I am in Canada, which is like America but also add a bunch of DEI. Both are bad so ye your correct.
You could. Except that Mike has specifically said, several times, that each seat has the exact same weight in the decisions.
Except there are cases where that happens anyway.
And employees don’t always mindlessly agree with their employer. Especially regarding design decisions. In fact, in most places, employers prefer to have feedback.
In my job we constantly have huge arguments over design decisions and the boss’ opinion doesn’t always matter. Many times the design decision goes against him.
I think you just worked at bad companies. This isn’t the case for many companies, especially in the gaming industry.
What Judd and Mike (and a few others) actually decide unilaterally is the overall design decisions: the game identity and where they want it to go. For the smaller things like autoloot, it’s not a unilateral decision.
Yup, that is fairly obvious. Or maybe he’s just pissed that the people with experience aren’t listening to his totally bonkers ideas…
If I wanted to make a game I would not work for someone else. But that’s beside the point. I was never liked by HR in any place I worked and they been vocal to how much they disliked me also. Never been fired for it- I wish I was so I could sue them.
But no my work experience had been in temp works and distribution centres with some security. So my experience is colored
That’s fair enough, there’s certainly something to be said for being able to maintain creative control & if you did ever decide to do that I’m sure you would find it a very educational experience.
That is very different to the corporate world & creative industries. That probably explains your view that employees are “disposable” or commodities or whatever an appropriate word is.
Hey guys, just a reminder to stay on topic please, thank you
And to get the conversation back on track, Auto-pickup is still not on the menu, but we are cooking …
That’s not what it’s like in the US either, there is no requirement by law.
I would love if we could auto pick up affix shards. They become a physical obstacle in high density fights. Just don’t auto pick up stuff like gold
There are, its under the duties of employer under the employment act, also under health and safety, and anti discrimination laws.
Employers have to accommodate for your disabilities, which means they must listen to your feedback. They have to listen to safety complaints- most importantly to combat discrimination, employers listen to what feedback employees have so that they have plausible deniability.
In practice: employers tells HR to listen to creatives, employees and pass their ideas. Then if the employee sues for discrimination, company can say….
No see, we got their feedback. We let them contribute A-Z, we even let them make skin A-Z. We are not racist. But most feedback will just be stocked and ignored.
So yes it’s on the law- it’s just not very obvious
You can put your imagination where you want it, I will put mine into playing the game.
And auto-pickup would be great as the shards work right now, I just don’t the the full extent of the reason EHG doesn’t want it done and what their plans are that might cause a problem if they did implement this.
As far as I know Mike has never said why- he just said he never heard a good reason in his view. But he never told us what the reason is.
My best guess, he just made this stance without a logical reason and is trying to defend it just because he does not want to be proven wrong- and he is a lead dev. Being proven wrong opens the discussion to what else he got wrong.
If EHG does it, it will be publicly without Mikes consent.
He mentioned exchange system for shards on streams.
But how it will be implemented

My best guess, he just made this stance without a logical reason and is trying to defend it just because he does not want to be proven wrong
Game design is very subjective and it has nothing to do with “logic”.
You clearly do not know and understand (or don’t want to understand) how EHG operates.
That is fairly obvious from all your previous comments. Mike is the public face of EHG because of the devs streams, but you only naming Mike and Mox (Judd) as having complete monopoly on decision making just shows you that you don’t know anything.
If (big IF here, because this is suepr hypothetical) anything it would be Judd and Trasochi, their Principal Designer. From all my interaction with all the different devs Trasochi always stood out as sone of the most insightful and mindful devs on their team, they truly care about the game and would not do something “just to not be proven wrong”.
Mike also explained countless of times that design decision meetings are always happening as a team effort. A single person might throw out an idea, but at the end it is a group discussion and decision, if something gets implemented or at least looked at it closer.
I am a betting that they already did try and test auto-pickup in some capacity or another and weren’t happy with it due to a plethora of different thigns it affects.
A “simple” thing as that will change how the game is played and perceived a lot and player behaviour will change, even if its unconscious.
You clearly just want to put Mike here in a bad spot because he is the only public figure you can point your finger at. But to say it again, that really just shows how little you know about the company EHG as a whole.
I can testify, that Mike is really passionate about the game and he loves it, but if it would be “that logical” and easy just changing that and if that would make it a objectively better game, he would not let his ego stand in the way and sabotage that, just to not get “proven wrong”.
I have interacted with so many alpha, beta, early access and post-release video game projects and devs, from general community feedback, to internal and regular game testing, that I can savely say EHG and especially all the people working there, that I have met or interacted with, truely just want to make a game they like and want to share with the community.
At the end of the day it all goes back to game design being subjective and you will never please everybody anyway and there are very few objectively better (or “logical”) decisiosn in such things.

