Boring and problematic end-game

Ok, have fun in D4. Glad you can move forward with your gaming. :slight_smile:


So my point is proven. Your time is wasted and you shouldn’t even bother doing Arena till it’s fixed.


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Wrong all builds can do Empowered. All builds can do 200 corruption. Not to mention Alts that have 2 and 3 LP items fully decked out from gear I farmed on my main. Why do you want players to do hours and hours of boring irrelevent gameplay that isn’t engaging or challenging wasting our time? It’s absolutely POINTLESS!

It’s just dumb. Stop wasting players time and get them into engaging content they are ready for so they can play and enjoy the game. Sorry it’s just bad design to make players do 10’s of hours of pointless content just because… That isn’t fun or good design. Period.

Most Alts are ready for 300-400 corruption get them in there so they are playing the game and not waiting to play the game. Soon as they go to the End of Time let them choose a node to up their corruption too 200 they beat the node they are ready. Don’t make players watch grass grow for 20 hours waiting to do something fun.


My main is on 209c because it’s a fun build. Not all builds can climb as high as other builds, hence why they should have to climb independently of each other. I’m glad you have 2-3LP items, I’m still in purples with a few 0LP uniques. I’m loving the game despite not getting good drops. If content is boring, then don’t play and take a break? No one is forcing you to play this game as a job. It’s perfectly fine to play other games too. Games shouldn’t validate you. If replaying a part of a game is causing you to be unhappy then it sounds like this isn’t the game for you, but the way that you are projecting yourself sounds quite sad, as you’re clearly having to put quite a lot of importance on this game and how it effects your life!
There’s lots of games that you can enjoy, some on sale and some even free. Go and play them for a while and come back a fresh later/ maybe when the real seasons start? :hugs:

Are you really not understanding this? There is interesting content but you have to mindlessly play for weeks before it starts. Why wait? Why make people doing boring content for hours and hours instead of just getting them into where they should be? You aren’t making any points in your argument.

I love the game too (489 hours played) and want it to be better by not having pointless watching grass grow mind numbing gameplay you have to do before you get to really play the game.

If someone has a great build and should be in 1,000 corruption get them there fast so they can really test that build and they can be “challenged” and have “fun” Why make them grind for a week or 40 hours first? How is that good design? Then if they make another character how is it good design to make them repeat that awful grind again? Instead of just getting them into enjoyable gameplay for their builds.

It sounds like you have a reading problem and it’s always funny when this is brought up instead of actually having a discussion. You are right about 1 thing, having terrible boring gameplay does make people quit. Again this is about fixing the design issues.

You ignored my point with an irrelevent response. Let me post it again.

Stop projecting and trolling.


exactly, this is the problem I want to push Arena but I am not allowed, I am set to play 1 hour boring low level waves to push again my max.


Imagine logging into WoW to do Arena and you want too push 2500 rating but you first have to regrind all the rating from your previous session. yikes!! If Arena is going to be “Competitive” then make it competitive and remove the irrelevent parts in the way of that competition. It’s really not complicated. The same goes for corruption. This will increase player retention and create a much more engaging experience for the players.

Not sure how anyone would logically be against this unless they just don’t understand it.


It’s all about what type of player you are. You are the type of player that enjoys blasting endgame. LE is made for the type of player that enjoys watching the character grow. It’s not bad design, it’s just not a design aimed at the type of player you are.

Arena does need some revamp. It’s not too much fun as it is even for the few people that would find it fun. But corruption/leveling is fine as it is. It’s just not for the type of player you are.

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I don’t feel like I’m projecting at all. Fun is subjective and this different for all. Allowing people to skip content just unbalances certain elements of the game, like the Market. Not all builds can do corruption 200. I recall a post a few weeks ago saying that they were struggling at 150. If challenge is what you want then it matters not what corruption level you get to, just the fact that it’s a challenge.
I personally don’t feel like there is a game problem to be fixed with regard to allowing alts to skip content. I saw a video with EHG_Mike and in it he stated that good builds should be able to push to 200-300c, those builds reaching a lot higher are not balanced correctly and will be addressed at a later date and not in the middle of a season.
As far as irrelevant content, I don’t see any at the moment. Each of my characters goes through the content and I have to get better with each one and have to learn how to play their new mechanics, which is fun, as I don’t play meta builds or abilities. My current characters are a melee poison warlock, a 2h sword wielding Vampire rogue and a Van Helsing rogue that I rolled last night. I’m enjoying learning to play them all. I’ve a few characters I’ve shelved as I’m not that keen on them. Fire Necro, Hammer pPaladin and a Cold Shaman. Exploring the monoliths the way that they are currently presented is perfect and I feel rewarded when I complete a monolith on a new character for the first time. :hugs:

At least we agree there.

Wrong it’s not for any player. Or I should say any real ARPG player which is what LE is for. If you are going to put 1,000 hours in why have a bulk of those hours wasted? It’s objectively bad design. Not to mentino when you get too 2,000+ hours.

I agree and I love watching my character grow and love progression which is why we log in. The problem is the design of the progession is wrong because the progression is way too slow and there are no options for change this. So players will leave because there is unnecessary bloat in the way of the good design. Just trying to cut the unnecessary design to make LE a better game for ALL players.

