Auto pickup shards

i understand. unless the devs are planning on monetizing the auto pick up feature later, to make money off of us, i dont know if that are the plans im only guessing it could be. some people are makeing slippery sloop argument of they dont want the game to be to fast, i dont think this will make the game zoom fast. but surely if people still want this feature in the game, the devs can make it a toggle option to please both sets of people. i understand some people want to click on every little thing to hear and feel the clickin noise, but thats not fun for every one, its annoying to most players.

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If I read the shard I have wasted time that would have been wasted if I decided to pick it up without reading it, I either pick it up on reflex or ignore it entirely.

And if for some reason I DID read the shard, I would still prefer the game to autoloot it for me instead of having to fiddle with clicking the texbox exactly and somehow not picking it up or walking in the wrong direction because the pathing is awkward.

If the shard is bad, I would prefer to autoloot it than to read it, if the shard is good I would prefer to autoloot it than to have to click it directly.


Why is it the only defense y’all ever come up with is this hilarious strawman where everybody that disagrees with you gets pure orgasmic joy from clicking shards?

I don’t think there’s a game design solution for reading that slow, my dude.

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a fraction of a second to read a shard is not slow, it takes a fraction of a second to use a movement ability to get to a shard on the edge of the screen. And shards drop in groups of 3 or more. Clicking shards is FASTER than reading them.

Also a simple game design solution for shard reading taking time is to color code them by rarity the same way that items are, or allow them to be filtered

they all ready have a game design option for that its called a filter. thats all were asking for is a bit more convenience. there is no reason not to pick up shards. if there was a mechanical reason like limited space maybe i could see a choice to not want to pick them up. it does not hurt the players inventory space that is currently unlimited for these shards. you could make the same argument for gold to not be auto picked up.

The explenation is in the next sentences. Read it helps to understand.

Exactly but there is still the problem that without the increases and the “useless” clutter I mentioned above LE is nothing but a husk that is “done” in 20 hours for the most people who then trashtalk the game. Therefor I like even bad mechanics that stretch said playtime even longer.
LE is a good system when I look at the basic systems we have ingame right now but it’s not enough and that’s why I call it a Pro to have nedless timesinks or mechanics that are nothing but timesinks even if they aren’t intended to be.

Is it good or could it be better? Yeah sure but I’m not sure we’ll see that much stuff untill 1.0.

But he asked for good ones and your only reason is “If you have enough then…”. That’s no good reason at all.

Maybe we should search an old video from the times when you the system wasn’t in place like it is ^^.
I may not like it but right now it’s far better then the one we had in the past even when I think it’s a waste of time, it’s far better then the version before that ^^.

another thing i would like to add, on controller some times it will not prioritize the shards first when they drop next to gear. the scrolling speed on the stick is not as fast on mouse and keyboard to the point were i have to switch to mouse and keyboard just to pick up shards. makes it ten times more annoying to pick them up.

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As someone who builds UI and UX on a daily basis this is one design choice (and stubbornness) that truly baffles me. You are forcing people to have to click on items, which no-one looks at anyway. Show me one person who opens their inventory afterwards and inspects each and every shard they picked up. I’m sure 99.9% simply click the button and move all shards to the purse without even looking.

The item pickup mechanic in this game is already flaky. It sometimes takes me several clicks on a label to pick an item up. It’s like as soon as the mouse up position differs from the mouse down position by one pixel the game doesn’t consider that to be a click anymore. And it happens all the time because the label is fixed to the world and not the camera, which means that when my character moves the label moves and I have to wait for everything to stop just so that I can FINALLY pick up that damn shard that I don’t even care about. God forbid I misclick on the label and my character moves to a new position because I then have to wait for it to stop just so that I can attempt clicking on the label again.

Also what constitutes “items that you want to take an active action to pick up, but which you don’t have to take time to inspect to work out whether it’s good for you”? Sounds like gold falls under that category too so it shouldn’t auto-pickup either with this logic. I might be interested in seeing how much gold exactly I made in a run but unfortunately it picks it up automatically resulting in me having no idea when I leave the echo.

Either way, I like the game and I like what you’ve done but I think little things like shard pickups or an uninspiring loot system is what will be the downfall for many of us. I’m personally looking forward to Diablo 4 as I know it drops loot that makes you go “OMG! That’s insane!” once in a while, whereas Last Epoch can give me an item every 20-30 echo runs that is maybe only slightly increases my stat percentages.

It literally is. That’s the whole point of this discussion. Clicking on labels doesn’t work half the time. Your character moving causes the labels to move too and if you’re running and want to pick up a shard you have to actually stop to be able to do so most of the time.

This is actually a very good point. Once you’re geared up (which happens pretty early) you’re not picking up any white, blue or yellow items from the ground anymore, filtered or not. I’ve been ignoring everything unless it’s exalted (and even then 90% of the time it’s swords, maces or axes which is utter junk for me as a mage). If shards were auto picking up I would be rinsing echo after echo and not clicking on anything, so maybe that is indeed the logic :smiley:


I just recently started back up, and as I am working through the storyline, I keep thinking, “dear god picking up all these shards is annoying; I wish there were a way to have it more automated”. I then found this thread after searching for the resolution for the Crab Meat Bug. I have yet to finish the whole storyline, and I will tell you I am starting to weigh whether it is worth it to even go back for some shards vs just keep mowing things down.

