Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

So? Doesn’t matter.

EHG told us cycles will be between 3-4 months,

if I start 1 week before the cycle ends I make a informed decision on having 1 week. That’s all there is to it.

If I start 1 1/2 months before the end and get told ‘in 2 weeks we’ll end it’ then that takes the informed decision away from me.

Very simple.
Never do it, period.

No matter if it’s removing 10 minutes of my time or removing weeks of my time, just don’t do it. Makes it hard to plan, can make specific set goals impossible or substantially harder, takes away motivation to finish the task and reduces retention accordingly.

Not to speak of long gaming times being often a side-symptom of neurodiverse people since for example ADHD causes so called ‘Late Night revenge procrastination’ through binge watching movies or gaming to get dopamine boosts despite negative consequences. Or people on the autistic spectrum (which are expected to be around 10% of the world population nowadays instead of the 1% we thought in 1990) which need very controlled environments for which they can plan inside without getting overwhelmed so easily.

This handling of the situation is one of the absolute worst possible ones which has caused major backlashes in other games (like diablo) and hence it’s utterly and entirely baffling why EHG would even think about doing it.


This is completely unrelated… If they’re resetting the whole cycle, then it is effectively a new cycle and I’m sure 100% of people who voted for that would see no problem with balance changes under this circumstances.

Also, they should’ve definitely (!!!) made a poll on this, before choosing for a full cycle reset.

What makes you think they plan on doing cycle resets so often that would require them making a calendar?
This cycle reset is nothing more than a response to people requesting it, as a means to circumvent the gold dupe… just a little bit too late, this should’ve been done the week after the dupe happened.


Cof is getting shafted here.

Character resets are for new cycles not mid cycle

Reset economy thats fine

Doing an event thats fine.

I dont gree with this but reseting ladder fine

But doing a full blown cycle reset is not ok mid cycle

Starting 2 weeks before new cycle starts is different than starting mid cycle


I understand the need to reset the economy for those who played MFG, but I don’t understand why we should reset our character for nothing in return (just a smal event). It is just a penalty for those who are playing CoF and are still faithfull to the game. You prefer to lose those people in the benefit of perhaps returning the one who already left the cycle ? I am not sure this is a smart move.


I honestly think the developers are making a big mistake and should rollback their scheduled changes. just ask anyone on global chat, almost everyone is not supporting the reset so early in the cycle and alot of people will quit. simply because it is 2 month in and people are still building their characters. the mass majority of players are not streamers and dont play 24/7 so this new reset just demotivates the regular players. If there is going to be a reset, at least give a reason to start over, for example new items, big balance changes etc. otherwise i call for more people to protest or stop playing


Dude doesnt matter at all. Ur being a simp dont know why u cant see how this is bad

We where told cycles wouldnlast 3-4 months doent matter how much time is left in any given cycle.

A fresh start shouldnt NEVER happen unless its a BRAND NEW cycle.

Fine EHG wants players to start fresh for events like this. Im ok with that…but Then separate the event from the actual cycle. And leave cycle mode alone till it rolls over to the next cycle.

Basically add in another option at character creation currently u can choose legacy mode or cycle mode. Add an event mode.

Or as @Kulze said give us a date i would say right at the start of a new cycle when these events will be.

Ar this point i dont even want to start a new character in 1.2 (was looking forward to this patch) knowing theres a chance all my hard earned work will just randomly be reset with no warning

Are u even thinking about how design choice are seen in the eyes of players


Already stopped playing, and this just reinforces my decision. Sad that pre 1.0 was better, even with all the warts and unrefined graphics etc.


Yea I mean if it’s just that I’m fine just saying f it and skip the rest of the cycle. But if it is going to be a structural thing I’m gonna need something to help me plan it out because having 2 cycles per cycle just isn’t going to work for the more casual few hours here and there kind of playstyles, right? So in that case I’d need to know at the start of a season next time they’re gonna do this so I know to make some real time and bumrush the character from the getgo instead of casually progressing it.


I think it’s a good decision. In the coming days, there will be an expansion for Diablo 4 and the early access release of Path of Exile 2. I believe that waiting for a better moment to release 1.2 is a good approach. I know it’s not an ideal solution. However, I hope for significant changes in the patch through 1.1R and a HUGE amount of content when the time comes for 1.2.

I’m so excited!! :heart_eyes:

It’s because of how fucked the economy has gotten due to the Exploiters and dupers. They fixed the issues but it was a little too late and it killed the economy. For CoF players playing their legacy character for the rest of the cycle literally changes nothing for them, however it will be a fresh start for CoM players so we can actually have a healthy economy.

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Dude, you also need to separate things here.
One thing is the event, the other is the cycle reset. They’re not related…
The event is new content for players. The reset is for trying to fix the economy, based off player’s feedback as they pointed in OP.
They certainly don’t plan on doing cycle resets every time they come up with a new event.

I’m not trying to minimize your posts, cause I also wouldn’t like a cycle reset now and I think it’s a bad move. But you have to be able to separate things here.

