Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

Dude stop defending a decision u know full well is bad. Whether u admit it or not.

Im sorry is September the start of 1.2 (cycle 3) or is that a continuation of 1.1 (cycle 2)? Thats right its a continuation of cycle 2

Right from the OP. ITS NOT A NEW CYCLE.

100% EHG can absolutely just reset MG. Which is what players were asking for. They werent asking for a cycle reset. So what if players can swap factions.

Reset all players gold then. If thats going to be a problem.

Doing thia does nothing but cause more problems than its actually ment to fix.

Dmg was already done reset cycles on new cycle patches PERIOD. Stop the dupe/exploit and move on and start a new in the next cycle.

Problem with doing this is. Now as a CoF player i have to worry another gold dupe/exploit happening. As well as possible mid cycle reset happening…

So why even keep playing this cycle. Or evem starting future cycles when this looms over players during a cycle.

If its IMPOSSIBLE to just reset MG (i dont believe one bit that it cant be done) then dont reset at all and ONLY when a new cycle patch launches.

If theres a gold dupe in cycle 3 find it it remedy it. And let the cyle go as is.

TBH this decision IMHO should have been a poll and community votes one it.

Theres really not any good arguments one can make to justify doing a reset mid cycle patch due to gold dupe/exploit.


I do not agree with the “Reset”. I have worked had getting LP3 for builds to get them strong and now that is all gone. I do not play 12 hours a day to be able to farm like others. I guess I will play something else until Sep. 19 then come and try it to see how the bonus exp and drop rates are. Why bother playing when it all goes away to the Legacy server. Word of advice, next time you start a cycle, don’t reset it right in the middle because some people exploit a vulnerability in the game. Punish all to punish a few is not good practice in my opinion. Hopefully this does not become the norm. This “reset” would have been accepted a lot better if you would have done it within the first couple of weeks. At least people wouldn’t have 3-4 characters then get the good ol kick in the pants.


Exactly :100:

Find the dupe/exploit fix and let the cycle go.

Start fresh the next cycle patch

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They are resetting 1.1 and calling it Reset as it is first time this happens. Ending initial patch 1.1 cycle and starting new 1.1 based cycle - is a new cycle. But now it is not 1.x patch = cycle

Thank you for just slapping CoF players. We had nothing to do with any exploits or markets. We grinded really hard despite all the soft nerfs of CoF during this cycle. Now you take away our well earned Items because some MG Players use exploits?

Just remove all Gold from MG Players, Identify exploit users and remove all of their items and stash tabs in both cycle and legacy.

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It’s not a new cycle at all.

Its still cycle two 1.1 reset or not is the same cycle.

Im not going to play or even support a game that decides to make this a core thing in cycles. Or event reset every time they do a cycle event. Will they do this every cycle we dont know… even if its sometimes. Im not playing a 2 reset per cycle game

Oh man. CoF is not going to be punished, but only transited to legacy - all your gold and items, faction lvl will be saved
Only honest market players will suffer (don’t care about cheaters with billions) as all stalls will be wiped (as it was 1.0 - legacy)

Doesn’t matter. Not everyone plays legacy.

Yes us CoF players are. If u can’t see how from what @Soulstis, @FirstLetterWrong and i have said in this thread. Theres no helping u understand how or wasting time explaining it to you

Fix the dupe and leave the cycle as is. And reset in cycle 3 not mid cycle

Tell me, what’s wrong with legacy? Why upcoming transition is so bad for your characters? Are you holding top spot in ladders or what?
All features, existing and announced for sept, will work in legacy. All your holdings will be transferred
And I know what could be wrong for CoF players… Just want to hear it from your and if it is not coming - you don’t know anything of transition and whining with no reason

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I guess you know that if someone haven’t ever played legacy, when your cycle character go to the legacy, you need to redo all the progression with the faction, also just to wear the gear that you was able to wear one day before in the cycle, and buy again all the stash, and than, to be honest, this type of move just made all the cycle thing useless, the cycle player already don’t have any incentive to play in the cycle, don’t having anything unique doing in it, the leaderboard is a super minor thing, now if they should expect in the future that for some reason the cycle will be resetted, well, let’s say that they have all the reason to be angry.
At least for my perspective, and for a healthy future, the game should incentivize cycle player, that are the one that potentially will not drop the game after 3 days having already they super op character in legacy to speedrun the new content, we all can see how quickly the numbers on the concurrent player have gone down this season, and this move completely go in the opposite direction.