The typical flow of what I do at this point is:

  1. Pick up shard groups
  2. Pick up single or few shards (if I feel like it)
  3. Hit transfer to forge in my inventory when I get yelled at that my inventory is full (as it is generally 60%+ shards).

Unfortunately, the shards have so many possibilities it is over-saturation. There are so many types that I would rather just gather in mass and see what I have to use when I go to craft.


Maybe people would understand better if the shard inventory wasn’t infinite. Make the shard storage have a 200 max, so people have to pick and choose which shards to store. It would also force people to craft more often or drop the shards.

Make it so they can’t be put in your item stash also.

This would mean you’d have to click on every shard individually and vacuuming up a whole bunch of shards would have to be disabled.


Don’t have to. Players could just vacuum them and then sell/drop what they don’t want before storing. They could also roll back the vacuuming.

It gets at the point though. People ask for QoL upgrades not realizing that it makes the thing more easily ignored and unexciting. People already feel shard drops are useless time sinks even though it is a somewhat required part of the crafting system.

Maybe shard drops should go away completely and just increase the drop rate of Rune of Shattering so people have to farm shards from gear.

Every QoL change takes away from what the game is about. Aspects of the games identity that people just start to ignore. One step closer to the game feeling like work instead of fun.

No, it’s not. You’re choosing to feel inconvenienced by it, and that’s it. There is zero objective inconvenience involved in clicking a shard.

Sorry, but this is a flat out lie, and you know it is. And I think it’s funny that hyperbole and falsehood is the only weapon y’all have to justify what you want.

More unexciting than it it currently? How should that be possible? You can’t make something exciting by just telling people that it is exciting. It has to actually feel exciting to be called exciting.

That’s a very questionable statement because its a generalization. There’s so much QoL stuff that already is implemented in LE that makes it stand out against other games. And there has to be. This is evolution. You can construct an argument against any element in the game.

Tell me, whats the most annoying element of LE for you? I’ll tell you why it’s necessary as it is.

Are you really telling me you would miss clicking on items on the ground and having to send them to stash every once in a while? Is this gamebreaking for you if it was removed? Would it somehow impact the crafting system like “because I didn’t click on something, I don’t want to craft”?

I don’t see anybody here or anywhere else on social media saying “I really like that I have to click on the crafting items on the ground”. I see people that say that they find it awful. And others that don’t care about it. But these others that don’t care about it try to convince the group that doesn’t like it to also not care about it. Why?

Would you guys that don’t care about having to pick up the crafting stuff be hurt if it was removed? Would you complain on the forums that you now can finish your echoes a bit faster (its only a bit, as you still have to walk over the shards)?

I don’t care much about picking up shards, either. But I also don’t construct pseudo arguments against the group of people that does care.


At this rate why not remove hotkeys and make all abilities activatable by clicking on them with the mouse first, then click on enemies? QOL bad, can’t have hotkeys for sure :smiley:

Streamlining game controls is what makes games feel smooth, modern and responsive. I just wish devs would get rid of the tetris inventory completely. D2 was a very fun and good game, but that was 20 years ago…

You don’t have to tell me because I already know. The most annoying element of LE, for me, is the monotonous grind at the end. That is almost literally the foundation of the game, or even genre.

I like building characters and figuring out what builds I can come up with. This is why I spend more time on the build planner than I do the actual game. It’s more fun for me.

It’s meant to be a generalization because I didn’t want it to be specifically about the shard auto pickup. There are entire games that are successful about the things that get “QoL” out of existence in aRPG games.

I guess my point was missed. It’s not about the repetitive annoyance of picking up shards. It’s the “out of sight, out of mind” effect that makes games lose identity when a “QoL” change removes a thing from sight.

It’s a very slippery slope to make them auto pickup. Think about this, they go ahead do it and then people will want more.
“Why do I have to pick loot up that I highlighted with my filter, I obviously want that item that’s why I highlighted duh” (Obviously bad and I don’t want it, but just an example)
It’s already a pretty good compromise to be able to vacuum every shard with just 1 click, though I wouldn’t mind if they made clicking on them a bit easier but maybe that’s just me.

I just wish devs would get rid of the tetris inventory completely.

They already have, there is literally an auto tetris button. How else could you get rid of it any more, make items just a thing in your imagination that you pull out from nowhere or what

Yeah. “Foundation of an ARPG is boring grind” would also have been my argument if you hadn’t brought it to the table already. But isn’t that a stupid argument? Why do ARPGs in endgame have to feel boring and monotonous? Is this a well established design pillar of the genre?


This is an argument made up by people that don’t have real arguments.

Why don’t you complain about how you feel?Because you were told it has to be that way in an ARPG? Because you don’t want to be one of “those” guys? Are you afraid of Bronco coming at you and telling you that you shouldn’t play LE if you dont like it as it is? Don’t be, buddy!

Believe me when I say, the devs don’t want you to feel bored by the monotonous grind. They want you to feel excited when playing the game. So they work on making things less monotonous.

On almost any other topic - besides shard pickup and storing - EHG is open for valid criticism and they already changed a lot according to feedback or have mid/longterm plans to solve some issues.

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Completely agree.