Any zone resets immediately: why?

I don’t understand why there isn’t a cooldown for resetting the areas you just visited.
If I kill all mobs or I explore an area it makes no sense that if I return to any camp for 20 seconds and I return to the area that I just cleared that same area is reseted.
Why we are forced to explore it again and kill again or to waste time dodging all the mobs?

I think 5 minutes or 10 before the reset is enough.
Furthermore if I must kill more than one objective of any quest or if I must destroy more than one objective for any quest I just need to find one of them, kill it or destroy it and open the portal, returning there again to have the objective to kill or destroy.
E.g. the quest “THE LAST IMPERIAL: Destroy the Soul Repositories”: you find one and destroy it, go back to camp, go back and destroy it. It’s a bit…stupid imo.

Why should I return often to the city? Because I have to sell and I believe that everyone has to sell, at least in the beginning.

If an area is completely explored and empty it is normal for it to be empty for a few minutes, I just explored it!
I can understand that you don’t want to give the “feeling” that everything is empty, that’s why a few minutes before a reset I don’t think it’s a big problem.

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And many others.
Long story short, it’s a performance issue. If they could persist the zones without impacting performance they would. When they figure out how to do that, they will.


Performance issues? After 5 years from release? Okay.
So I can avoid opening other posts, if for example I have frame drops or temperature increases in one map but not in another map.
Got it.

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Fairly easy:
Server performance.

Every instance open creates server load, the more instances are open the more load.

EHG isn’t able - yet - to handle the theoretical load created through that and hence has no permanence for instances unlike PoE.
And if someone here can remember how the ‘early’ times of PoE handled that… well… I would say EHG has made a very veeeeeery good decision in that case :stuck_out_tongue:


The map reset completely takes away my enjoyment of playing… I don’t understand why there’s no such option, at least in the offline version

For the offline version it would be very good to have, agreed.

It would be nice, but the offline version is the exact same as the online version with some stuff turned off. Doing this would require maintaining 2 different versions and its own respective collection of bugs.

There was a time when online and offline were different and offline actually had less bugs and it was a mess to maintain.

It would be nice, but I’m assuming you’re returning to town to sell, which means you’re losing gold per second as the gold drops by mobs vastly outweigh the gold gained for selling items. It’s literally better to leave items you’re going to sell on the ground and continue killing enemies than to pick them up just to sell them.

So the only time you need to go back to town are to stash items or take a break from the game.

The game heavily decentivizes back tracking and returning to town, so it’s not a priority for them to implement persistent zones.

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