Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

I don’t follow your train of thought. I never stated or implied that EHG is disrespectful to players. I have a nagging feeling that you failed to see how those 2 lines are connected to my other previous statements. As stated previously, the devs don’t have a happy ending for everyone that everyone likes/wants. The 2nd line you quoted adds context, in that they are not required to make everyone happy. They also don’t have good options available to them to make everyone happy. What ever path they take it will inevitably anger some subset of the player base.

They/them/those who have casually disregarded player displeasure and commented immaturely is why I added clarification in that players are not required to like every feature/mechanic in the game. Being unhappy with/dissatisfied with some feature, mechanic, or dev choice is normal and not crying/complaining.

With the above understood I do not follow your logic in regard to me refuting myself or anyone else. If a player thinks that EHG is being disrespectful toward them and/or players in general, they are free to make that statement and substantiate it. I don’t make that claim.

Yeah I see your point. However, I don’t think the options available to the devs, to address the issues would lend well to polling. I could be wrong.

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You get to keep your character in Legacy if you want to continue there as all the event stuff and new content will continue there.

Otherwise, yeah you have to restart with everyone. But! Now you have a fresh start with new content, new QoL and a new event to play with.

Yeah. Like @Llama8 said, you maybe not have personally, but you’ve been endorsing and agreeing with some people that certainly are going down that way to try and prove their points.
It all started when you said “thank you for post #326”, I checked it again and there’s really nothing wrong on that post, so maybe you only agree with that post isolated, and not all other mean things, since you posted this later:

Sorry if there was some confusion.


I never stated that it was the only reason. However, this is coming directly from the post at the top of this thread:

The post at the top in general is quite cleverly worded by design to limit the ruffling of feathers. I think they know that their choices are going to anger some players.

Right above your statement:

You said previously:

Message received. I’m not Bear Grylls and I don’t have to grin and bear it. I don’t have to like it or take it. I’m all for the “adapt and master” but how about you join in on that, and show some compassion for your fellow man. Voicing my displeasure was not crying and complaining for childish reasons. My displeasure was legit and the devs should know about it. It would be a false assumption that I was only referring to a single character when it would be 7 to 8 chars that I would have to re-level and re-gear in less than half the time. Do you not understand how callus your statements are and how you casually disregard my time investment and that of the other players? Come on bro don’t do that. You show no compassion for the goals I have. You don’t know what those goals are because I’ve not stated them. You reduce and flatten my words, and the words of others, to fit your narrow point of view and offer an immature take or leave it style response. Do you really think that is a positive contribution to the discussion? I don’t. As I stated before I don’t play the way you/them/they do. Based on your comments my goals do not align with yours. That is fine.

Its pretty clear you were mocking or borderline trolling with that all caps rendition, beginning with “WAAAAHHHH” and punctuated with “IT HURTS MY FEELINGS!” You are indirectly saying that I was triggered by your comments, but its clear you were caught in the blast radius of my EMP (hit dog hollering). So lets keep it civil and agree to agree. I can respect your goals, time investment, what you consider fun, and your point of view. So long as you are willing to respect mine we can get along just fine. We can even disagree from time to time. No need to mock, belittle, fling M-80s and cherry bombs, or launch Katyusha rockets and S.C.U.D missiles.

Keep in mind about that “adapt and master”…

Instead of pushing back against the reset, I just offered to lean into it. We can argue all day over the fine details and the pocket lent, or how about EHG just push the button, roll out the changes and we can get on to slaughtering mobs and having fun.

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I disagree. I endorse no one. I don’t try to prove their points when I’m too busy making and substantiating my own. You’ve made and erroneous interpretation of my words when I was pretty clear.

I replied to @Kulze author of post #326. I thanked him and informed him that I did not target him. Unfortunately, a segment of the comment posts are indirect broadcast messages. I responded in kind with my EMP. When this happens misinterpretations are bound to pile up. The dino nuggets vs veggie nuggets analogy was quite good.

