Beta 0.8.1 Patch Notes

Incredible work guys ! :smiley:

“This is a buff!”

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Where Can I see the new idols?

Amazing. Love me some good patch notes and a coffee.

Unequipping an item which grants levels to a skill will remove points from its tree unless you have an equal or greater number of unspent points. Nodes which have had points removed in this way will have a red glow when the skill tree is next opened.

I’m mainly looking at this part: “unless you have an equal or greater number of unspent points”. Does this mean that, in this situation, if you unequip gear with skill levels, the game will automatically spend skill points that you have in the bank in order to try to compensate for the skill points you lost due to the gear coming off? If so, that sounds kind of strange to me. If I had skill points saved up I probably didn’t spend them for a reason and I don’t think I’d want to have them spent automatically. For instance, maybe I was just trying on another piece of gear for a moment in town, or I accidentally switched gear.

No, that’s not what it does. If you have 3 unspent skill points in swipe and you unequip an item which grants +1 swipe then you will now have 2 unspent skill points in swipe. It simply takes from the unspent first. If you don’t have enough in your unspent, only then will it auto select a node to remove points from.

Loving what I’m reading. I won’t be able to get into it much tonight but I did look at the character selection screen and the art looks awesome!

It’s amazing! Thanks for the great job! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Think I found a typo under burning branch.

  • Now grants 12 to 16 spell fire damage.
  • Now grants 10% to 20% ignite chance.
  • Now grants -3 spell fire damage.

The third line should be mana cost, correct?

Holy crap! What an update! I’m really excited about a lot of this. Particularly the implicit rerolling in crafting, new uniques, all the refinement, the new item affixes, and bug fixes.

I’m really surprised that some Sentinel (particularly Forge Guard) passives weren’t reworked.

I’m glad to see Rogue is getting scaled back a bit.

I also really wish that Last Laugh had a more powerful base item, or that we were able to upgrade that. As it is, it’s okay for midgame but too weak for endgame. But the unique bonuses would make it a good contender for endgame two-hand. I think 2h needs some help in comparison to dual wielding.

Patch notes are getting longer and longer x.x

Good grief… This update feels like a new game!

Cannot wait for the 2GB update to complete and see how much all of this affected my builds… Definitely motivates starting a whole new batch of characters and I am really hoping that the hundreds of items I have in my stash (especially uniques) may actually be worth trying to use again.

Love the effort. Actually fun being part of the game and seeing how it matures…


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Awesome!!! Thanks for the new patch!!!

What was the point of Alchemists Laddle changes?
You now have a wand that does no melee damage but gets melee attack speed and chance on melee hit to inflict burn, chill, shock , Slow, Blind & Poison.
What good is a melee weapon that does 0 melee damage?

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Thanks! :facepunch:

Good stuff as always, but gosh I’m very, very unhappy with lounge sharing shield bash CD and Smite, skill where do u have to spec into to make it movement skill as well share the same CD as well. This changes are kinda game breaking for me honestly. I was looking forward to use Surge and Teleport too.

Quite bumped with the ‘‘we revisited all skills from the game’’ too, I don’t think number changes is good enough for most of those. Some need major rework but I understand its a lot of work. Maybe another patch

Anyway, keep up the good work



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Wow… I uhh kind of hate what I just read. I have 1 character for each mastery currently available and roughly 75% of them just got nerfed hard by these changes. I haven’t launched it yet so maybe it isn’t as bad as it seems but my top 4 favorite builds were just utterly destroyed by these changes. And I am not even talking about the changes to affixes! I think I am going to take some time to cool off before I try this patch out.

I also had some builds and fun ideas crushed by the changes. More specifically, 8 or more ways to play scorpion/baby scorpion have become 2 or 3, so with no obvious reason for the changes, I would encourage the dev’s to look at what they have definitely lost vs what they believe they gain or might gain from gating that skill at level 35 beastmaster.

On the other hand, I have found the minion survivability changes a step in the right direction, so if they can also fix acolyte minion AI, a lot of other ideas become viable.

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Out of curiosity, what builds were “utterly destroyed”?