™t use VR can expect buffs.

As Twitch chat would say, POGGERS :smiley:


Iā€™m not disputing that.
But if someone wants a build guide, it means they donā€™t want to make their own build. It could be for various reasons (for example, I often follow build guides because I have limited time and most often I just want to start the game and play, rather than have to think in which direction I should head next), but if they want to follow a guide they probably arenā€™t willing to try and figure out what they can put in place of VR (which could even be VR anyway, if the skill is still good, but with totally different nodes).

Which means that most of the guides available will not be compatible as is for people that have limited time, are lazy, etc.

Integral ? Youā€™re right, itā€™s often not. Itā€™s not ā€œwhat makes the build workā€.
But it is (for the moment) very very strong and so, itā€™s quite popular. It is in 80% of the VK build guides on LEtools.

If you want to know why itā€™s so strong, hereā€™s the preacher! :smiley:
(Heā€™s overselling it, but heā€™s right that itā€™s a juicy bucket/multiplier)

To give you an example, Divine Bolts Paladin from 1.0 can still be played today and will still be playable in the next patch (we know thanks to spoilers from dev streams).

If the Divine Bolts guide tells you what skill you use before learning Healing Hands, how to specialize Healing Hands, which stats to look for during leveling and early monos, and how you play the build, this will still be a relevant guide in the next patch.

I donā€™t disagree with you. Iā€™m just saying that if a guide is outdated and I have to think a bit on it to change an outdated skill, I probably wonā€™t use it, due to limited time available.
This seems to be the intent of the OP. They want an updated build guide they can follow so they donā€™t really have to do any thinking because someone already did it for them.

So, in that context, while the build guides for sentinel would still be viable for other purposes, they arenā€™t for this specific one.

Iā€™m not saying the builds themselves arenā€™t viable anymore. Iā€™m just saying that if you want to blindly follow a guide and not have to think for yourself (for whatever reason), then they arenā€™t compatible for this purpose.

You want to blindly follow a 1.2-ready made guide, for that situation you shouldnā€™t use an old guide like you said.

OP specified he wants a good start guide :slight_smile:

I also specified a bare minimum for when an old build guide would still be useful, and in my first post I specified a quick way of checking the viability.
Iā€™d say we are in agreement, only our goals are different :wink:

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May I ask why? Personally that trailer hyped me a lot

WASD addition could absolutely destroy this game if it adds mouse-aim (this is tentative, as we know nothing about how itā€™s being implemented) and Mastery Respec ruined any motivation I had on working towards 1 of every Mastery.

I was really hyped for 1.2, but these decisions really bug me on a fundamental level. The WASD implementation is actually threatening, the balance of the game moving forward is entirely dependent on how they implement this gimmick control scheme. If they go the PoE2 route then mouse control is dead as the game will be braindead easy for WASD players until they rebalance the game around WASD which will make the gamed brutally difficult for Mouse players until they re-do the entire mouse control scheme to copy PoE2 where it will still be worse but not as bad. Or they go the Chronicon/D4 route where itā€™s clunky but still better than mouse control (the only way that the game balance isnā€™t utterly wrecked.) and Mastery Respec is less directly destructive to game balance but Iā€™m not interested in a game where I focus on playing Falconer for leveling, Blade Dancer for Monoā€™s and then swap to Marksman for bossing (for example) because thereā€™s 0 penalty. Had they redesigned the class system to follow a FFXIV model where you make a character and then each class+Mastery is leveled separately on that character then Iā€™d be more receptive to it. But why does playing Paladin for 100 levels mean I have a lv 100 Forge Guard and Void Knight?

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My recent pal builds were listed with ā€œno VRā€ in their name :roll_eyes: and VK void caster as well, but no guides like mastery 1 then mastery 2, sorry
And a lot of changes should be revisited on other sentinelā€™s nodesāš ļø

The logic presented in some of these threads with the viewpoint of players that spend 10+hr/day gaming, and they are upset that some change or another is going to ruin their experience because now they will ā€œHaveā€ to play the game a certain way, does not make sense. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. Also, if they where playing other games, and in a race or gauntlet, and similar options were available they may be doing that anyway. Step back for a moment and look at the big picture. Gaming 10 + hours a day is fine and it is great some people have that freedom, but that is not the vast majority of gamers. Decisions like this from a developer are refreshing because it indicates they are not just catering to the 1%.

When have EHG ever ā€œcatered to the 1%ā€? EHG have frequently made changes to make life easier for everyone else.