Why would you ever want to trade shards
Common for rare ones.

Common for rare ones.
Yup, skill shards are rare enough to be able to get to late campaign if not early monos without seeing the ones you want.

As far as I know Mike has never said why
He has, many times over many, many, years. Either you didn’t care to listen or they’ve not said it recently. The reason they’ve always given in ghe past is that they viewed affix shards as pseudo-items rather than a currency (like gold), hence they go into the inventory first. I don’t agree with that reason but it is what they’ve said before.

If EHG does it, it will be publicly without Mikes consent.
It’s like you just don’t/aren’t paying attention to how EHG operate & assume that they’re actually like the distopian crapholes that you’ve worked at before.

Being proven wrong opens the discussion to what else he got wrong.
Ok, I’ll try & make this simple for you:
- People can be wrong, it’s ok
- Being “wrong” or making mistakes is the start of growth, which is a good thing
- Robust challenge of your choices & assumptions is a good thing (see the previous point)
- Whatever shitty company you’ve worked for or shitty bosses you’ve had isn’t normal, I sincerely hope you work at a good/normal company in a skilled position so that you can reaslise that.
I only joined in runes of power- so I would not have heard what Mike said before that. I don’t watch many of his streams either.
I should not need to look 3-4 years back to find things. Would be nice if we had them make a Q/A of their old answers and which still apply
@AndrewTilley made threads of all of the streams but he stopped a while ago. While I agree that you shouldn’t need to go back several years, that doesn’t preclude you from searching before inventing stuff out of whole cloth & not agreeing when others (who have been here for several years) say that the devs have said certain things.
First of all I don’t know anyone who left the game because autolooting shards and glyphs wasn’t a thing. It’s just missing QoL and not that big of a deal.
I think autoloot for glyphs and shards would be no issue at all and would help to speed up the game. When EHG said they have plans for the shards and that’s why they treat them like items nothing about the whole subject will change because we would pick them up anyway because the shard inventory is limitless.
I don’t care about it that much. It would be nice to have said QoL feature but it’s not an issue that make stop playing the game. If this is something that makes the game unplayable for anyone and the sole reason why you moved away from playing LE then let the devs know.
Unfortunately we are not allowed to put peoples names on the forums. I could provide some names. But whatever. A lot of people have quit

You clearly just want to put Mike here in a bad spot because he is the only public figure you can point your finger at.
I have nothing against Mike. I may seem cold when I write- but I respect Mike. Why I am referring his name, since he is the lead developer. In a way, it’s his job to take the benefit and also the negatives of what such a position brings. If I was the lead of EHG, I would expect others to blame me for both perceived good and bad things.

are very few objectively better (or “logical”) decisiosn in such things.
Let’s agree to disagree. Almost everything is in some form a logical decision.

You clearly do not know and understand (or don’t want to understand) how EHG operates.
I am trying to - the best way to learn is to talk and then be proven right or wrong. Unlike others I do not curate my opinions. I am a two sided knife. For the benefits and the negatives