Are you sure you're ready for the 1.0 release?

Except for the fact that when you are lvl 100 / lvl 21 glyphs in d4 there’s zero reason to do any of the content it provides. While in LE you still can improve your gear almost for ever.


That’s completely true then again I often find no need to play a toon to level 100 in LE. If the toon is fun to play I play it all the way to 100 but most of the time Is top at 85-90 and call it a day because the build works but I don’t get that much more meaningfull stuff for it.

There was a topic in the past that LE offers you only so little after you hit lvl 75 when it comes to progression. I think games have a lot that speaks for them but there are things that speak against them as well and I don’t hink we will ever get a game that checks all the boxes.

Well, there is one HUGE difference between LE and D4 in this regard and that is class specific drops. D4 only drops gear for your character. But LE lets you farm gear for your next character with whatever class you’re running at the time. So even if you don’t want to min-max (and many, me included, don’t) you can still play that character or return to it more often when (and if) you want to prepare your next character in advance.

D4 finishes with the campaign, you can do all content with slobby yellow gear you find in Hell tide, there is no reason to continue playing at that point because all other gear you find is essentially useless, and only for cosmetic or personal goal…

That could be said about every ARPG. When you finished the story once everything else is just a usless grind… Untill you are in stuff like progression, loot hunt, minmaxing, endgame, speedruns, seasonal content, achivements and whatnot. Sure this could be called personal goals as well but somehow that’s the heart and soul of the genre.

I for one am looking forward to it. Sure there will be bugs. Sure it will go slow. They may have server issues.

Oh Well! They will work through them.

I cannot think of a single game that I have played that did not have issues at launch.


I can think of a lot of games without any issues. I can’t think of modern day games that had no issues but that’s another topic :smiley: .

Try a SSD for loading times. It is under 5 seconds for all loading screens now for me?

Diablo 4 every season has like 15 NMD’s that you just avoid because they are either terrible layouts or terrible density, so you end up running the 3-5 S tier NMD’s as much as possible.

In path of exile, most people only run very specific maps as well. 100+ layouts every league and majority of good players only do 10-15 of them.

In d4 you also have helltides, where you run between 2 events in the same reddish layouts and kill the exact same demons over and over.

Then you have whispers where you just follow the arrow for extremely easy objectives that dont really give you anything until the very very end just so you can get the boss mats to get the other boss mats to maybe get the super cool shako.

I do agree last epoch offers loot in an infinitely better way, making the game much more fun. But all of these games mentioned in the same category all have pretty repititve layouts. Path of exile leagues almost exclusively just use their current assets retouched in a new color graphically.

Most super small indie dev teams release in this fashion - i.e. with the first few chapters, and then additional chapters later.

If I remember right, when Path of Exile launched it only had 3 chapters, with the 4th chapter added 1-2 years later; and then the final 5 chapters added 1-2 years after that point.

Free to play games developed by extremely small studios launch in this manner. Larger studios, for monetized games do the same thing - they simply market the story continuation/completion as an ‘expansion’ and charge for it.

You could argue that D4 is not a completed story, knowing that every year they plan to release an expansion that continues the story and you have to pay for it.

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0.9.2 was released in September 23, that’s around 5 months. I know my mental arithmetic is a bit iffy, but I’m pretty sure that 5 is less than 12. By quite a lot.

Well, that depends. If it’s a really really REALLY big 5 and a tiny bitty small 12, it’s almost the same.

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Cant say much, but patch 1.0 have sooo many fixes, but you will need to wait like a week… because servers will be sooooooo crowded on patch day.

Oh it just said something else on steam i am pretty sure, like march or something. Thats why i thought it was just around the 1 year mark.

No, that was 0.9, we’ve had 0.9.1 & 0.9.2 since then.

No chat bug fix.

Plz just stay away. Nobody needs content creators like you.

Why are you being rude for no reason. I played Arpgs for past 10 years. And my opinion is equally valid.


While people are entitled to have opinions, not all opinions are equally valid.

This is no verdict about the validity of your opinions in general, I neither know you nor your content. Have fun with LE.

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PoE released without a complete story but we don’t talk about the most successful ARPG when its inconvenient to us.

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