The best game I have ever played is a game by a little independent studio called Vanillaware, who usually publishes their games through Atlus, called “Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir.” It is a side scrolling action RPG akin to ActRaiser or a Metroidvania game. Technically it’s a remaster /upres of the original Odin Sphere, which I also adore, but a lot of content and gameplay mechanics were added to make the game more interesting, most of which remarkably can be turned off. They were really trying to honor the original in everything they did with it.
The story is that the nations of this world have taken to the field of battle to fight over the cauldron that allows them to make their horrific weapons forged from the crystals of the underworld. A princess, a rabbit man, a black knight, a faerie and a witch all are intertwined by fate during the battles and politics that unfold and they must find some way to prevent their people and their lives from being torn apart permanently. Perhaps, if they really get it right and make their stand together, they can change their destiny.
I can’t say any more without giving it away, but there’s fun twists and neat relationships in the story, and all of the mythology is right on point. Vanillaware really gets it when it comes to the meaning of the creatures and the lines that the characters say. The little life lessons and the insights about society and fate are awesome. This is definitely a game I would play with my kids if I wanted them to learn about and enjoy the great stories of the past.
My favorite character is Elfaria, the queen of the Faeries. She has a killer line that I repeat to myself sometimes. Spoilers if you click the ‘details’ button below to see that line:
As she lay dying, having fought for her people and failed to protect them, Elfaria says to her daughter:
“In life I was known as Elfaria. My true name is Fimbulvetr. This awful winter… Will disappear with me…”
In other words, this only happened because of my incompetence. But you can exceed what I’m capable of. Do not despair but go succeed where I have failed.
I adore everything about this game down to the art and the sound track. It’s one of the few I think rivals Ogre Battle 64 for just being plain brilliant. This is probably because Atlus helped Vanillaware compile and compose some of the music. They have been known for that across time, so it would not surprise me if that was partially thanks to them. Everything about this game is awesome, I could gush about it for ages.
If I had one tiny gripe, the ending is depressing and lets you down a bit. It’s not a bad ending, it just wraps everything up so tightly that there’s no mystery or fun left in the plot when it’s over. Which is fine, I just would’ve liked it better had it been a little different.
The runners up are games like Hades, Shadow of the Colossus, Dark Souls 1, Megaman X, Galaga, Touhou 1: Highly Responsive to Prayers, Persona 4, Fallout 1, Final Fantasy 1, Final Fantasy Tactics, Ogre Battle 64, Doom, Doom 2016, Morrowind, Super Metroid, Mario 3, Bioshock, Eternal Darkness, Devil May Cry, Sonic the Hedgehog, Starcraft, Diablo 2, Strike Suit Zero, Divinity: Original Sin, the list goes on. But if you have not played Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir, you are really missing out. Must play, 10 out of 10.
If you get done and you feel sad that it’s over, Vanillaware also made a very similar game before Odin Sphere called “Masamune: The Demon Blade.” It’s a very similar game but the writing isn’t as tight. Most of the fun comes right at the end in the DLC. But if you’re looking for more Vanillaware fun, it’s definitely worth your time as well. Dragon’s Crown, also. It is a fun beat 'em up in the style of Golden Axe. It’s more fun with friends, but you may enjoy it if you enjoyed Odin Sphere.