Auto pickup shards

No, people who think they have some groundbreaking unique idea think they are special. The vast majority are just reiterating what has already been thought of and said.

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The devs forget that players are VERY GOOD at noticing that there is a problem. Just because people say something is wrong for the thousandth time doesn’t mean you should ignore them.

In fact it generally means you should be paying attention and maybe talk about it again.

As it stands the design decision of shards seem to conflict in every possible way, they want them to have “weight” yet they do not allow filtering or even highlight rare shards, they want them to be bulk currency so that the player has a constant reward, yet they force players to click on them - the idea of shards being different and the idea of shards being bulk currency is also opposing ideas. I just want them to make up their minds already about how to handle shards because it looks like they do not even know what they want for them - until they do there will something that feels off about them.

What are shards to the devs? Can they describe them in simple terms or are they going to give a vague non-answer?


An idea doesn’t have to be unique or special in any way to make something work or to make something improve. Just because I repeat other person’s idea doesn’t mean it’s unoriginal and must be ignored or be completely be thrown out of the window. It just simply mean I agree with them and I share the same view and sentiment.

So what’s this? Who ever can’t come up with a new or interesting ideas needs to shut up? It’s about ideas, ofc there will ALWAYS be people who share the same ones.

Edit: Here where we live have some problem with the subdivision’s fence. Means we’re vulnerable to outside elements. Our neighbor suggested to the office to fix the fence. My family must be unoriginal and special if we were also suggest the same.


Are you daft? Try to keep up. My comment was in regards to Mike saying he got DMs about people being upset/offended that he said their ideas weren’t novel. Obviously you must have been one of them. Get over yourself.

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Your proof? And maybe you should’ve replied directly on his comment to avoid confusion, it’s there for a reason.

And why did you even reply to this if it wasn’t for me? All I did was make a reply to this and now you’re accusing me?

Edit: It doesn’t matter whether it’s for me or for mike. I simply disagreed with your comment and made my statement about it. Seriously? Someone makes suggestions and they think they’re special? And also

Here’s my “Sent” screenshot. Maybe next time stop accusing people of something they haven’t done without providing any proof.

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Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you were one of them. You weren’t. I know you know you weren’t. but yea.

No no no. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not saying you were implying I was one of them and I never felt that way to begin with. It’s just one dude got salty because he got a reply to his comment when I just clearly just disagreed and made a statement and started accusing me instead.

WTF? I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. Hopefully said persons never have interactions with the average german person who opposes their point in a discussion.

Saying soming isn’t not novel is in no was something people should make a fuzz about. You managed a topic like trading well after some issues in the beginning so why should something like shards turn out to be a big problem :smiley: .

I get it some people have different priorities but I don’t think these words are a reason to bother a dev ^^.


I know you know this already, but I think it should be publicly expressed by as many people as possible that anyone who said that to you is a being a bingbong and you should feel no shame in ignoring them.

Maybe in the sense that they are good at inventing problems, getting madder than makes any sense or reason to get about them, and then yelling excessively about them, sure.

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While this is true, it doesn’t invalidate what he said and implying that players only ever rage about imaginary shit is both ironic and derogatory point-scoring crap. But you do you mate…

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Just wanted to give my experience here, and why it’s annoying, and why it takes me out of the moment of playing the game. +1 in the camp that wants autopickup. +1 in the camp that wants a pet that does it for me.

It boils down to; i need to click exactly on the title to pick up an item and i need to wait until my char gets to where ever it is on the map that is close enough to the item for it to be picked up.

Especially if I’m playing a more mobile character, the act of doing those things takes me out of the moment and adds quite a bit of annoyance. Important to note that it wasn’t an annoyance initially, but by now it has reached the ‘nope’ stage. So the stuff that you think should add to my enjoyment/engagement? Yeah, that stuff, because the way it’s implemented, is actively decreasing my enjoyment.

I want the shards (always), but just the mechanics of actually going out of my way and having to slow down to pickup a shard takes me out of the game and reduces my enjoyment.

An aside: I also want the rare/less common shards that are a part of an item. Like +1 to a skill or a hybrid. I create a lot of different alts, I don’t enjoy messing with the filter (I actually kind of hate the idea of a filter, but I know I’m rare in that regard), so if you could add a way in the filter to directly* target items that include a shard that is less common (all the way to rare), I’d love that.

*Heavy showed me how to do this in an indirect way but I just don’t want to do it for every character (yes, I could probably create a base class filter that I use for each new alt and then rename… but I hate the filters even though they are brilliantly executed and work very well).


