Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

I was under the impression that they would continue doing more events in the future (and that they were not always cycle resets).

yah so sad bro

I have paid $60 or more of PoE1 packs for leagues that barely changed anything, do you call that a scam? Oh right, that game was not made by BLizzard, so you change your requirements. Of course, you and the other guy are just trolls, that the devs dont seem to care to do anything about.

No, because did you have to buy them? :slight_smile:

It was a informed decision based on your own personal set of values which you return to the company in exchange for points + MTX.
At no point was even the proposition of ‘you need to buy this or you can’t access the product’ which shelf-price is.

Unlike MTX shelf-pricing has to be done according to the content. PoE has no shelf-price, they solely work on people deeming their product good enough and hence giving them money.

I gave them tons and tons of money as well, I think around 750€ or so over the years, and I deem it worth it.
With Diablo though I pay up-front, hence my expectation is to get a qualitative near immaculate product, which it definitely wasn’t at release, not even remotely, and still isn’t with some boss attacks vanishing against the textures of their arena (idiotic design), hitboxes not being properly done (the AoE of attacks is not actually what is shown on the ground) and many more issues.

Offering a 50€ DLC which hence has considerably less content then the full-priced game itself is nonsensical. It splits the community in 2 pieces, can’t play together with a friend anymore unless you buy it, hence at least have the respect towards your customers to price it related to what you provide. It’s not vanity, it’s functional payment there, a completely different topic.

Always was, always will be.


and whats gonna happen to the gold?

Dude, Diablo 4 comes with GamePass which is obtainable for like $7 a month and comes with a ton of other games, wtf are you talking about? Steam had D4 on sale for $30 just a week ago. Quit talking about paying a premium when you can play D4 cheaper than Last Epoch.

As for whether it’s worth it, the other person is completely correct, it’s subjective. Your argument that they’re just regurgitating mechanics and content is nonsensical. PoE and LE do the exact same things. Please tell me how much actual new content was added in 1.1 of LE? 3.25 is the first PoE league in a long time that added a hefty amount of new content, which is also why it’s one of their most successful leagues in awhile. But they’ve had plenty of super skimpy leagues and pretending otherwise is just nonsense.

Hate all you want, but don’t hate on people for enjoying a game that you are obviously biased against. Absolutely ridiculous for people to get angry at other people’s enjoyment of something that literally has no impact on them. “They’re part of the problem.” Grow the hell up, that’s just an excuse to be an elitist bully.

There are more people mad about this „cycle” reset than actual playing it right now.

It’s dead cycle, 2-3k players a day is nothing. They did it because you have people asking about new cycle since second week. That’s because cycle in Epoch is so short you are mostly done 2-3 weeks in. I get that it could be handled better but people saying they will not play game anymore is a bit of a stretch. Even if this even make only 10-15k people come back even for a week or two it’s still better than 4.5 months 1.1 cycle where barely anyone is playing.

You need to remember that probably half of this people are single player, pseudoffline, legacy etc and EHG is one with numbers. Mike said small % of playerbase is reaching empowered monos. So how many people are actively playing cycle right now on high end? 500? 300?

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What about reassurance that dupe won’t happen AGAIN and ruin the economy in less then a week??

You also get disgruntled people really really quickly with this method and have to put high amounts of work into upholding it.

If EHG set up their mechanics properly to allow cycles to actually double the time they do now with gradual upgrades of your gear during that then it wouldn’t happen in the first place.

People stopping playing early is a symptom of the situation, not something to provide tacked on solutions rather then fixing the core issues.

I’ll admit I didn’t fact check someone else’s comment on when this cycle started. So it’ll be just shy of a 2.5 month cycle. You’re losing 20 days for a 3 month cycle. What if EHG said "with the launch of this new event on October 9th we’ll be starting a new cycle.

Would you be happy about that? Are those 20 days really that significant? Or is it because it’s a “mid-cycle reset” when it’s actually closer to a 77.8% cycle reset. But I supposed “3/4ths cycle reset” doesn’t allow you guys to rant and rage about your lost 20 days with a nearly 3-week heads up.

Luckly, I want to clarify that in my opinion this is a bad thing, and probably one of the reason of the few players in the second cycle and the quick decline in players unlike D4 and Poe new season/league start, the cycle and the legacy on LE are the same, and this in some way can save the shift between cycle and legacy that occur in this cycle reset, apart from the fact that if you never play legacy, you will get resetted all the stash, the reputation, and I think also the gold, at least I lost them in the first reset, so, this reset would impact the player that usually don’t play legacy, but also the MG player, that now are going in a even worse economy.
I don’t know if this is the better decision, but for sure they have done polls for mining less things, so they could have done something also in this situation, without spoilering the event thing if this was their problem, they could have had make even more hype with such a thing

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Fair enough

Reset MG then, dont give a big F U to us CoF players due to some bad actors in MG

Players were calling for an economy reset not a full on cycle reset.

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Yes it should be a brand new cycle.

I get the point is to fix MG. But then just reset MG. Not the whole cycle

Read what u qouted from the OP again.

EHG said they heard players on wanting an economy reset.

Very clearly shows that players wanted an economy reset not a cycle reset

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And just last thing, this way you are incentivizing the legacy, the only players that are not touched by this decision, and that will not be touched by future similar situations, and bring away from the cycle even more people in the future will not be healthy for the game

Yes, I do think so.

Stop being a simp

No its not. It will have been out for 2 month slightly more.

Is this a new cycle as in cycle 3? No? Ok then a cycle reset SHOULDN’T happen period

Also its clear from the OP that theres at least a month left of this cycle maybe more. Event doesnt end till October 20th. Need to check that date again.

EHG even stated this isnt a new cycle.

What we where told is how resets NEED to remain. Till a new cycle starts dont reset

For all intents and purposes… It’s a new cycle. Everything is reset. As I said, if we go off 3 month cycles, we’ll be resetting in ~3 weeks at, as Kulze put it, 2 months and 10 days. 3 months is 90 days, 2 months is 60 days, 70 days before reset is 70/90 days for a 3 month cycle. This is ~77.78% of the cycle. If EHG said “we’re starting a new cycle” instead of “we’re resetting this cycle” would you care this much? The outcome is the same, they’re just calling it something else.

Also, also, given that you can swap factions, any economy changes can affect both factions. If only MG was reset, it would be easy for a COF player with their gold untouched to farm favor and sell items like no tomorrow and buy up everything with their higher gold count. The only way is to reset it for everyone or not reset it at all. They should have taken action within 7-days of the exploit being fixed, but we’re getting this.

Just convince yourself it’s a new cycle and it’ll all be ok.

The game needs challenges/mtx to motivate people. Embrace the fomo!

Good move!
Not waiting for 1.2 (which will struggle as poe2 and dlc for D4 are coming in Oct and Nov) and start something new in September - yes👌
I’ll keep playing in legacy and hope for no new dupes and not so many 1.1 cycle billioners to come as they can ruin legacy market
My prediction for 1.2 date - second week of Dec. Several weeks after D4 and before TQ2 early access