Aschere's Caster Paladin DOT 0.8.3. 7788 EHP, 100-200K single target DPS. High Corruption and 200+ Arena. (S-Tier)


Also, which would you say is more important, the ignite or the ele/dmg over time?

The rough rule of thumb for most builds will be 25% “ignite chance” modifier is about the same as 100% “increased damage” modifier.

The more detailed answer is that it depends a lot on your current stats and the current ratio of the (Sum of all % increased damage sources) / (% Chance to Ignite). Most builds will typically be around a ratio of 3-5. which means that 100% increased is about equivalent to 20%-30% ignite chance. Here it is in a table format:


For a new character though, what would you recommend building into though first?

I think I transitioned to the build around low level 60s.

I’d probably recommend three stages:

  • Early leveling (1-40): I’d recommend void warpath especially if you have a Dreamthorn sword.
  • Mid leveling (40-60): Once you get your ascendancy (Paladin), I’d put points into void knight tree (preferably “Temporal Corruption” and “Void Bolts” for more flat void dmg). You can then just run this as a hit-based void damage build using the same skills.
  • Transition to this build (levels around 50-75): Once you get enough gear to get a reasonable ignite chance and % increased DOT/ele DOT, you can spec out of Temporal Corruption/Void Bolts and go full DOT.

Also, do you think Javelin with the banner would be a boost to this build?

You’d need to drop another skill. I don’t think banner would justify dropping either of main two DPS abilities: Devouring or Smite. I also don’t think banner would justify dropping Sigils (unless you just don’t want to deal with them) as they are such a massive DPS boost. As such, I’d probably suggest dropping Holy Aura but just be warned it’ll make gearing a bigger challenge. It would probably be a good glass cannon variant though if you ignore those resists/endurance.

As such, I think Javelin with banner + auto-smite casts could be a good addition and would work if you want to focus more on damage.

There is also Judgement+Smite as an option. I tried getting this to work pre-0.8.3. but scrapped it due to mana costs. With changes to Judgement mana it might work now. Between Judgement and Javelin, I think Javelin would probably be better.


What I’ve been wondering about is whether the additional 60-100% bleed chance blessing is better, and how it interacts with your damage outputs, vs taking the 50-70% crit avoidance blessing instead, freeing up a couple of suffix slots for added HP or endurance.

For my build, I have an 86% bleed chance blessing. Running the math it comes out to about 2-3% of my total damage, so not super significant. At lower gear levels I’d expect it to be more significant. I think crit avoidance is a good potential blessing to free up one more suffix for more defensive buffs. I updated the guide to indicate this. Thanks!

Awesome addition! I’ll add to build

Thanks for the build! Small question: in the loot filter for “Recolor Staff with Ignite / Ele DOT”, you have Elemental Damage selected and not Elemental Damage Over Time - is that on purpose?

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Shoot. I did mess up the filter on the first staff recolor. I’ll fix. Thanks for catch.

No problem! The build is fun, I’ve just barely gotten enough pieces to cobble it together. Another question: when and why are you hard casting Smite? Are you holding any keys down (not counting numlock for orbs) when you play?

The loot filter link seems to be blank for me


I generally self cast Smite (hold down for however many casts I deem needed) when:

  • There is a tanky single target that I want added damage against
  • When I want mana back like after casting a bunch of sigils/holy aura
  • Close range healing
  • When I have nothing better to do.

Smite is about 30-40% of your total damage against a single target (about 50% if you run electrify). For a lot of map clear though you can just ignore it altogether.


I just double checked it. It works for me. Scroll down to the bottom of the pastebin to the “raw paste data”. Click inside the box, click ctrl+a (select all). Ctrl+C. Then go into game and “import” the filter from clipboard.

Maybe you have to be a member. Still blank for me unfortunately. Can you make it a downloadable file we can use?

It might be some adblocker or something. Either way, I copied it to a different paste service. You can try copying it here (just select all and copy).


That worked, TYVM mate.

Thank you for the detailed information about how to get started with the build. I started void warpath but I stumbled a good Elemental damage/Ele DOT/Ignite staff early on and swapped to this build just after arriving reaching the Imperial Era. Immediately rushed devouring orbs and dropped warpath/rive for Smite/Holy Aura and took it slower until I got Orbs.

With Devouring orbs up I managed to wreck through the rest of the Imperial era quests by adding some DOT shards and then gearing defensively, necrotic resist. This build is amazing!

As for the Javelin idea, I was considering it due to personally disliking Sigils of Hope but I realize that I am currently squishy and not lacking for up close damage with Orbs doing most of the work. So I need more defensive gear and Sigils I’ll just have to get used to. I think banner eats up Lunge’s cooldown anyway so if you just spec into Lunge with Smite casting it’s roughly the same as Banner. Also I don’t think that the “Lunge” that the Javelin banner does actually uses your Lunge tree? So Smite on normal Lunge doesn’t seem to cast?

The Javelin “Dash” doesn’t actually use Lunge. It uses an ability called “Dash” (the artwork is the same since they haven’t done a lot of the skill node artwork). It does put Lunge (and Shield Rush) on a cooldown, but it is a MUCH shorter cooldown than the normal one.

Upon fooling around with it some, I think Javelin is probably superior for low-tier content. The Dash is really nice for extra movement. This would let you move through maps even faster. Plus if you spec into it casting Smite every 0.8seconds it’ll still do some extra damage.

I’ve tried tons of builds for sentinel, in VK and Pally (though never done FG) trying to find a better alternative to Sigils, due to personally hating it, but I just haven’t. There are options in this build, like you could use Abyssal Wave to give you a DoT buff and ignite stacks, yes, or you can use Javelin to cast smite and give you an extra mobility, but I just don’t find any other ability really stacking up to Sigils. Sigils is very mana hungry, yes, but has a fairly long duration compared to the 4sec buff from Abyssal. Jav could help on bosses to build up stacks faster with additional smite casts, but that wouldn’t give you the extra raw damage from sigils.