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I just did it and this is wrong.
There is a merge button and it merges gold and reputation ranks. So when the 1.1 chars are transfered I would assume you get the same rank you have in your cycle factions and add your current gold to your total.
I just went from Rank 0 to 10 CoF in Legacy. Prophecies were also retained. Current Favour was not.

This I agree with. You still have the old tabs as remove only but having them devalued this way is not fun. The remove only tabs don’t expire so it’s not really game breaking but absolutely annoying having to farm for regular stash tabs again.

It certainly feels like one. Though as evident in the EHG post, they don’t see it as such. And of course it is unrelated. That is why I said it. With a few balance changes this event would have been more interesting to me.

I agree with this.

Sorry, I must have missed it in the announcement where they said that our existing league characters were being deleted & they weren’t allowing us to make an informed decision as to whether we kept on playing them or started afresh.

Hyperboooooooooooole! Every reset does that, so they must be auch an uncommon thing.

TBF, I don’t think it’s the right thing to do.

Good thing they aren’t then.

You need to take care of your back, it must be aching after moving those goal posts… if they’d said that the cycle was ending & all your characters were moving to standard, that would have been fine. But this? Nah, totally “shitting on players”…

They haven’t. Period. Decimal Point.

How much notice do you need/appreciate? 2 weeks? 3? 4? At some point one needs to put one’s big boy pants on & accept that change happens. And I say that as “neurodiverse” as well.

If you say so buttercup. Personally I think that viewpoint is complete self-indulgent crap, but there we are.

Is that the one that a reasonable expectation would have been for it to end in 2-3 weeks? And it’s being reset in ~3 weeks? That cycle?

Yes, but if you’ve set your goals to take the entirety or more of a 3 month league, you’re not a normal player. Just look at the player numbers in PoE. Do they stay high for the entire 3 month duration? Do people start playing after 2 months of a league?

That’s a teensy bit of a stretch. If I have to go back 100 thousand years (or however far back it was when humanity left Africa) to work out how close a relation I am to my best friend (from Ethiopia), then that’s a fucking dumb thing to say. Sorry…

Yeah, you might want to work on those too.

Though I do agree that the economic reset should have happened immediately.


You can continue to use your character, playing the same content as you are playing now, in standard/legacy/whatever EHG names it. It is an objective non issue. You can do everything you are doing today when the new season drops. YOU make the decision, do you just want to continue progressing your toon or would you like to play new content. Your character isnt being deleted, EHG isnt doing a rug pull - complainers are either brand new to the genre or just like hating because they can.


thank you but no thank you : D

i got way more fun in kingsmarch xd
nn your 30 second “monolyths” xd

fix that and i maby come back

If going by steam player count, over 90% of the players have quit the league already,. Asking from them will give you really biased answers. I believe most of the playerbase will enjoy being able to come back for another round instead of having to wait for 1.2

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Uh… Unfortunately, it is not a new cycle. Not for all intents and purposes… New cycles are supposed to bring in new mechanics, balance changes, new content and obviously a full reset.
What we’re getting is solely a full reset, so even if it is effectively a new cycle, it is not a new cycle, if you know what I mean.
There’s no way people will be convinced by that.


Doesnt matter one bit dude. If they are transferred or not. Ur doing nothing bit defending the worst decision iv ever seen EHG make in my 5 yrs of playing this game

Im not going tk play legacy at all im a pure cycle/season type of player.

My 1.1 characters are supposed to stay in 1.1 cycle till 1.2 just like in 1.0 cycle

I don’t play legacy in any diablo like games for a reason.

Ur not making an valid arguments for doing s mid cycle reset

Iv already explained why in this thread go read what i said not wasting my time explaining it again to someone that can’t see how this is a shafting the CoF player base. And effect future cycle integrity

If u cant see why from what iv already said as well as other. Theres no helping u


Im sorry my 1.1 characters are supposed to stay in 1.1 cycle mode till 1.2 cycle starts.

Fresh starts are for new cycles. EHG even said in the post this isnt a new cycle

U people NEED to stop using this but u can play them in legacy. I dont play legacy never will.

Let me keep playing my 1.1 cycle characters in the damn cycle mode. I dont want access to any loot from past characters. Doesnt matter if theres remove only tabs.


Ya whe a new cycle is ushered in. Thats not happening niw is it.

Then why even say that happens with every reset

U dont agree with it then say that dont try and make some BS excise like u did here

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I agree, I’m the same with Primalists, I don’t play them or Druids in any game for a reason, so EHG made a massive mistake in adding the Primalist & wasting time developing them & their skills. There can be no valid arguments for Primalists at all. La la la la la la I can’t hear you.

La la la, I can’t hear you, just delete Primalists & be done with it. They are bad & I will never play them.