As melee, Empowered Monoliths feel like D4's launch-state Nightmare Dungeons (Feedback)

Kain–thanks for the response. 300C is actually what I’m aiming for; however, there seems to be a misunderstanding here. I am not saying Spellblade can’t get to 300C or higher. I’m saying it is much more difficult to do so with said mastery. I think you’ve essentially agreed.

interesting point here, have you guys considered deconnecting the corruption health/damage mechanic?

Right now the two scale the same. it will be 250% more damage and health, the two never split in scaling.

A small indie arpg chronicon had this very issue, where damage and health both scaled the same. So eventually the name of the game was “pump damage, off screen and chance to not take damage” so the devs changed the scaling of damage on the infinite mechanic to scale much slower then the tank of the mobs. This causes you to still want to build defenses, and once mobs get to tanky for you to kill in a reasonable time, you have many more chances to make a mistake.

Sorta can help fix that shotgun style of “oops I ate all the shot in the shell for this shot, so im dead”

It’s been a while since I’ve personally played Spellblade, though it’s certainly had its times being the meta leader, haha. Sometimes all it takes is a small tweak, or a single unique for something to go from obscurity to OP supermeta, or reverse. From a neutral balance standpoint, maybe other builds having an easier time getting to 300 and above is what we should be looking at, haha :wink: . Though of course, as I mentioned, it largely comes down to the feedback we get, and we’re listening!

I feel like most people in this thread just want to tell me how to play Spellblade or that I somehow suck at it, even though it’s a skill-based class I’ve managed to progress with further than most.

I mean you are acting like spellblade/melee is the issue, and I really dont think that is it.

I can play a spellblade and experience none of the issues you bring up in this thread pre 300c.

Yes you have to play pretty smart because you need to play around the little defenses you have. you are not a runemaster who just has 6k ward for free.

If you were saying “hey im at 500c im getting blown up” id be like “yeah that happens” you are sub 300 and complaining that the game is just unbalanced.

Its a bit of a skill issue at that point. its not a bad thing. As you get more experienced with the game, you wont worry about it as much.

The game is unbalanced. but not at the point in which you are playing. The level of content you are at is often complained about across all classes as being boring and too easy, and too long of a grind to get through.

Heck shaman is a class known to be weak and was buffed this patch to try and help it have some identity. it has even less access to defense then spellblade, and people still get to 300c without issue and beyond.

You just need to slowdown, craft some gear, and get used to the play patterns of all the enemy types.

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1%? I was thinking I was going slow after reaching 200+ corruption with 2 characters only. I play bleed warlock and squirrel beastmaster and both of my characters are very strong. Warlock ranged and Beastmaster melee(with minions). My friend plays Paladin and he doesnt get oneshot in EMs.

So, let me be clear. I disagree with all of this, and nothing you’ve said will change my perspective or feedback. You’re making assumptions and projecting authority while establishing zero credibility. Again, I love how everyone keeps trying to tell me I’m wrong, but no one is actually proving it. Please show me your 500C Spellblade.

I am lvl 72 Paladin and get 1 shot from monolith lvl 66 bosses from quest 1 and 3. managed to kill boss from quest 1 by kitting, but hard to do that with quest 3 boss. it says I died from void damage which res is maxed out, all resmaxed beside poison, arnor 32% reduction, 1050 life. steange that I use also Sigil of Hope with that modifier toconsume a sigil for hits b8gger than 25% life,but even with 4 sigils active I still get 1 shot.

Thank you for this response! Will you share some thoughts on health vs ward? From my perspective, it seems Ward is the only way to go to push past 300 corruption.

Yeah you are bad and will stay bad. if you want to improve there is guides/videos that will show you that spellblade is fine, and melee is fine. You just are just unwilling to stop crying about getting thrashed and learn. Enjoy your pity party thread : ^)

I’ll be perfectly frank, I have been reading up on Spellblade for months, and I have never heard it listed atop a “meta” list anywhere. It’s not highly represented on any leaderboards or anywhere across the community at all. As a matter of fact, I think the only melee class Spellblade frequently outranks is Forge Guard. A class considered by many to be the worst in the game.

Also, for posterity, I’ll reiterate: I never said Spellblade progression was impossible. Only that playing as melee was incredibly similar to that of early-stage NMDs in D4. Thus, a very tedious and frustrating experience that players ultimately revolted against. Did I succeed in NMDs? Yes. Did I enjoy NMDs? No. EMs feel exactly the same. My Barb experience was exactly the same. People will revolt against this in exactly the same way.

Also, if you’re saying you only look at 300C but aren’t asking yourself why some classes are more/less represented than others, there might be a correlation here.

Yeah, ok, I’m bad. Still waiting for the link to your 500C Spellblade. Put your money where your mouth is.

If I look at Falconer and if I look at Spellblade then Spellblade is ass and completely fubar. Spellblade was in no good spot to begin with BUT I’m 100% sure pushing 300C isn’t an issue with the Spellblade. Still the ammount of work you need to put into the Spellblade to get there is x times larger then the ammount needed as a completely busted Falconer who is killing T4 Julra in 2 seconds in meh gear.

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OK I’m re-rolling to Falconer :angry:
j/k my sorcerer is fine, slowly working my way up. But I’m a lot slower to progress than you guys.

I play Ghostflame Warlock just for the lulz and don’t use buged interactions and somehow can still facetank bosses as long as if I have Mana ^^. Still I work my way up slowly but steady because I have enough time.

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This is pretty much all I’ve been trying to say. :+1:

Why don’t you say so then? :stuck_out_tongue:

I simply get it because i was there and done that. I just hope the devs take their time and look into balancing the mess they created :slight_smile: .

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Lol. Not only have I said that, I have said it 10 different ways and thought about even translating it into arabic.

As a melee player myself, I find some things are just instant. The bigger concern I have is the color of some abilities on the floor x.x


What about telegraphed attacks that hit slower at melee range and faster at far range?