I currently have 2514 hrs. played in this game. I have supported this game for a long while through Beta purchase, supporter packs and recommending the game to several friends who are also regular players. This 1.1 refresh will likely end my support for this game. I play COF. The economy has zero to do with me yet I feel that I am being punished because some players took advantage of the Merchant system. Punish those players. Reset the merchant system. Don’t punish me by wasting the time I put into this cycle. When a Cycle starts I have an expectation that that cycle will last for a relatively generalized time frame. I know that this is only 1.1, yet one would assume that this cycle would run for approximately as long as the first cycle. I put time and effort into this game so I can enjoy the cycle. If I can not have any confidence that a cycle will just be “refreshed” I will not put any time into the cycle and eventually the game altogether.

Furthermore, the announcement is insulting. We are thrilled to announce the Imperial Uprising Cycle Event? Really? You are exited that you are wasting all the time I put into this cycle? Hey look at all the treats you will be getting. I’m an old man. Please don’t play the "got your nose " game. Call it like it is. Someone screwed up. Mean things were said. Someone crapped in the mashed potatoes. I may still not like the message but at least I can respect it.

Also, who are these players that have been offering feedback? What happed to the player polling?


As someone who just recommended the game to my friend, I really dislike that there is a reset in the middle of the cycle.

I get it, there was a gold dupe and it ruined MG to some extent. However, that’s okay, bugs happen, just lock it in for next cycle. If we are doing a full reset, shouldn’t it just be a new cycle at that point? Are mid-season resets going to become something we expect? I would prefer to stay on cycle since that is what most people are going to play but the idea of playing for a month on a “new reset” just to lose it again to the ‘actual’ new cycle is frustrating to me personally. However, the other updates look solid! Could we get some developer comment on the mid-season reset and why you guys think it’s for the “betterment” of the cycle?


Which doesn’t uphold though.

People make plans related to ‘this cycle’.
That means they set their goals inside of that timeframe, wanting to reach a specific spot before it’s over.
This automatically removes that motivation, which is generally bad.

Also besides that it also has direct and practical reasons.
Has that person played Legacy before? They might not want to use the items there because their goal was to build it up from scratch.
And if not… are they supposed to re-buy their tabs since you don’t get them in legacy for usage? Hence farming up the gold again?
And even if that’s not the case what about a friend they might play with together, will they have one of those issues arising and hence reduce their enjoyment as they’re group players and now the partner is gone?

As mentioned, it has many many bad aspects, all of that can be avoided with ‘this is the special event cycle’ and that’s it.

Not to speak of… what if someone doesn’t want the upsides of the event and instead wants to keep the normal pacing? Now you’re enforced to have them both in cycle and in legacy.

Overall it’s a mess.

Also if it’s solely because of the economy reset… then why not be decisive and do it right away? Because if it is then that’s another error, either stay with your decision to let it go on or don’t, such decisions need to be made on the spot and immediately, not weeks after it happening.

Also what about the MG players? Since the economy in cycle is bad now they go into a even worse economy in legacy?

EHG is basically screwing over everyone with that.

They definitely are :slight_smile:

Economy fix is too late. That has to be done immediately and not weeks after.
Either stay fully and commit or reset right away.
This way is the worst of both worlds.

Don’t know, I’m extremely active in the feedback section of the forum and the amount of ‘reset cycle’ people was absolutely minimal.
So to be direct I feel screwed over by EHG - again.


They are not…
This would be like saying everyone alive in the world are related just because they’re “happening” at the same time.

They never said the reset is because of the event. They’re completely unrelated things, just happening at the same time.

Agreed, 100%. This should’ve happened as soon as they were able to flag the dupers.


First of all, every human is a relative to each other, just a far away one, that’s obvious by design, same species after all.

Secondly, they are directly related.
No, the reset isn’t because of the event, it’s because of the economy.
But… the event is because of the reset.

You see, a event has a reason, they don’t happen randomly, their measure is to provide bolstered retention time, more players experiencing the game and players which have already left to come back.
Or in this case… appeasing those which will be unhappy, hence instead of leaving… staying.

Fairly obvious after all.

Events solely happen when it helps the influx and retention of players, if your cycles are fast enough - which isn’t realistic as it needs polishing - then you don’t need any official events at all. If your content is plenty enough… then you also don’t need any events at all, they would be even detrimental.
You need them though when neither your content suffices for the given timeframe before the next update or when you would otherwise loose too many players because of a fresh decision.

Events are a lovely ‘carrot on a stick’. Because why make it a event? Because it’s ‘special’, it won’t last. And why put effort into something that won’t last rather then making a permanent improvement to the game? Yeah, because it’s quicker to do and gives you a buffer.

Which this one is… It’s practically 3 months to the day when it resets.

Think of it as one? It’s a new cycle in all but name.

July 9th was the release of 1.1

Now we’re told that we’ll get a reset on september 19th. Which makes it 2 months and 10 days, not even remotely 3 months.

You might wanna work on your math and stop with those nonsensical arguments which don’t upheld the minimal scrutiny.
It’s fine if you bring out valid points, it’s not fine if you just do white-knighting. This is a prime example, using wrong information just to uphold a argument which would otherwise have no basis.


100% agree with this

What players wanted was an economy reset. No one was asking for a full cycle reset.

Reset the trade economy then. Doesnt warrant a full new cycle reset as they are doing