Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

OK, I’m caught up with everything, @XHolyspawnX, feel free to join us on this thought experiment since Kulze is now taking the flak meant for you for some reason.

Let’s play hypothetical and say EHG adds Eternal Ladders to Legacy tomorrow.

I’m 99% positive that the vast majority of players who want to compete with other players would prefer to not have to compete against op builds staying on the Leaderboard after a nerf, power creep can help mitigate this, but a reset each cycle would help more. So EHG decides to leave the Eternal Board and add a Seasonal Board. The current players who care about legacy ladders are happy.

A new wave of players join Legacy that want to compete with other players, but with power creep and them competing against players that have thousands of hours on their one character don’t have a chance unless they to invest thousands of hours into playing the game. That doesn’t feel great so they decide to not compete. Some players who took a vacation from their sweaty grind are now a few days to a week behind their competitors and they lose interest. Eventually the only players still leaving their mark on the Leaderboard are the same 2- 3 players who have the most playtime.

EHG decides to fix this by resetting legacy characters every cycle so people in Legacy have a chance to compete on a level playing field each cycle. Now everyone in Legacy who didn’t even want Leaderboards are pissed that their characters are being reset when Legacy promised no resets.

Also, the Leaderboards are now effectively 1:1 with Cycle Leaderboards so EHG removes them and tells Legacy players that if they want to compete on the Leaderboard to go to Cycle.

And we’re back to square 1, Legacy doesn’t have Ladders and people who want to compete go to Cycle.

Thank you for taking this journey with me, I’m not taking questions at this time.


Yeah, there’ll be a subset of people obviously which feel ‘mandated to participate’ if it exists, there always are, you can’t avoid that.

I personally think that the quantity of people which would do it in a healthy manner and seeing a upside in it would outpace this mentioned group substantially though.

Yeah, the point is that a reset already is in cycle, which makes the competition ‘type’ a different one then from Legacy.,

Legacy as no competition element available currently, hence it would solely add a possible one.
The one which allows for those playing a lot ‘currently’ or a lot ‘overall’ to compete with others.

And yes, obviously Legacy would be more ‘stale’ in terms of the ranking then Cycle, that’s a given. But that’s why you have a variety of boards there. As mentioned… the ‘all time’ would be the permanent thing, upholding the permanence rule of Legacy.

So as a result this could - as an example - look like this:

  • ‘All time’ Leaderboard, very stale.
    -‘Cycle lifetime’ leaderboard, still stale less so.
    -Weekly leaderboard, quite dynamic.

This way both ‘old dogs’ and newcomers would have a space to compete in. Not every play every week, hence it becomes viable to compete in.
This then leads to people which play for a bit to be able to compete in the cyclic leaderboard of legacy… and beyond that if they feel it worthwhile maybe in the ‘all time’ one too.

Like mountain climbing, you don’t start with Mt. Everest (actually you should never do but that’s another topic) but with a easy mountain first, working yourself up.

Legacy itself obviously is under the rule of permanence, that’s a given, I don’t even know why that comes even up.
The thought alone to reset legacy characters is utterly out of bounds.

The whole ‘journey’ you described was a bit… nonsensical to say it mildly :stuck_out_tongue:

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The “journey” was to point out that adding ladders to legacy is just going to be a worse cycle ladders in every way. The only way to make them feel even remotely fun to compete on would be to just make them equal to cycle ladders… At which point… Just play cycle.

Ultimately, I think the current structure for ladders aren’t conducive for quality competition as it eventually becomes a test of endurance rather than skill. How many people stop at wave 300 when they could do wave 1500 if they kept going? Hard to say, but having a tier system (copper, silver, gold, platinum for example) with each tier having a set number of waves and it being a time trial situation with an endurance board for the more tanky but slow builds (see how long you can last, basically what we have now) would be a good start for competition. Require placing in the top 25 % to move to the next tier or something with no requirements for the current endurance trials

You’re solely arguing from your standpoint though?

Those types of ladders are existing in other games, the exact ones I mentioned even.
They’re enjoyed by people.

