Be warned: Offline cycle characters might get deleted after logging out

I didn’t even rename them, just moved them to a new folder. Both files are meant to exist though. If you want to change the number, then yeah, do it on both. It should change the .bak file as well when renaming the other file associated with it, but if not, just update it yourself. You just gotta change the number.

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Thanks mate! Unfortunately this didnt work for me. Created offline cycle characters are still not being saved :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hi there! I wanted to let everyone know that we are looking into these reports so I might reach out and ask for some files directly!

For players who are making new Characters but never seeing them again after logging out - please make sure your Save File isn’t in ‘Read-Only’ mode. This has caught a few of our players out.

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Hi there, would you be able to provide either the folder called ‘Old Characters’ or any player.log files from that time period?

I have an open ticket for this issue. I provided directx and player.log files. It was reported to me in email from EHG that there is an existing issue/bug for this issue and it’s going to be addressed in the next patch. However, there was no known ETA (this was 2 or 3 days ago). Still waiting for the resolution.

Oh thank you! Can I have the ticket number so I can track that down?

Not sure if this is the ticket number but it’s in the email correspondence: 50916

Thanks for reaching out to us! Really happy to see that the issue is being adressed.

I can confirm, no save file is in read only mode. Just tried to create offline characters in cycle and legacy mode. Both chars have not been saved and dont appear in the login screen, so the problem is still there.

When I created the char, the 1CHARACTERSLOT_BETA_7 file was created/editet, although there are 8 files of this type in my folder, e.g. 1CHARACTERSLOT_BETA_1 to …_BETA_7.

When logging out the only save file that got edited was STASH_CYCLE_3_0
There is only STASH_CYCLE_3_0, STASH_CYCLE_3_0.bak and STASH_CYCLE_3_0_TAB_0
also STASH_CYCLE_3_1 and STASH_CYCLE_3_1_TAB_0 but no STASH_CYCLE_3_0.bak file in my save folder.

/Edit: also the STASH_CYCLE_1_0 and STASH_CYCLE_2_0 are missing completely

/Edit 2: I never touched my Save Folder, the only thing I did was renaming my #
as JeroyLenkins suggested. This operation seems to have created a copy of my falconeer.

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Logged in after not playing for a couple of days and my charters were gone. Both seasonal and legacy. They were on the server. One would think they are safe there. So many hours invested gone. I don’t know if I want to play anymore. I would not recommend anyone seriously invest time in this game until they fix it. Player be aware.

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There is a current service outage (but can often still log in, and see characters missing)… when they say the problems are done, all characters should be showing again that were saved online.

I have given up on playing this cycle. Like a week or more into the cycle and they still have not resolved this issue or gotten back to me with an ETA or even any info that they know what the problem is. It’s been days since they even sent correspondence on my ticket.

The fact that it’s been this long for such a serious bug and they seem incapable of addressing it has really caused me to lose faith in EHG. Who wants to spend dozens of hours only to have it wiped away in an instant? No thanks. I already have limited playtime so I value my time too much to have it wasted.

Was this ever fixed?

Is this still an issue?

Did you have anything else in the folder at all after moving all of your old files? Because I completely moved everything to a new folder within that folder. Having any files from previous cycles was causing issues as well for me; I think it causes conflicts because it can’t separate cycle from legacy or something, but if you hadn’t tried, try doing it with a folder that has no files in it, just your folder for your old files.

These are the player logs that were in my folder. I’m not sure which one you need.

Player-prev.log (46.7 KB)
Player.log (46.2 KB)

NO. This is NOT fixed. I just got a reply on my ticket today (been 2 weeks of this so far) and was told there still is no fix for this but it’s coming in a future patch but still no ETA on when. Kind of ludicrous that save file integrity isn’t a huge priority and it could go on for weeks without resolution. As much as I love LE I think I’m done with this game for a while. Not going to play a game where my progress can just randomly be lost and the devs don’t seem bothered to fix it promptly. Seems they don’t value players time very much.

I did have further files in the folder. I actually would like to keep and play my legacy chars, so moving them all doesn’t feel like a proper solution to me. But thank you so much for reaching out and trying to help!

i have only lost one character on this game and just happens to be the first one i played, im hesitant to create a new one as i dont want to lose the character after spending so much time playing. i may just wait till all the bugs are worked out. i still havnt been able to even play online. the steam app dosen’t ask at the start of the game… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I agree. im just getting into this game and i already lost a lvl 42 sorc. i really do like the game but will probably not play until the save file will not erase characters

i would just like to say that at least you can get online i still have been unsuccessful so none of the characters i made were saved :pensive: