Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

Fair enough, but my point is that the “uproar” is about the term “reset”. If EHG had instead said “we’re ending this cycle early, in about three weeks, and kicking off the next cycle with an event!” there wouldn’t be an outrage.

Literally the outrage is being pedantic over the phrasing in which the cycle reset was announced


I meant to find quotes from the announcement, but saw this on the way :stuck_out_tongue:

But you just said

And EHG said:

So theyre implementing new quality of life and “many things” that they’d like to implement sooner rather than later. And both Cycle 1 and 2 were used to add things to the base game rather than cycle only content. This seems like more of the same. Updates to the base game wrapped in a “cycle” package. So, it’s still “effectively” a new cycle in all but name.

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There wouldn’t be an outrage only if all other things regarding the launch of a new cycle were also announced. If it was simply a cycle reset but they called it a New Cycle, people would be upset just as much.

I’m still not sure how I feel about this. They said they’re resetting because there’s much stuff they want to implement already, but no balance or mechanic changes implies that a full reset is not needed. If it’s simply QoL stuff, they could’ve just patched them in.

That’s why I keep repeating the event and the reset are two unrelated things, and I believe the Devs are also treating them as such. For me, it would be the only logical explanation on why they decided for a full reset now.


I added more to my previous comment in an edit but I’d like to add to this reply:

I know I feel two things, 1) this was handled and announced poorly (obviously by the comments) and 2) the outrage is unjustified when you can quell the outrage by changing a few words (“we’re going to refresh the cycle” to “we’re going to start a new cycle”)

I just feel like the reactions from people like Kulze and Oldschooldiablo are overreactions. It’s not like EHG decided tomorrow to just delete everything to take your money and run. It’s a cycle reset the same thing that happens at the end of every cycle. Just communicated poorly.

Note: we’re given 3 weeks advanced notice. Even if 20 days is “just a few days” when it comes to notifications, but “significant” when it comes to play time for some members of this forum.

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Couple random thoughts:
Will they also be fixing the duped money on legacy as well?
Will the tab issues be fixed?

Legacy is pretty much a barren wasteland and to tell folks they can continue their characters over there if they do not wish to make new toons halfway (ish) through the season is not a good solution.
Fixing the bazaar issues within the current season makes more sense. Stating it isnt a new season just a reset doesn’t make it any less of what it really is, a new season. Which brings me to my next question. If the event is only running a month, does that mean we will then have Those characters moved to legacy to start the “new season that is really another new season within a season”?

I know I may be in the minority here, but I am not a fan of this proposed reset. I have supported this game almost since it’s inception and I am usually cool with random changes. This one just sits wrong with me and it’s disheartening to think this may well be the norm going forward. I will wait to see a more clear description and if some of the concerns are addressed and cleared up however, I am now casually looking for a new game.

Cheers y’all.


No, they said it on this announcement:

@Scipo0419 See this really caused some confusion in players. Most people are assuming the event and the reset are tied together.

Edit: I totally missed that “until either the next cycle event” and first time I read it only like “until 1.2”…
This is concercing.


Yeah, the whole thing was communicated poorly. So I understand confusion and needing clarification. I just don’t get the Torch and pitchforks lol

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This is an EXCELLENT question!

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Thank you for that clarification. I admit I read this without my morning coffee intake at it’s premium :P.

I am older than dirt, I play a ton of hours, but I also am a … " sees a flower and needs to investigate" kinda player and I like a good 4 month cycle so I can actually get one toon to optimum. I also know that I am in the minority in this as well, but there is prolly ( guessing here) 1/3 of the player base that is either like me or more casual and like/need that timeframe to complete their goals for the season.

I sure wish legacy was more fun to play on, but it simply isn’t, at least to me.

Again, ty for the reply!


I don’t mind playing on legacy, but I’d also just as rather play offline mode and not deal with the server issues in that case haha.


Then just reset the economy? What kind of logic is this? As a CoF-only player, I’m honestly tired of changes that affect CoF because of what’s going on in MG.

If you’re doing a reset, you might as well do a balance change as the game’s balance is a complete joke right now.


Sadly, there are so many people here who will defend every single decision of EHG, no matter what it is.


Goals set for the cycle can’t be upheld → loss of motivation.
No tabs since they don’t get brought over → need of re-busying them and hence loss of motivation.
Altenratively: Legacy tabs already choke full, having wanted to start ‘fresh’ in a cycle → it mixes stuff together, not enjoyable and hence loss of motivation.

Should I name a few more things as to why it’s crap?
People chose cycle for a reason, Cycle and Legacy have no differences, which means they limited themselves to starting over rather then playing on the permanent end for a reason.

