[Arena 484][0.8.2]Bear’s Arcane Elemental Blast - 3 elements, 7+ ailments, 5k+ ward, up to 500k+ DPS

The build has been updated to the 0.8.2 build planner :slight_smile:

Cheers! Thx for the build. What is the drop rate on the belt? Just finished abomination at the empowered level again and got yet another chest piece :rage: Is there a suitable alternative?

Hm, I swear lastepochtools used to mention the % drop rate, can’t see it now though. Anyway, it’s a rare drop so if I remember correctly I think around 10-15% chance to drop.

I’ll post what I wrote earlier in the thread:

I haven’t played my sorc in about a year, but this build looks interesting. A few questions:

  1. How much of the damage is coming from the ailment stacking of different types? Basically the reason I ask is I’m wondering how much damage you lose by dropping all the elements and sticking with lightning only on EM.

It’s great that you’ve managed to use the invokers set in a way to make a reliable build, as this set is very easy to come by. But if you went pure lightning EN, you wouldn’t need invokers… being able to drop those 3 set items for rares would give you a ton more survivability. You could swap the two rings for Ivory’s, which would give you another 50% ward retention. It would also let you even out your resists on gear, letting you put +health on every item, or more which would obviously greatly boost your ward. It would also let you move about 20-30 points of passives around to get more crit/lightning damage, which might let you swap crit chance off a few items for something else (like more int for even more ward retention).

  1. How important is the slow from AA? You could drop the slow and put 3 points into AA closed circuit (why are there two abilities with this name?!) which would increase the lightning blast dps by 60%.

  2. Shouldn’t you drop a point from Fiery Destruction to Charged Destruction in EN?? Using average from the builder you’re quite aways off 100% crit with LN, surely the +3% base crit is much more average damage?

  3. Wouldn’t +2 LB +60% ED be better on the helm than +int? Especially if you want to experiment with using closed circuit from LB (closed circuit part 2), having the 2 extra points here would be nice. I guess you’d lose ward retention, but see question 1 about going full lightning.

Welcome to the community!

I don’t have any exact numbers, but probably a lot if you spec only into lightning. The only other damage is spark charges if you go lightning, and then you’d have a lot of extra points left over for things non damage related. You’d also lose out on making EN targetable unless you go Ashen Crown. So basically the benefit of going 3 elements is more utility, higher levels and more points to invest into damage nodes.

You’re right in saying that a no set build would have more survivability, I did add an additional build planner for this but it still encompasses 3x elements on EN. Ward goes up significantly, you have room for poison resistances and you can shuffle some passives around. In my testing it was doing about 1/2 the damage of the set build though. If you insist on going lightning you’re still going to have trouble with the lack of making the build targetable. Targeting is limited to either the fire branch of EN or using The Ashen Crown, if you go The Ashen Crown you’re only going to have a maximum of 20 points in EN, but maybe that would be fine if you pick up other lightning damage passives elsewhere.

If I remember correctly the only way we have slow in this build is through AA, and slow is really important if you’re into Arena. From my understanding all Superconductor does it allow LB to be procced more often, but there’s no need for that when a single proc activates the channelled form of LB since we specced into Insidious Conduction. You’d be investing points for no gain.

The build planner doesn’t accurately represent all stats and is quite inaccurate compared to the game character sheet and actual combat. In game I’m critting 100% of the time with EN.

You can absolutely drop the int and pop on LB but you’d have hard luck crafting T5 LB and T5 EN on one item. They’re quite rare shards to begin with, and T5 LB and T5 EN would likely mean you sacrifice health suffix levels. You could also just pop on a T1 LB for 1 extra point. I think two T5’s is more realistic to craft on one item than three or four T5’s - those are much harder to achieve, and for that reason I value T5 EN and T5 % health on the helmet. But even without the +1 or +2 points in LB I think we hit the most important nodes and any additional points would be of limited value.

hey chillbear, just in case you missed it, like FoE has explained in his post here there is currently a bug regarding EN’s crit chance. So this might also explain why EN crits more than expected.

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Oh that’s interesting, thanks for linking that. It did seem a bit strange how EN was perma crit but LB was struggling, but I put that down to 3% crit chance through nodes on LB.

Will be interesting to see what it’ll be like when it gets fixed. I imagine having to relocate a point in EN for extra crit chance or changing the catalyst

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Yeah, I suspected a potentially significant dps loss, I wish there was a pob equivalent here so we could really see the exact numbers without having to have 10 million pieces of equipment and doing testing by hand. Note there is another damage node lightning could get- there’s a 5 point dump on arcana elementorum, which while not great is a multiplicative damage node, so you could recover a bit of damage there.

Not having targetable EN is a bit of a downer too, and perhaps the bigger issue in terms of survivability. The area would be more than double the targeted version though, because of the afore mentioned arcanum node as well as having 5/5 in elemental expanse, so some testing would be required on just how (un)comfortable that would be. You’d also not have as many mana problems, as EN would be 30% cheaper. Combined with being able to put cheaper spellcost on your weapon since you’d have a lot more crit options on other pieces of gear, you’d be using focus a lot less often.

Ahhh I see. This is my ignorance on how AA works. So does LB channel as long as you’re channelling EN?

It channels as long as you’re dealing damage, mainly through EN yes, but there is some weird buggy interactions you can be channelling LB on its own through AA.

So i’m loving the build so far…but i CANNOT find this chest armor to save my life! this is my 6th 70+ level character and it just won’t drop…I feel like this build will be bad without it, so any tips for gear?

The chest piece is pretty essential, otherwise you can stick with a leech based build with normal equipment. It takes time to find the chest piece, I’ve had about 1 drop every 100 hours of play.

Lightning blast is not casting automatically when I use Arcane Ascendance. Any idea why?

Did you grab the Superconductor node in AA and Insiduous Conduction in LB?

I have both of those. The skill does not work as advertised.

I tried it just now and it’s working just fine

Why is it not working for me? I copied your build exactly from the planner. Going to try resetting AA and see if that does anything. Redoing LB made no difference.

This makes no sense. There has to be something different between your setup and mine. The node simply does not work.

Hey just wondered if you tried “The Ashen Crown” with this build? Seems to work pretty well…

I can’t think why it wouldn’t be working? Does LB proc at all, even single instances rather than the channelled ability?

I don’t use the Ashen Crown because we have targettable through the fire branch of EN, we also lose out of health and EN levels.

So I’m like 2 days old now, not that I’ll be anyway near this build but just curious as to what level you would need to transition into this build? I get that some of the items you need like level 80 or something I think. But just curious as it looks fun haha, I think I’m currently like level 34 if that matters. Thanks in advance

It depends when you get the uniques. The chest and boots make the build ward based, so whenever you find them and have the level to wear them.

Minus those two uniques you can stick with an HP based, high leech and high damage build that will be pretty good too.