So that argument by itself can’t hold true.

And the current structure of ladders is in no way qualitative competition anyway because it’s a very limited in structure, if EHG wanted to focus on having a competitive environment available in the first place - which they don’t, it’s a side-thought at best - then they would’ve invested effort into providing a higher variance of them.

Highest level of corruption per timeline pushed.
Amount of timeline bosses killed in a timeframe.
Aberroth kills.
Gold collected.
Normal enemies killed.
And more.

There’s a slew of options available, LE is not made to provide it in the first place - which is fine - but for competition variance is a major aspect. The more variety you have the more likely that you can pick your specific niche to compete in and be… actually competitive there.

This can come in a variety of time limits as well, cyclic, permanent, weekly, daily, hourly even… you name it.
Those generally provide a upside and not a downside, I wouldn’t have seen any game where it has caused a negative impact unless it’s badly set up and it’s a direct player vs player competition.

Not to speak that some not so smart people usually go for the illegitimate route which allows EHG to remove them from the online game environment, otherwise being hidden. It can have a dual purpose as well.


I’m glad they’ll finally see that the dupe still hasn’t been fixed lol

@Kulze can have an intellectual discussion.
you cannot.

Unless you genuinely believe swearing, insults, and ranting when people disagree with you is having an intellectual discussion.

At least Kulze can express themselves and give genuine reasons why your request could, in theory, make sense.

All you’ve given is “stop fkin projecting” and “EHG doesn’t respect players.” which… Don’t actually discuss anything?


They fixed the dupe just not the excess gold.

I look forward to seeing you have a discussion IRL and seeing the consequences of using terms in the wrong way.

Man this reset is killing me. I just got my first Smoke Weaver drop from a Nemesis (zero LP). A few hours later I got zero LP RazorFall boots. I have Dragorath’s Claw and Enigma (both zero LP). I have 2x runes of Creation, and 4x runes of Ascendance. This means I can get my 2nd Smoke Weaver with Creation, or can clone my Dragorath and Enigma via Creation. If I get lucky with Ascendance popping either a Dragorath, Enigma, Smoke Weaver, or Mad Alchemist’s Ladle, then I have at least 4-5 builds almost ready for transition. I can even skip trying for Mad Alchemist’s Ladle because I have a zero LP Triboelectra that was upgraded via the nemesis egg. If my strategy is right, I can:

  • knock off a series of targets triggering fat pools of loot
  • this should compress the farming time
  • the fat pools of loot might set me up with 4-6 pieces of end game items, for 4-6 builds.

What comes after the above would be chain farming Julra for slamming purposes. Chain farming the dungeons might also produce high value goodies. Just gearing and leveling 3 chars to level 85-87 means not getting bored. Lots of fun to have. I’m doing this off-line. If this were online with friends, the amount of fun would be off the charts.

Too many builds and not enough time.

I would like to see this in action. Is the build squishy? Where are the weak points (no pun intended, LoL)? Can the build function without uniques or are certain uniques required? I just got Dragonsong and Gathering Fury (this rolled with 85% increased fire damage). Also, what is the highest corruption you’ve achieved so far?

You’ll have plenty of time. Just wait 10 days and you’re good to go.
Why is it killing you? They’re updating the game, bringing improvements and new features.

If this is such a killer to you, maybe you should step aside for a moment, maybe go play LastEpoch Planner for a week, trying to find what will be the best build for you to easily achieve your goals on the new cycle.
Or maybe even play other games, I don’t know… But if this is triggering such sentiments to you, maybe it’s a good a idea to take a break, at least until they roll out the reset.

Sorry to bring it to you, but you cannot use Rune of Creation to duplicate a unique item.


Cuz, I’m on the cusp of being able to enjoy several builds and speedfarm with them. I have some of the drops needed to transition out of the leveling build (usually between level 50 and 60). I already burned my 8th rune of ascension. While it is exciting when those runes drop, getting an Alchemists Ladle for the 3rd time is quite disappointing.

