Boardmen's Set - Primalist

The 3 item set states - “Storm Totem Can Hit Allies To Grant +Ward”

What is considered an allie? Because what I have seen so far this set does not seem to be working. I would consider a minion an allie, no?

I get hit once in awhile and have to try really hard to get hit to actually gain any ward.

Is this working as intended? If so, the set is complete piece of worthless garbage and not worth resources in the game.

You just described sets, in general.

It would be nice if the crappy set actually did what it says it does at least.

Send more bug reports. This set could be so much fun if it worked.

Man… I wonder what boardman thought of the state of his set. Glad I haven’t gone through with the set idea I had :face_with_peeking_eye:

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There was a bugfix in the last patch saying they fixed the totem summoning aspect of this set, but I’m still not getting hit by the totem’s strikes and my ward is pitifully low., so I think more is wrong here than just the totem summoning.

Not sure it it is relevant, but I’m using a blizzard totem.

I had the same problem when I tried using this set, but I used a lightning totem. I could never get over a few hundred ward, even when trying to run under lightning strikes and stay around the totem.

Yeah I figured out that it does explicitly say that you gain ward from the “lightning hits”, so I disabled cold and it was lightning again and then it sort of worked. Extremely underwhelming though at about 250 ward. My level 25 warlock can get to 2500 ward without even trying. So sad that they didn’t think to make sets useful or craftable even so that it wouldn’t be absolute crap.

From comments by others in another thread, I gather that some were able to get much more ward from the set, at least in the past. So maybe there was a silent nerf to the set or some synergy involved, or possibly others had some stat that was helping such as high ward retention.

Because of uproar about ward lately, I would not be surprised if ward gets heavily nerfed soon, which would start to turn me off of this game. I would much rather see health-building get buffed and only wildly overtuned ward synergies toned down a bit.

I read a comment from someone saying the devs were only planning to nerf ward for people who really abuse it. What form that will take we don’t know, but I think for most people we won’t notice a difference.

could get 65k ward from this set before so yeah it had a mayor nerf

OP, I’m so glad you posted this because I got a Boardmans set, tried to use it, figured out it was broken crap, wanted to post to here and realized, “they’re just going to ignore this because 1) there is no way that they don’t already know and 2) they are reworking set items”.

Just so disgusted that Shaman get the shaft in yet another inventive but careless way.

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And I’m so glad you posted this because I came here to say this. I tried for days to get Boardman’s Set. when I finally got it, I tried it on, and ran out to get firmly squashed with my ~300 to 400 ward and pitiful DPS, even when standing directly in the fully-buffed storm totem’s line of fire. Why is it that mages and warlocks have items that easily get ward into the thousands with no effort, and even at low levels, and my level 95 Shaman can usually only get to around 500.

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