Dunno, I really want to find a viable alternative to Sigils because I hate the skill’s mechanics… its so awkward and disruptive to use… but so darn powerful. Literally every sentinel build uses it, too, I haven’t really found any build that doesn’t, or doesn’t benefit greatly from using it or including it.

I hope that they rework it at some point.

There is a similar build in youtube (Last Epoch Void Mage VK 0.8.3 Build(AFK Lv100 Shade) - YouTube). Which version do you think is better? (I’m not experienced enough to detect differences)

I think sigils get a bad rap - taking the quality of life nodes means you really don’t have to do a lot to maintain them. That said, I am personally annoyed by the stutterstepping, even with cast speed affixes, and would be curious to see if there is a way to remove that. I know it’s fundamental to the build, but imagining you had to remove it, is there anything you would suggest?


There is a similar build in youtube (Void Caster VK 0.8.3 (AFK Lv100 Shade) - YouTube ). Which version do you think is better? (I’m not experienced enough to detect differences)

I’ve previously played a void crit version and I think they each have pros and cons. They will certainly play very similar to one another.

Where I think the DOT build is better:

  • Easier to gear (Excluding staff, it will be far easier to gear as you get so much more basic resists, crit avoidance, and endurance - a lot of which comes from Holy Aura)
  • Much tankier (You’ll be rocking more endurance, more life, and because of the easier gearing, you can stick more life rolls on your suffixes)
  • Higher damage at higher gear levels
  • Slightly more movement speed/faster clear (but they’ll both be zoom zoom)

Where I think Void Crit is better:

  • Higher damage at lower gear levels
  • Don’t have to worry about sigils (they are more important in a DOT version)
  • Better life recovery through more leech
  • I think the graphics/animations are a little cooler, but maybe thats a personal preference

No difference:

  • Damage at medium gear levels. They’re probably on par with each other.
  • Gameplay style is very very similar.
  • Similar stuttersteps. You’ll get more cast speed in void crit, but you’ll also be casting it more with Swiftrest.

My rough suggestion would be that if you expect to run a build to level 100 or farm extensively, i’d say run paladin DOT. If you expect to play and stop around the time you get to empowered monoliths, I’d say run void crit as it drops off in power at higher levels due to being squishier.

One note is if you do run void crit, I think its better to run 3/3 swiftrest for 30% CDR. It’s one of the most important nodes in Anomaly since it improves how often you cast Devouring and Time bubble. I was surprised to see he didn’t spec into it. Without it, I think you lose a ton of DPS (i’d drop some leech or crit nodes).


I think sigils get a bad rap - taking the quality of life nodes means you really don’t have to do a lot to maintain them. That said, I am personally annoyed by the stutterstepping, even with cast speed affixes, and would be curious to see if there is a way to remove that. I know it’s fundamental to the build, but imagining you had to remove it, is there anything you would suggest?

Getting 5/5 on Sightless Star (Devouring Orb cast speed) is ABSOLUTELY crucial - both for cast speed than for mana efficiency. It’s why I rush it first thing even though the Abyssal nodes is where you get most of your damage. The reduction in stuttersteps from that first 35% cast speed is enormous.

After that, I’d recommend aiming for at least ~14% cast speed (one T5 roll. Can get up to 30% with two T5 on gloves/relic) - there is almost no good prefixes for gloves anyways. It makes the stuttersteps a lot less noticeable. If getting something like 25% off of those two items and it still bothers you, then I’d suggest a slightly modified Smite tree to get Righteous Flurry which will get an extra +20% cast speed putting you at net 80% cast speed (25% gear + 20% Righteous + 35% Sightless). At 60%+ cast speed, it personally becomes unnoticeable to me. I settled for 50% and I got used to the very slight stutterstep.

Here is recommended Smite tree modification to reduce stutterstep (slight reduction in damage, elimination of most of smite’s healing):

Hope that helps!

As far as sigils, I don’t notice much especially if i’m speed clearing the map. I usually just cast at start of map (quickly cast three of four) and then forget about it. The auto-cast node maintains me at four stacks most of the time. This build is so fast that its kind of less of a deal compared to all the other sentinel builds that run it (and as was commented earlier in the thread almost every build does due to its sheer power - which is my bigger problem with having a near-mandatory skill).

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If you take the instant cast node that will remove the stutter stepping.

Hi! I can see how bleeding scaling with damage (lunge tree). But what with the poison for example? I can’t understand how it helps for damage and where. I can see ignite scaling and this lunge but i dont understand the other ones :stuck_out_tongue: Btw great build. I just forgot about bear earthquake nerf for this one. TY

We don’t get a lot of scaling off of the bleed or the poison. Just generic “increased DOT” (which is inferior to getting “increased ele DOT”) and “increased damage” (120% from sigils, 24% passive tree). For bleed you also have 16% pen and 32% increased from passive. If you have a staff with “increased DOT” (such as implicit or prefix), the unique boots, or just as a random equipment prefix it’ll make more of a difference. On my setup the 86% bleed chance equates to 3257DPS (or 2.4%). For poison it will probably be less unless the -resistance per poison stack adds up enough (i haven’t run the numbers).

Also note that the bleeding on lunge tree doesn’t actually bleed. It gets converted to ignite with the last passive (including any bleed from the monolith blessing).

Shhhhhhhhhhhhh, I think EHG reads these forums.

Yo, if you´re here cause PoE has nothing to give to you anymore, try this build. It is detonate dead with herald of ash combined in an auto-cast an on top you get heal on right click.


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