Let me add context. The last line above is a cherry pick on my part that I thought was a creative way of making a point. This does not amount to an endorsement.


Right. Which is why, until your latest post, I haven’t replied to you at all. Because you are expressing your displeasure in a reasonable manner. You’re not part of the mob holding torches and pitchforks. You’re upset, and have every right to be (as I’ve said ad nauseum) but you’re not ready to burn EHG to the ground and crucify anyone who isn’t also pissed off.

Also, if you read what you quoted from me I said:

Which you directly agreed with when you said:

In your “agree to agree” list. So do you agree with me that some of the expressions of displeasure are immature and not constructive, or not? I’m getting mixed signals.

So you took a statement, that wasn’t directed at you or how you’ve been presenting yourself, made it about you, and then got upset with me? If I’m replying to Kulze. My statement is about Kulze unless otherwise stated, and at the time the only other person I’ve replied to on the topic of the reset was Oldschooldiablo. You have done no whining or complaining, so my exaggeration doesn’t include you.

So, I’ll state this very clearly. You are not acting like a petulant child in your disgruntlement. Others are. I have not once told anyone they don’t have a right to be upset, only that the level of rage being displayed is a bit absurd. Especially when the outrage is based on assumptions made on vague statements as we’ve already hashed to death.

If you assumed I was talking about you specifically, then idk what to tell you, but I’m not going to apologize when you jumped into the line of fire and said “he shot me!” when I wasn’t even aiming in your direction.

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Since you are saying that I was not the target, I’ll step back and let you and the other party go at it. I’m wearing a white shirt so don’t get no mud or blood on me. :smile:


I’m honestly going to dust my hands of this whole situation at this point, especially after F0lk wrapped it up nicely. It’s clear that some people on this thread just want to be mad for the sake of being mad and no logic or reasoning will open their eyes that the situation is not what they think it is.

Being upset with the situation is fine, and EHG not meeting your expectations can be frustrating. But at some point you have to say “yeah, it’s annoying, but they never said it wouldn’t happen. I just assumed it wouldn’t.” and accept that shit happens. Continue being upset for a bit and then move on with your life. (all generalizations, not you specifically lol).

A reset was going to happen one way or another, and it’s ok to be frustrated, angry even, about the unexpected announcement that in 20 days (from the time of the announcement) a reset will happen. but when the difference between what they wanted to happen (a reset with a new cycle and it’s new content) is barely different from what we got (a reset with the same cycle and it’s new content.) then I, personally, can’t wrap my head around the outrage.

Edit: though I am extremely curious what EHG thinks about this thread lol

I’m going to say that a mid-cycle reset such as this one being done in the future is probably not going to go over well with many of the rather passionate types of players. As I stated in a previous post, I don’t play hardcore because I don’t want to deal with hardcore death and the sudden lost of my time investment. This mid-cycle reset is akin to a sudden lost of my time investment. Since my characters are already diagnosed as terminal, they may as well push it out now.

Something I didn’t mention earlier, and it is possible that someone else brought this up, part of an unstated reason for the mid-cycle reset is an early abandonment of cycle 1.1 by many of the streamers. There are at least 10-15 very popular streamers that abandoned LE within the first 2 weeks or didn’t bother to play LE at all this cycle. Most of them are in PoE or D4. So this mid cycle reset could partially be in response to the loss of engagement. I’m playing off-line but if I didn’t have to contend with the server disconnect issues, I would be playing online. Several of my buds would be online in LE as well.

I have an important question: What are you going to play after the reset?


I’m testing out a new Marksman build I threw together that’s really fun so far. So maybe that? Or go out of my comfort zone and try a pet build.

Edit: I have build planners (at least one) prepared for the skills and passives for every Mastery. I’ve already done Warlock, Paladin, Runemaster, and Falconer in 1.0, and due to Kingdom Hearts releasing on PC I didn’t play much 1.1 until after this announcement where I started that Marksman.

