Autopickup affixes and send them directly to forge

I do not grasp why these items have to exist as an inventory item.
They drop, you pick them up, you send them to forge when there are no more room in inventory.
The only thing they do as an inventory item is disrupt the flow going through maps.
Save the graphic assets (they look cool) for some future mechanic, but please make affixes a non-inventory asset.


I believe this is done for some of the same reasons it isn’t a thing in PoE (though in PoE it is horrible due to the sheer amount of them). It functions like sort of a psychological reward system. In that players feel a sense of gain and reward by grabbing them themselves.

LE seems to be going for the same economic model as PoE - in having cosmetics as an income source to support the game. While not allowing gameplay advantages for money which ruins so many games. For this to be a success, you need a growing audience up to a point, and preferably beyond.

The thing is that picking these up triggers happy / addiction hormones and behavior. It isn’t something most people playing games, especially young ones, consciously think about. But the effect is there either you are aware of it or not.

Don’t get me wrong. I think there should be an option to enable this too! :wink:
It’s just that as a whole - over time - things like this does contribute to hooking people in and keep playing, even if the effect is minor in X people.

It is possible, by all means, it is a game limitation - no time - engine don’t support it - devs didn’t think of it - whatever. But most likely this is a choice, to enhance the pull of the game from psychological standpoint. In that regard this “trick” is nothing new.

Edit: TL;DR - for some of us this is an annoyance, but we are the minority statistically speaking. For most gamers - having this be a manual thing turns it into “Ugh ugh… me see shiny! Me happy! This shiny mine now!”. It’s sort of in the same street as loot itself. For many, the hunt for better loot is the draw of the game. For me personally it’s making builds and pushing them as far as I can - loot just being a support pillar.


I understand that 30 years ago it was a thing, in modern gaming it’s nothing but an annoyance.
We are overloaded with stimuli, and that click does nothing but add an unwanted burden.

The same thing goes for the forced passage inside the inventory.
Personally every time I open it up I immediately click the button to move them to the Forge, I really don’t care to see them in there.

Diablo 3 took 8 years before realizing this was a remnant of gaming past and remove the crafting items from inventory, I hope LE will take less time.


First off, I genuinely want to ask, did you even try to search for any related topic?

I don’t wanna sound mean here, but I can’t understand people not taking the time to search 1 minute to find a related topic.

This subject has dozens and dozens of topics already, some are super well discussed and contain very good discussions.

Here is one of my favorite ones(but there are literally dozens similar ones):

TL:DR: This is a very subjective topic and there is no right or wrong.

I do play loot based games… for the loot and I don’t want any form of autopickup.
Gold is the absolute maximum here that I can be ok with.

I can see the ivnentory thing and the transfer to the crafting invetory being mroe convinient, maybe with a hotkey or you can toggle it being transfered automatically, but i still want to loot stuff like this.

You can argue that lots of those materials become less and less relevant, especially after an extended period of time and we might want to have more uses for them, like exchanging them or maybe other uses thatn crafting (selling/sacrificing)

But also in a time based “cycle” manner, this will always be very relevant early on.


First off, I genuinely want to ask, did you even try to search for any related topic?

I don’t wanna sound mean here, but I can’t understand people not taking the time to search 1 minute to find a related topic.

This is a very subjective topic and there is no right or wrong.

I think that just because something has been discussed before it doesn’t mean it can’t / shouldn’t be discussed again.

I see you have spent alot of time here on these forums, and of course you will have heard it all before, and maybe you are a bit burned out by it?

As an alternative, you could let a thread pass you by, and let the newbies discuss it.

Another option would be to just post the link, whithout the initial fuzz.
It was an interesting thread, it’s your initial two paragraphs that makes me cringe.


edit: formatting

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Playing devil’s advocate, just because something’s been discussed in the past doesn’t mean a new thread has to be created (unless an existing thread has timed out and locked itself).

Continued discussion with new people is a good thing, but i think certain subjects are unlikely to have any new ideas (I’d argue that this subject, gender locked characters and trade/the bazaar probably fit that) and it can be hard to know if a new thread is different enough from existing threads to warrant being a separate thread or if it should be a continuation of an existing one.

Edit: this is way more of an issue in the bug report section of the forum.


I never said that I don’t think this shouldn’t be discussed anymore.

I genuinely wanted to know if you have searched for a related topic.

Especially for some like me, that is very active in the forum it does interests me how new users interact with the forum.

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This looks alot like your opinion, which you happen to share with Heavy.
Unless there are forum rules or guidelines specifically stating this we are back at the start. We just disagree in this matter.

I firmly believe it is within everyones right to start a new conversation as they see fit.

Regarding the bug forum, if there is a stickied thread at the top with known bugs/issues, then I agree, we can definately debate the validity of new posts regarding these issues.

I hope you both are able to see my standpoint and why I react to your posts.