What if someone doesn’t want their faction rank from Legacy and instead play it up?
Or the items, playing it up again?
Or specifically playing with a friend together which wanted to do it like this?

It solely causes issues and solves jack-shit.

I do.
When the 3 months minimum are up :slight_smile:
They aren’t though.

Umh… yes… there’s a good amount of people which joins in mid-league? And some do so even relatively late?
Not the majority obviously but it does happen in a decent amount, why do you think numbers stay relatively stable after a while? It’s not the exact same ~5k people playing every single day, some go away, some come back for a few extra days.

Nope, because I could miss my stash tabs.
I could also have a higher rank then in cycle while my goal was to max that out.
I could also have a choke full stash while I wanted to build my character from scratch during the cycle.

So nah, not even remotely the same. There can be many reasons for people not wanting it, and they’re mostly viable ones.

Have you lost it now?

Not playing Legacy is a viable argument, be it the economy, be it the lack of stash tabs, be it the culmination of gear… if someone wants the ‘cycle experience’ then that obviously doesn’t work out now, does it?

Also, care to tell me why people chose the cycle in the first place rather then legacy? Ah right… it was the economy, or the 1 week exclusive availability of Aberroth… or re-starting from scratch and experiencing the game in full rather then with a headstart of some sort.

Doesn’t hold up so well if you merge it over anymore, does it?

At times you have great points to make, but this one really sucks.

Ah, there would be… because the stuff from the roadmap isn’t in the event! :stuck_out_tongue:
Hence there would be outrage in any case.

You know how EHG could’ve gotten a huge win?
Declaring it as a major mid-cycle quality patch, providing a event cycle on top of the adjustments.

Know what would’ve happened? People rushing in there, nobody complaining, people praising EHG for fixing stuff.
Instead they actively made their ‘win’ into a huge ‘fail’ situation. It’s really surprising to see.

You mean like the promised ‘mid cycle MG UI changes’ people waited on?
Which is it now… are we actually starting a ‘new cycle’ and EHG broke the promise to provide it mid-cycle… or is it still mid-cycle and EHG just basically said they wouldn’t have given it to us despite the promise because it was still mid-cycle?

Their argumentation line itself is messed up.

To clarify:
If I personally go in a cycle then it means I set myself goals to achieve personally. I don’t want to have access to former faction ranks, equipment or anything else. I want to start fresh and - since I majorly play MG - compete on the market with other players.

My MG competition was ruined because of the dupe, happens… I can live with that.

I can’t when my personally set goals though are trampled on by merging it with my faction progression of Legacy or my stash tab in legacy, because that entirely removes the limitations I’ve given myself, and I can’t avoid them properly.

So it doesn’t matter how long in advance it is, or how long before the minimally expected timeframe it happens… it’ll feel like shit.

Both ‘no’.

EHG stated that they see ‘no issue at all’ with the tabs and removing things generally from Legacy would be a baaaaad move. Can’t uphold value if you just reach in, grab it and rip it away, do you?

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Not sure a full reset is a good thing, maybe just start the event increasing drop rates and let MG people switch to CoF without a penalty might be better.

Anyway, I’ll definetely come back to play the event, seems like a good chance to test if LE will feel better with improved loot drop rate

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:star_struck: hype. :heart_eyes_cat:

Yes, these are called fans, they also have a polar opposite who will hate on anything & everything regardless. They exist here as well, it’s fairly obvious who they are.

Why? If you set a goal of “getting a Pally to 100 only using white gear” or getting said Pally to 1,000c, you can still do that in Legacy. I’m confused as to how mechanically different Legacy is from League? Do the classes function differently? Do monos function differently?

Oh, so does that mean that it’s possible to set a goal in Legacy & be able to reach that goal just as well as in League? Curious!

I agree, this is not a stance I agree with.

Solo character found?

Unless you also wanted to do this, you’d be out of luck in League just as much.

No, you’re just unwilling to see the one thing it does solve, resetting the economy, though I agree it’s not the best way of doing that & does punish CoF players.

Yes, 2 weeks after the 19th September. If that’s causing your teeth to itch, that’s a you issue, sorry. They’re even giving you almost 3 weeks notice.

Would you mind pointing out when that happened then please? 'Cause I can’t see a “good amount of people” spiking the numbers.

At this stage in the league, it probably is mostly the same ~5-10k players playing most days.

Because the gadflys have mostly left & you’ve only got the most hardcore fans playing.

But you’ll “miss” then when the new league starts. Unless you’re playing in Legacy, then you’ll be unaffected. But you aren’t.

No, it’s called sarcasm & I’m using it to show how ridiculous oldschooldiablo’s idea is by changing it a bit but broadly using the same kind of terminology.

It’s a viable choice but it’s not an argument in itself, it’s something you do (or don’t). Economy, lack of stash tabs, etc are all reasons to not play Legacy.

