Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

Yes, that is their desired league duration. The current one is abnormal.

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@Llama8 got jokes. :rofl:
In all seriousness though, how do you guys get those titles? Is that tied to those who purchased the games in early access?

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Make sure you guys vote on the poll instead of just replying here.

Alot of players are not happy with being punished for the actions of a few.

A bunch of lowlifes duped gold and ruined the economy, okay, why do I have to restart because of that?!

The poll is only 2 questions fill it out

Yeah, it was from the pack I bought back in the day. I don’t know what happened to the 1.0 & subsequent packs (ie, if you bought the game in/after 1.0 did you get a particular pack). I do know that they’re now doing supporter packs a’la PoE with different versions with different cosmetics.

I filled it out. I told them that I want a reset in both questions. I got your back :+1:

I completed the poll. I’m supporting the cycle reset. I wrote a long comment in response, which details the detractor that I listed, and has some suggestions I hope they find helpful.

My comment link ==> Patch 1.2 Timeline, 1.1 Event Updates, and Cycle Poll - #93 by Ghoultek

Hello. Fresh start is good, but only if you have closed the holes with dupes. In any other case, this start makes no sense, you will only worsen your position in the community of players of this genre of games.

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Aome form titles are from when players bought the game in EA. Some are from kick starter supporters.

Others can be gotten by buying supporter packs in game. Such as eternal Templar, eternal legends and abyssal legends as u can see next to my form name.

Ardent gladiator is plauers that bought the game during EA

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Exactly. The whole cycle doesn’t need to be reset. Just the market.


Iv also suggested plenty if ways this can be done in there first post about cycle refreah aka restart.

Iv also suggested running events parallel with cycles similar to how poe does it. As well as a few others.

Edit by pushing 1.1 characters to legacy. It makes my choice to play in cycle mode for 1.1 a pointless decision sense now thats being made for me.

How about when 1.3 launches will this same thing happen again. It doesnt jist demotivate from current cycle but future cycls as well

Edit, oops this is the first post about a refresh. Was thinking this was the new one with the poll

What i suggested is in this thread not the new refresh cycle event post

I think, given this is the second cycle, that saying it’s abnormal is a bit premature. Maybe let’s go with something like, “unintended” or “not hoped for”. But I know what you mean. And, :smiley: , I know you, of all people, won’t mind me picking on phrasing.


I am supporting a new cycle but you guys at EHG should stop calling it like that. NEW SEASON - everyone and their grandma knows what that means and it might attract more people.

Also i dont like 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 in the roadmap. Looks like little minor upgrades to anyone new to the game.

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Everyone who plays Last Epoch knows what Cycles are.

This is the same for every other ARPG in the genre… If anyone finds this confusing, they’re probably new to the entire genre, not only this game.

Check this below… It’s one of the first PoE announcements for their latest league: Settlers of Kelgur.
Notice how they always referred to it as “3.25 expansion” when they weren’t ready to release the League Name yet.

I really don’t get why this is only an issue in Last Epoch.
Path of Exile 3.25 Expansion Timeline

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Were Grim Dawn and Wolcen like that?


Here’s a list of all the patch notes for Grim Dawn and their patches go out to 4 places ( for example.

Wolcen does 4 places too, with the latest patch being

Now, if their Roadmaps explicitly stated what the patch number would be? Probably not, but EHG knows what they’re working on for each major patch so they can put it onto the roadmap as a patch number.


who hurt you?

alpha packs, if you got it before and even when it came on steam early before they changed those packs and retire them and you didn’t receive you can REQUEST by email, i did that cuz i bought in 2021 early steam.

And beta packs & kickstarter packs & the MP release packs, etc.

I purchased just the base game some time before release but waited for release before I started playing the game. I don’t know if that qualifies me for any special goodies.