I’m pissed off at the state of Shaman since it was my favorite class pre-1.0 and now it seems like EHG put up a sheet of paper with ideas and just threw darts at it and said “sure, that’ll work”. So we ended up with a terrible rework of Tempest Strike, two fire conversions with 0 fire support anywhere else in the class, and the only real builds being full caster or discount Druid. #endrant
I might do, as I said, a pet build with Necro or Beastmaster. Or I’ll go into my preferred specs of Spellblade or Blade Dancer. I’m also curious how my Forge Guard spec will pan out since it’s so different from what others are doing.

Excuse me if this question sounds stupid.
Let’s assume that EHG - in their announcement for cycle 1.1 - had announced october 9th as the end of cycle 1.1, exactly 3 months.

Then your character has been diagnosed as terminal from the get-go. The whole concept of seasonal play is to have temporary environments to play a set of characters in. If you consider legacy a bin like others do, it is a temporarily character.

Would you have lost motivation to play this ‘diagnosed as terminal’-character right at the start of the cycle, because it was diagnosed as terminal?

The abbreviated length of time left in the cycle has me torn between acolyte, rogue, mage and sentinel. I got 2x Jelkhor dagger drops this cycle, both with legendary potential. However, the item is nerfed so bad it may as well be fertilizer. I’m glad the vendor will accept them in exchange for gold. Decisions… decisions.

Who hurt you?

Sorry, it did seem like I was calling you out, but it was more a conversation with myself in my head and that totally wasn’t clear.

Conversation, “yeah, you still have everything”, and then, “yeah, but you got to do tabs because EHG shit the bed with that part of a new season so restarting in the middle of the season is basically doubling down on that bs”.

Except I included you, sorry.

15 days till reset thus terminal. Of course all cycle chars have an end date with the close of cycle. My chars are projects and those projects are coming to an earlier than expected end. I have items for several chars, that will allow me to transition from a leveling build to the start of the end game. There will not be enough time to develop those projects before the reset thus the fun is mostly sapped out of pursuing those projects. Even if I got every item I currently needed for my current projects, dropped within the 1st 4 hours post reset, I still won’t have enough time to enjoy them because the end of cycle will arrive soon there after. I started cycle 1.1 late as well. So, I’m still trying to decide what I want to play at reset.

My apologies. The terminal reference stems from my mother ending up with a terminal cancer diagnosis, but went into the hospital for something totally unrelated. Not nearly enough time. 6 of my high school friends lost parents to cancer. So, when plans get short circuited we some how ended up referring to them as “terminal”.

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Yeah, thankfully my Marksman is actually a Marksman and not a blade dancer in disguise :stuck_out_tongue:
The concept is built around Explosive Traps Minefield to spawn ballista and shoot Detonating Arrows for me. All converted to cold. With Hail of Arrows being the filler skill as the only other cold convert worth using.

I made a fire variant, but I already did a melee fire version with Falconer lol

That is correct.

What i and othera are trying to point out is what mike has said several times as well as whag major patches are.

Mikes been asked about what EHG considers major patche. Hes said cycle patch as in 1.2 1.3 ect.

No one is saying he lied about ending cycles early.

Ending them early is one thing back peddling on what EHG said and considers a major is what i and others have tried pointing out.

It was also said a few times one stre when asked how EHG felt about mid cycle resets. The reply was we are against it. So which is it are they ok with it or against it.

Do majors patch usher in a reser as they said theh would or not.

There actions dont line up with whag they are telling us

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Damn people are MAD
I am only hyped about this. The only disappointing thing is they won’t balance stuff (i.e nerf) the wacky overpowered build. The gold dupe has made MG quite annoying with all the expensive listings, and there are barely any players left so I’m wondering where all these people coming out complaining about their characters being ended early are coming from?


A tough choice to make, but I think the right one. I can’t see why anyone would be mad about finishing their characters in Legacy, the economy is lost at this point.

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I think the points made about why they don’t want to finish in Legacy is valid, so I can understand the disappointment there. Just not the outrage.