Then why aren’t they pleased that they’re being given “more” of it?

Yeah, they could just have added all that to a patch. No idea why they didn’t. :person_shrugging:

That’s fair, I can get that. Though it would have happened sooner or (slightly) later when 1.2 landed.


You know as well as I do that doing it in the limited timeframe of a cycle and within the framework of a cycle is something which people generally work around with.

That means ‘cycle ends, goal ends’.
Also piss off with turning my words around willy-nilly, learn the context.

Which brings us to:

Oh, I would need to make a new one now, right?
Just a shame it’s the fucking characters getting merged and not new ones.
Think a little bit please.

I did, you lacked the ability to comprehend it though.
As said, people gradually leave and people also gradually come in, the names don’t stay static, never did in any game. Not a major amount as I pointed out as well.

I don’t give a shit if they’re missing when my goal’s after all over.

‘Oh, but they’re removing the blockages from the marathon route after, so why have em in the first place!’

Once again, think a bit please.

I love sarcasm, for sarcasm to uphold it needs to stay in the same lane as the initial statement though.
It’s intended to make a mockery of an argument, not to make a mockery of yourself. That would at best be irony and since it’s a separate argument you made it doesn’t even uphold that.
Leaves only ‘making a fool of yourself’ sadly.

Because it’s taken away?
What idiotic argument is that even? ‘Yeah, we’ll take your PC with all the data on it, but in return you get a brand new empty PC! Hey… why are you complaining?’

That’s not how it works, not seeing the issues there is an issue by itself.

And you’re absolutely right… they should’ve just done a patch, but reading the text above they haven’t done so because of their own poll related to ‘mid-cycle changes’. Utterly failing to get the points people tried to bring across and warping it into something utterly different and quite awful.
I mean… I gotta give it to EHG, that’s a skill I don’t see often.

So that limited timeframe is good, but this limited timeframe is bad. And it’s not like 1.0 & 1.1 really bought much new “league specific” content either.

Yeah, funny how that works. Don’t seem to like it if it’s you on the receiving end…

Like in a new league, yeah.

No, your argument was basically “trust me bro” without any reason to or evidence or anything. Surely “a good amount” would be visible?

Because they aren’t? You still have access to the characters. You can delete them if you wish, but EHG won’t.

As is seeing issues which aren’t there & claiming that the devs are “shitting on players”. Ascribing malice where there is none.


Fair callout on my poor wording, but let me re-phrase:

I understand the ‘why’ behind the cycle refresh and that my cycle characters are not being ‘wiped’ but moved to Legacy instead. I wish that the cycle itself was left alone and the event lead to an additional ‘event’ cycle running in parallel for those that wanted to fresh start. I recognize there’s effectively little difference between the move to Legacy and if the cycle were to remain open. I also understand that given the way things are set up with their servers, that might not have been an easy implementation in the short term…

Regardless, my sentiment in the original message is the same.

Lol im shocked this is such a hot topic frankly.

These games are always flamed cause “omg its 45 days into the 90 day league and 5% of the players are still playing”

The reality is, if you cycle start late, or you play so little you didnt finish the cycle at this point, then you are such a minority of the player base that it hardly matters.

I think they can handle it better, see no reason why the current cycle needs to be rolled into legacy early basically, they should as other people have said make a third option on character select of the event season.

but being this up in arms about it is silly, its a really minor whatever, life isnt fair, especially since they never gave an end date for the cycle. Would you be mad if they said “cycles are 3-4 months” and work within that time frame, then the cycle exists for 6months? would you feel like you made extra effort you didnt need to make cause you actually had more time?

like this “they are cheating me out of the agreed time” is a huge meme. Cycles have start dates, and basically dont have end dates. So you can never plan around an end date, even GGG does not list an end date for leagues. They end when the next league starts, until you have that start date, you dont really know when they are ending. They have been extended quite a few times at this point in the timeline.


And when this “cycle” ends on Sep 19th, you had your promised 3+ months duration with characters in 1.1.

Yeah, they don’t start 1.2 immediately, but insert a second “1.1 cycle”, accompanied by some accelerated growths event.

What’s the difference if they had announced the start of 1.2 on Sep 19th instead? Current cycle chars move to legacy. New cycle chars can be created.

Is it the nomenclature of still being 1.1 without the 1.2 changes?

I am on the authistic spectrum, too. This is not an issue fo me, no ‘tomorrow we close the league. Yeah, we said 3 to 4 month, but hey, we changed our minds to give you only 7 weeks.’

EHG never gave an exact date for how long this cycle lasts. And the time they end this cycle character’s jouney is in the 3 to 4 month frame they spoke of, so it should be in your expected timeframe.

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