Part of this is experimentation and learning. I’m not an LE expert so even if I studied the planner it is not enough because a build requires skills, passives, gear, understanding of the game’s mechanics, boss encounters, and of course how to put the first 3 into action (playstyle). Getting those under my proverbial belt leads to theorycrafting and time spent in the planner. This means even more characters for battle and pressure testing. Maybe it would have been worth jumping into LE during early access.

Theorycrafting is an important part of the game for me. In D3, during one of the PTR cycles, I proposed a Firebird Mirror Images build. The build performed so well that damn near the entire community hopped on it. The popularity skyrocketed to the point that the devs ended up nerfing it into oblivion (can’t have fun in Blizzard games cuz that is against the rules unfortunately). They also nerfed the build because it was pretty obvious that they didn’t intend for that build/playstyle to be viable let alone become the push build for soloing the end game. So, I’ll get to theorycrafting in LE eventually. Right now my focus is on fun and learning how the game works. Unfortunately, with this upcoming reset, EHG is blowing up my lab, while multiple experiments are in progress. AFAIK, EHG is not going to extend the cycle after the reset. So we’ll have a month and maybe a little bit more but not a full 3-4 months after the reset. With the abbreviated time between reset and end of cycle, the seemingly obvious route would be to scale back on the number of experiments and characters. The above make sense until one gets 3-5x 2-LP items with good rolls on them for those 1-3 builds that haven’t been tried yet. The above scenario begs for a new chars to be spun-up and tested.

As stated before I have Dragorath’s Claw, Enigma, and 2x runes of Creation. I can mirror the Dragorath and Enigma, which I have on my sorc, and put those replicas on a Spellblade. Same 2 items but very different builds and playstyles. I have internal questions that beg to be answered such as:

  • Which is tankier, Spellblade or Sorc?
  • Which has more damage output?
  • Which has faster clear speed?
  • Which has better boss killing ability?
  • Which is more fun?
  • Which can push higher corruption?
  • Which is easier to play?

It should be obvious by now that I’m and ARPG fan.

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Well it’s still in the planning phases. I planned it all out and started it just after this announcement on Steam Deck. So far it’s performing very well with Self-Found gear in the campaign. I’m not sure if I’m going to go for the no-arming time + cone or arming time + suckerpunch for bigger explosions (when they happen, 15% chance and all) for Detonating Arrows.

But the Trap + Ballista synergy is really good even before I get the No Man’s Land node. Explosive Trap is unfortunately one of those skills that needs a lot of investment before it’s doing what you planned it to do. But it’s fun to throw down 6-7 traps away from a boss, turn and throw the final trap to explode on the boss and the first ones detonate in sequence, launching Arrows and spawning ballistas.

Not sure how well Hail of Arrows will fit at this time, but I think once Explosive Trap has a CD I’ll have more time to think about tossing it out.

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You can’t use any form of “normal” crafting on the uniques. You can try & get another dagger from the Ascendance but you can’t copy the other uniques with the Creation.

How in the world this cycle reset (for seasonal online characters and even not a reset as a “wiped out hero crushing disaster”, but a transition to legacy) could affect your characters, if you are “doing it offline”?

On a practical level, by merging cycle characters with legacy characters, stash tab issues, faction reputation and fervour.


Damn. I totally misread the description of the item. I guess I’m going to need more runes of ascendance and more farming. I guess runes of creation are mostly good for copying exalted items for legendary crafting purposes.


Yup, that is their intended use case given they set the FP of the item they’re used on to 0.

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What is this FP of which you speak? Do I have to be an Ardent Lord to see that?

Yes, yes you do. You also get guaranteed critical successes on all crafting attempts & if you have one of the higher tier packs you can even upgrade them to t7 affixes.

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Please pair any major changes with a cycle refresh. This should be happening on a regular basis. Ideally every 3-4 months. A league/cycle going longer than a few months is just agonizing and there is no point to play. Please consider rotating the cycle whenever you want to drop new content and align regular cycle refreshes with content drops large or small and have them every few months.