It didn’t actually cross my mind that there are people that want to loot them.
I suppose this might make it harder to implement depending on how the assets are dealt with.
But then again, affixes within range are auto so maybe it is possible to also (by a choice in settings) activate auto-pickup also for the init.

One good reason for implementing the possibility of choosing auto-pickups, in my opinion, is because there are several skills in the game that promote momentum.

For example Sigils, if you have the gain Sigils on hit, which automates the skill,
then each time you have to stop and pick affixes up, time ticks and you loose the sigils, and you have to start over.

Another example is Reaper form where if you want to stay in it for as long as possible,
there is no time to stop every other meter to pick up stuff.


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Welcome to the forums!

(All my opinion based on experience on these forums!)

There’s a few that stalk the forums and feel the need to respond to everything. I’m sure they’ll even respond to this as if it’s an attack. It’s not.

But anyway, to sum it up, some people want shards auto looted, some don’t. I found this topic to be left at that, as people get stupidly wound up over nonsense.

Again, welcome to the forums and let’s see how your topic evolves lol.


You are right. There are some mechanics that don’t work together in that regard.

Yep. Currently there is no use of having affix shards as real items in the inventory. The fact that shards of the same type don’t even stack, makes it even more inconvenient.

I’m ok with having to pick the shards up. The vacuum that got implemented a while ago so you don’t have to pick up every single shard is a good QoL improvement, already.

Personally I’d wish that shards would have a higher vacuum range (screen wide?) and be transported into the forge instantly on pickup.

There’s no satisfaction in opening the inventory and press the “send…” button. It gets more and more tedious the longer you play the game.

I’m not demanding a autoloot/-stash feature on walk over, but I also don’t think it would impact me or my playing experience in a bad way.

The current mechanic seems like it wants to add something meaningful to something unimportant by just making the acquisition more noticable to trick the mind of players to think it is worthwhile. But as there is no importance in picking up the 590th added health shard, this trick doesn’t work for everybody. It’s just artificially making some easy thing more complex without adding a real value to the task.

I personally don’t read what shards are on the ground. I just click on the one that is nearest to my position to vacuum them all in. And this also happens so fast that I can’t read what shards else I picked up.

And nobody would want to search his inventory, if he had picked up a “+1 to Skill X” shard, he’s searching for.

It’s 100x faster to just open the shards stash in the forge and filter for the affix you desperately need.


I’m just curious why the obvious solution isn’t added. Make it an optional toggle. This way everyone gets their wish. People who want to loot them manually can, those who don’t want that - don’t need to. There’s no losers in that scenario.


I could see some saying “I don’t want it, but I don’t want them to either because it puts me at a speed disadvantage.”

Sounds silly, but I really feel this would happen, regardless of the scale. I simply want to play the game. Picking up one affix and looting them all around me is a good step. I’d settle for this. But simply removing that aspect is rational imo. I get that ‘feelings’ with affixes when I craft. I think this should be how it is. I get nothing but minor annoyance when I had to pick each one up, and annoyance has no room in a game like this for me. Glad it was changed, but would welcome another push lol.


This is a perfect statement to fit my own personal experience. Regardless of how they end up in my forge stash, I’m not looking at the affix shards. I’m simply picking them up passively (auto pilot mode if you will) as i’m moving forward.


@Vatni Hmm I see your point. That could be likely yeah.

I would very much prefer to auto-pickup crafting materials.

I agree. I wish auto pickup for craft item like gold and in a larger area. Maybe 10 or 20%.

I whant also the name to pop up like they actualy do when auto pickup take them. Not for read them but to feel I am looting.

And I wish they don’t go into inventory so I don’t have to click for nothing when I open it.

Any given topic is going to reach a point where there is nothing new to say, and this topic is miles past that point. Nothing has been said here that hasn’t already been said in any other thread.

I think that you should consider where you, personally, think the value lies in starting a “new” discussion thread that is just going to grow into a carbon copy of a dozen others that already exist. I don’t want to know your answer, I just want you to really spend some time honestly asking yourself if starting this argument up again has added any genuine value to the community.

I’ve seen a lot of topic being discussed here on the forums that are carbon copies of other threads. People come up with suggestions and feedback that and feel like they found something new or interesting to talk about.

In my 2+ years membership I’ve seen so many reposts and necro-ed topics I can’t count. And there are people that play LE even way longer than me.

Yes, would be cool, if everybody would spend some time to search for similar topics instead of creating a new one.

On the other side its also an indicator for importance of a topic when it is recreated a lot. Shows that theres much attention.

I think @Silverfisk is just defending himself because he was getting some negative comments.

He’s a relatively new member and hasn’t the background to know which topics are discussed to death, already. It’s not that he spammed here or writes posts to annoy people.

So let’s be gentle. Sometimes a recreation of a topic brings it to attention for new members that hesitate to post on a topic that has 200+ answers, already.



And I merely have to ask why a new poster would be met with such comments.
Usually something like "welcome to the internet’ comes to mind, but eh, it’s still humans being humans. Lets ‘try’ to be better. :slight_smile: