Are you sure you're ready for the 1.0 release?

Oh it just said something else on steam i am pretty sure, like march or something. Thats why i thought it was just around the 1 year mark.

No, that was 0.9, weā€™ve had 0.9.1 & 0.9.2 since then.

No chat bug fix.

Plz just stay away. Nobody needs content creators like you.

Why are you being rude for no reason. I played Arpgs for past 10 years. And my opinion is equally valid.


While people are entitled to have opinions, not all opinions are equally valid.

This is no verdict about the validity of your opinions in general, I neither know you nor your content. Have fun with LE.

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PoE released without a complete story but we donā€™t talk about the most successful ARPG when its inconvenient to us.

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I mean, Iā€™m about as critical of LE as anyone, and even I find this to be ridcockulous hyperbole. The game is perfectly playable in its current state. The only reason we bitch about any of it, is because itā€™s human nature (at least current-day nature) to bitch about any_and_everything. When my cereal is perfect, I bitch about the curvature of the spoon Iā€™m using to eat it!

v1.0, while maybe not perfect, would have to break just about everything currently in the game to be quoteunquote unplayable. Weā€™ve been playing this beta version for about a year now, and I donā€™t think v1.0 is going to go worse than the MP releaseā€¦which is about the only time the game has been actually unplayable in the 4+ years Iā€™ve had it.

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That is because youā€™re not evolved enough to realize that there is no spoon.
Spoiler alert: the cake is also a lie.

Yep, tons of bugs and long loading times. Only 45 Secs? I experienced 2-5 mts on some screens. So yes, launch for this can be a complete Disaster if not done correctly.
Crossing my fingers for going nice.

Youā€™re doing it wrong.

Tell me you donā€™t know anything about programming without telling me you donā€™t know about programming.

lol how did that turn out for you

It was more of server issues than game issues.

Maybe you donā€™t have much time in the game. The bug report forums are on fire. This game is a buggy mess, that should have never been released

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