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That is your opinion. Some people (like me) are altoholics and the journey from 1-90 is way more important than the journey from 90-100. Getting to empowered monos at 100c is more important than reaching 500c.

If you make that journey a lot easier or almost instant, you remove all the fun of doing that for a large portion of the playerbase that EHG wants around. There’s a reason most of the systems in LE are focused on making multiple alts.

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You aren’t skipping content you are skipping difficulty. If a player is ready for Hard mode give them Hard mode. Why make them pointlessly play easy mode first again for the 100th time? You lose player retention by forcing mindless difficulty for hours and weeks on end instead of getting players into where they BELONG! Again not a hard thing to grasp.

You are, you apparently know me (which you don’t ) You don’t understand any of my points and told me to quit LE. Which is just smug and wildly wrong. You only told me to quit because you can’t have a discussion. People do this all the time. You are projecting and trolling by your statements.

Well perhaps that is because of your lack of experience. You haven’t played the game fully yet or have multiple max level characters that have to regrind. You haven’t even pushed corruption yet on your main so it’s obvious you don’t understand regrinding on Alts.

You said you don’t have 2LP or 3LP items yet so once you do Temporal sanctum 100’s of times making legendaries or grind 1,000’s of mono’s the poor design in progression will be apparent and why player retention could be higher. This isn’t skipping content this is about good and bad progression design. Getting players into the gameplay they should be without the mindless bloat.

I love LE and obviously it’s not perfect right now. So why not improve it?

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I enjoy the campaign and the leveling experience. I am also an Altoholic, heck I have 5 Sentinels alone. I love making new buids and blasting through the game. Love putting 3 LP items on some meme build and just lvling through the game. It’s fun…however…There is an unneeded and badly designed problem after that when it comes too End Game of Corruption, Arena and Dungeons. I’m addressing that part.

Again this is from a player at 489 hours played who loves LE and playes everyday. I am pointing out flaws in design from my experience playing and hope for better changes in the future.

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is not abput like or not, the problem is you are put to play 1+ hour without having the possibility to quit and continue later.

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I agreed with that. Arena needs to be looked at. I was talking about corruption.

I can agree with that. Many altoholics (or people that don’t have much time to play) are fine with leveling and don’t really care about high corruption at all. Maybe that could be addressed in a way that appeals to more players.
That being said, they are working on revamping the difficulty curves, so let’s see what they come up with.


Exactly. Lets have better design that engages players so they keep playing LE. So they can’t wait to log in when they get home because it’s going to be exciting!! Lets get players into the gameplay they are excited about.

Hopefully it’s something good and removes a lot of this bloat and mindless repetition where it’s just not needed. There is a difference between grinding and pointless grinding and feel like some people in this thread can’t see the difference. Not saying that is you but you get the point.


When you roll an alt with full LP3-LP4 leveling gear and have 80% of the gear required for the final version of the build then having to do normal monoliths and grind corruption feels unnecessarily tedious. You don’t have to farm CoF/MG favor for each character, why can’t corruption be account-wide as well?


I never stated that you should “quit” I suggested that you take a break and maybe try other games. That’s allowed you know?

I think I can see now that you’re not looking for discussion, you’re wanting people to be forced to think like you and you’re trying to elevate your importance in a rather juvenile and naive manner. As I stated before, you’re projecting yourself as someone that only has this game in their life “real ARPG player” and “ALL players”. You’re trying to add their voice to yours as a means of validating yourself and trying to make yourself look “big” and I don’t think that any gaming forum can help you with that. I hope you manage to grow out of it soon though as I assure you, you’ll be happier once you do. Also, if you think a £30 game can give you 2000hrs of constant high octane dopamine, then you need to reevaluate your expectations.

On that note, I don’t think I’m qualified to help you with your needs and I wish you the best of luck moving forwards in whatever way you deem fit. Just try and relax and have fun and allow others to enjoy the things they do without trying to discredit them as “real players”. Anyone who has bought the game is a real player!

Then perhaps that’s the issue? Maybe we should be required to farm the rep for CoF or MG then? This would then allow each character to properly progress independently? I personally like it how it is, I just don’t feel skipping content is the right way. If your gear is so high then it shouldn’t take long to level up the monoliths. Blitz one of them and then profit from the boosts that you get. Just be aware that EHG stated that 200-300 was where they wanted builds to be at in one of their videos. So hopefully climbing to 2000c will be a thing of the past when the next few seasons are out and you’ll just have to get that far. :hugs:

That is also projecting and being smug. You told me to quit playing LE a game I love and play other games. You assume you know me and you don’t. Then you can’t grasp the conversation so you say play something else which is just rude. It really is and shows you aren’t ready for a discussion.

I been having a discussion but you ignore all my points and don’t offer anything to counter then tell me to play other games. So your attempts to troll are admirable but you keep going round and round without actually saying anything relevent. That’s what trolls do.

You aren’t and perhaps that is why you can’t participate well in this topic because you don’t understand it. With that said if you aren’t qualified why bother telling other people to play other games or assume aka “project” how they are feeling?

I love LE and want it to continue to grow. That is what should be taken away from my discussions and points being made. You know it is possible that when you get to where I am at in LE you will agree with me. Until then…I’ve made my points.