Hello, just want to tell my experience here because i really like this game BUT… Im quiting this game only because there is nothing like autopickup shards, its so anoying/sad clicking every single one of them after literally each kill like holy moly this is some 0 IQ stuff, especially when im killing everything with tele so its really speedrun and if i want FKING SHARD i need to slow down teleport back where i was pick it up and run back again like wow clap… Idk but it is so hard to add some microtransation to buy a fking pet that will collecting them or smthing ? Good thing is i had a dream where was autopickup so i hope that dream was my future. Howk


I feel that you’ve made a very strong argument for them to continue not to add auto-pickup, since it apparently drives very toxic people away.

As u can see my nick telling something else im the last toxic player u ever see… Anyway i apologize if i hurt your feeling with something.

I’m curious how they dev team can have long, in-depth discussions about shards and autopick-up, and come to the conclusion that it shouldn’t happen. Are you guys working with the same shards and filters that we are? Or does the dev team have access to Super Nifty Cool ™ shards, with interesting descriptions, that entices you to read them?

I mean, was there a Pros/Cons chart that we could see, and perhaps have a better understanding as to how this (wildly unpopular) decision was concluded upon?



Maybe they think most of us wants “auto pick up” that applies screen wide. When personally, I just want to be able to auto pick up shard when I walk over it like gold or exp tomes. Not something I would automatically pick up from an enemy I killed at the corner of my screen.


Pro for the game: It slowes down everything so people need more time to get from A to B or even have to backtrack sometimes when they want a shard that droped on the corner of the screen where they dotted an enemy a while ago.

Shar pickup and stashing is a time sink and that’s a good thing for LE right now because every little bit that stretches the content is important. This might be just my good old realistic selfe speaking but take away everything that slowes you down in LE and you see the game is rather barebone.

I realy like the barebone game and it’s promising but there is so little to do if you don’t want to repeate the same game mode over and over again.

Rather unpopular thing you need to do like picking up shards or relevel skills or replaying the whole campaign and the not account wide arena/monolith progress are just there to stretch the game. So it’s a huge Pro for the game to have a time sink that isn’t hurtfull.

Again this is just speculation and might be to pessimistic for some people but for me this is cleare the only Pro I can find that speaks for shard pickups like htey are implemented now.

Don’t make promises you can’t keep I would be glad if you were the last toxic player I’ve ever to see :smiley:


Arbitrarily slowing things down just so “it takes a little longer” is not necessarily good for the game. If it frustrates players, it will drive more away than it will retain. They could accomplish the exact same thing by reducing movement speed to 10% of what it is at the moment, and not allowing it to be increased. That would “slow things down and make it take more time to get from A to B”. Do you think that would be a Pro for the game?

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Sure but right now and in the current state everything that stretches the content for some minutes is something good for the game. In the case of shards it’s not that frustrating and over time you start to pick them up automaticly without a second thougt.

Sure they can do a lot but they are somehow focused on shards as pseudo items.

Yes! Imagine LE takes the D4 approach. You do the story line once, you do the map exploration once and you do the collectibles once per account. That’s a realy nice thing of D4 to do and it makes leveling Alts so much more fun but it decreases the content a lot but there is still enough to do in D4.
Now remove all the content crutches from LE and look what you have left in the current state. It’s not that much in MY oppinion and that’s why I think every imaginable timsink that isn’t to exhausting is a good thing because it artificaly increases playtime.

I get it I’m a cynical to a certain extend but I think it’s important for the longlivity of LE that there are some artificals content crutches that stretch the games content.

Then again something else crossed my mind lately. What’s faster AoE pickup with a click or moving over every shard manualy? Without a very bif autocollect range the system in place is far better ^^.

I think this touches on something that is worth highlighting and jumping off from. One of the things I appreciate about LE is that it is NOT a zoom fest, and I don’t feel compelled to play it like a zoom fest, and EHG clearly doesn’t want it to be a zoom fest. I feel like there are people coming here who want LE to be POE-Except-Time-Travel and keep trying to push a bunch of changes they pitch as “quality of life” or “it’s more fun” when really they just get the vapors if they can’t “be efficient” by blasting through everything all the time, and they’re allergic to anything that makes them take even the smallest moment of pause. And that’s what I see in this - Taking a whole second to skim and click on shards dropped my Speedo Efficiency Quotient by 0.001% and if I do that X times in Y echoes over Z hours, that means in my 4 hours of blasting away I’ve lost a total of two whole echoes, this is a travesty!!!