Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

When will we see details around the improvements to the Bazaar? I’m super happy the improvements are happening, I’m confused as to why details weren’t included or why a timeline for those details to be released wasn’t announced. It seems silly to wait until 2 days before the event to tell us details during a livestream instead of providing a preview in advance.

Could you clarify how much impact this will have? While I’m not particular enthusiastic about the reset it may be a good chance to test out MG for the first time.

I know I like CoF very much, but having increased reputation gain (if it is noticable enough) may convince me to go MG - just to test it out.

Everything looks really good for a mid cycle patch/event. Love the Steamdeck stuff and I’m excited to see the dungeon QoL.

And I’m still sad that the community voted against balance changes mid cycle. I think that would have made this patch/event really great.

Very happy for the verification on Steam Deck, I hope this brings also some improvement to che controller support, for sure will try the game when the update will go live, but sadly I doubt to keep playing it for long until the cycle 3 comes out, maybe only if the steam deck verification will be really good, let’s see

Will check it out for sure. Not sure If i am going to do new character or just try it a bit with old legacy one.

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Then reset the trade economy. Dont need to do a full cycle reset for this.

This is also another good reason why MG needa its own trade currency.

A full cycle reset is for a NEW cycle. This hurts cof players more than anything.

Cof is getting shafted with this.


I’m pissed they are resetting, I just started this cycle 2 weeks ago with my partner and I have zero desire to continue playing in cycle just to have it moved to legacy which has it’s own set of issues related to stash tabs and it being a barren wasteland with no players. This is just pushing me to play something else until D4 xpac comes out and then revisit at 1.2. I would much prefer they just wipe everyone’s gold /stash than make us restart two months into a cycle.


Doesnt matter.

A full reset like this shouldnt be happening mid cycle. Thats for a NEW cycle

How about players thay just started this cycle with in the last 2 weeks. Thats not fair nor is a good feeling to have ur characters reset like this


Good shit! I will be burnt out by PoE for sure by then, their isnt a better arpg out there for when that happens!

Big thumbs up on the steam deck verification. Half my 700+ hours in this game have been on steam deck, cant wait to be able to finally be able to read the tool tips on items on deck!!

EHG while you read this, can you add a QoL feature that will show details of an item and the loot filter assocationed with it? it would help a lot reminding me why i picked up this item again while mousing over my stash.

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You’re mad that characters are being reset, but that’s something that just simply isn’t happening. Characters get moved into legacy. They don’t get reset.

I remember when Blizzard tried to explain this concept to their new fanbase with D4, there was almost a boycott over having to make a new character haha. Leagues/cycles/refreshes whatever you want to call them, are healthy for this genres longevity. Every 3-4 months when GGG has their announcement stream (which break 100k viewers), its exciting as hell.


Legacy is a ghost town and who wants to spend hours merging and purchasing new stash tabs. It’s a bush league move. This game isn’t early access anymore, they need to quit treating us like it is.


This is a non-argument as a new player could start 2 weeks before the end of the cycle anyway? And it’s a level playing field for everyone. No one is being punished more than others?

That’s a ‘Lot Lizard’ not a ‘Loot Lizard’. Hard no on this EHG. Who the heck wants to chase around your version of a lame D4 Goblin?

False argument. Commonly other games tell you when such a reset happens, so you make a informed decision.

Someone hence decided here to start the cycle as at least 2 months is still open, that’s the expected timeframe… and after 2 weeks the mention of ‘we’ll reset in a few days’ comes up.

That’s garbage. Don’t even try to excuse that.
Give the players proper dates, give them also the special events in special cycles, not the main one.
It’s shitting all over the effort people put in and is one of the worst examples on how to treat players.


Cool stuff, will definitely come try out something new for the refresh. I do also understand the concerns of having to go play on legacy for the 1.1 characters, it would be great to see a whole other environment for these sort of boosted events.

Exactly my thoughts, the last cycle began what like a bit more than a month ago?

I started this cycle a few days ago, now that I see that I just don’t want to play anymore and even level up AGAIN.
And after the end of the event what will happen? Will the cycle end again and we will have to restart?

Cycle reset each month will not fly…


While I’m not crazy about the idea of cycle characters getting wiped, I can say I will absolutely play as long as my cycle characters that get moved to Legacy get to participate in the event.

My only feedback (that I have also seen from other community members) is that maybe the team can work on having a calendar available to players so we can see when events that would cause a cycle wipe are coming up? I feel like that/communication about a wipe way ahead of time would make it feel less ‘bad’.

Regardless, can’t wait to participate!


Current cycle started July 9th, so its 2 month and a half

Cycle started 2 and a half months ago. Announcement is on August 30th, cycle reset is on September 19th (over two weeks from the announcement date). Didn’t realize 20 days notice was “a few days”.

That’s almost a 3 month cycle, which is 1/4 of the year. That’s a pretty decent time frame and anyone who wanted to start now, assuming the reset was after 3 months for the next cycle, would be in the same position for any game with a 3 month cycle.

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