Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

Honestly, I completely agree with you. Being annoyed, peeved, even irritated are natural reactions based on the, as I said before, reasonable assumption. But to pretend it wasn’t an assumption and was an unstated fact and falling into outraged torch and pitchforks is what I don’t agree with.

It is completely justifiable. For reasons already stated.

Does not matter at all. This statement is nothing more than defending the reset mid cycle decision EHG made here

On top of forcing players to play a game mode in legacy. Just to keep play 1.1 cycle patch characters

Completely different fact is this is still mid cycle this isnt a cycle patch which is what EHG said would be fresh starts.

Doesnt change the fact players have every right to be angery about the reset. Reasons habe been given as to why

People wouldn’t be angery with an early cycle fresh start if it was rolling out the next cycle patch. Again which EHG said is when cycles would reset.

Forcing players that starts out in any give cycle patch in cycle mode to play in legacy just. Shouldnt ever happen at all.

Blasting them for going back on whag they told the community is imo deserved. Cuz this isnt what they told us

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Thank you @Kulze for post #326.

It seems some folks are making assumptions about the goals and expectations that “they” expect everyone to have/carry. This would be classic projection. I don’t play the way that everyone else plays. I don’t carry the same goals or have the same expectations that everyone else has. This is quite normal. No one should make the assumption that I’m taking the position of @XHolyspawnX. However, if my explanation fits then let the situation wear it.

My point is that I recently hit a decisive point in the progress of my characters by acquiring certain core pieces for the builds I want to play. I’m by no means an expert in the game, thus I’m learning the mechanics and experimenting with multiple characters. This mid cycle reset is a major interruption to my progression and the fun of progressing my characters. Just because Legacy is there does not mean I want to play in the Legacy space. Legacy imposes its own time demands which pulls one away from the core task of progression.

The point of the reset is because of an unforeseen duping exploit that has screwed up the market/trade faction’s economy and has a spill over effect into the leaderboards. I’m on CoF so that economy has no relevance to me. I’m not trying to get top 10 or top 5 on the leaderboards so, the spill over is not relevant to me. What is relevant to me is the fun of progressing my characters and my time investment into them. This mid cycle reset is like a hardcore death before the end of the cycle. I don’t play hardcore. I don’t play HC because I don’t want to deal with the lost of my time investment. It is not a challenge I wish to engage. However, this reset is forcing a pseudo hardcore death upon all of my cycle 1.1 chars.

So, I’m paying a penalty for the developer’s mistake(s) and their desire to please a segment of the player base that I’m not a part of?! How about the devs just reset those market factions folks and remove those market faction folks’ entries in the leaderboards, and leave us CoF folks to the fun of our grind (progression) and preserve the time investment of the CoF folks? Hold on a sec. Doesn’t that last part about what the market faction folks can do, sound very selfish… as in childish? Don’t worry the market faction folks can just keep playing in Legacy and they can still experience the new event (sugar cube) as well. Assuming (there is that word again) that the market faction folks profited from the gold duping they will have boat loads of gold to spend on buying new tabs and don’t worry the time it takes to recreate the tab structure is insignificant.

Yeah it sounds selfish/childish because it is selfish and childish. We should be careful and respectful of the goals, expectations, and the time of others. If the devs reset just the market faction folks, and wiped away their leaderboard entries, it would negatively impact engagement. It would demotivate market faction folks from playing thus many of them might abandon LE. What do you/they think is going to happen with those CoF folks that didn’t participate in the duping exploit? As I stated in a prior post, not only am I on CoF, but I’m playing off-line, yet I’m still going to be negatively impacted by the devs decisions. I’ll take the event (sugar cube) but this mid cycle reset is not motivating me to keep playing in cycle 1.1. Some folks in this thread think that its no big deal you can just create a new character. Stop right there. You/they/them just made another assumption. I might be forced to recreate 7 or 8 characters and it is very likely that I won’t be able to reach my goals before cycle 1.1 officially ends. As stated, I don’t play the way you/they/them play.

Again, I can appreciate that unforeseen things can happen and that the devs don’t have a lot of happy options for everyone. However, that still does not remove the fact that their choice is negatively impacting me, my goals, time investment, and killing the fun. Lets be clear. Stating the fact of how I’m negatively impacted and my displeasure with their decisions is not crying or complaining. Please no one attempt the childish belittlement of my time and fun.


I’m definitely not belittling that.
Quite the contrary.

Kudos to that post, it explained it vastly better then I did.

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Now this is really turning into something else.
Some people make it seem like characters are getting deleted, really…

Anyways, if this is really such a major downside for you guys, you probably should’ve made a dedicated thread for discussing this, especially because it would stand out if lots of people voted for it.

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Post #326 introduced no belittlement. The majority of my post was not directed at you.

I appreciate the ideas offered in regard to adjusting my char and stash files such that I might be able to circumvent the move to Legacy. I haven’t decided on going down that path, but I’m leaning toward not pursuing it because it could have negative side effects depending on further changes coming from the devs.


What the fuck is wrong with you?

Why Arena Ladders for Legacy is a terrible idea?

These people sounds like emo Reddit mentally challenged average users, it’s unreal.

Stop fking projecting.

So you admit, that the issue is “reset” and not “new cycle”

Jesus H. Christ man, it’s the same goddamn thing with a different coat of paint. Just because it doesn’t have a 2 at the end of “1.” doesn’t make a difference. You’re getting 2-3 months minimum to play a new character fresh with everyone else, new quality of life changes and new content as well as the addition of feature requests (no information as to what those are yet), the only thjng missing is a “2” and balance changes.

You really need to open your eyes and realize you’re yelling at your chicken nuggies because they’re not dinosaur shaped.

I repeat, projecting doesn’t mean what you think it does.

And I believe I covered exactly why Legacy Leaderboards are a god awful idea in this post. If it had too many words for you, I’m sorry.


This is the core of what iv been trying to get at. As well as the unknown in future cycles now.

It does imo.

Id also add that sence u play offline cycle u shouldnt be forced to mess with files in the game as someone mentioned above. Just to put ur characters back in offline cycle play.

That was the whole point of offering cycle play for offline. So they coukd experience cycles as well as not have to go out of there way to do a reset such as grim dawn and other none seasonal diablo likes

Umh… yes… that’s been the topic the whole time? :stuck_out_tongue:

And no… it’s not the same thing?
First of all… the timing is different. Solely by the aspect that EHG can’t realistically provide quality releases for new content in less then a 3 month manner reliably, and 3 month is already a stretch for that anyway.
Secondly, the amount of change for the content. Many people don’t care about any sort of boosts, they want to experience the new content from a fresh slate and then see how far they can get with it compared to last time in the roughly same-timed timeframe of a cycle.

It’s really piss-poor argumentation by now from your side sadly. The arguments have been given. You’re talking about temper tantrums but are actually doing one right then and there. ‘But no, it makes no difference, despite people telling me the experience it personally!’.

Get simply lost with that, it’s insulting to everyone who says ‘yes, it does affect me, and no, it’s not about what you’re describing at all, here are my reasons:…’ and then you follow up with the same exact sentences which have lost all function already.

I’m fine with resets on cycle boundaries for both online and off-line. Mid-cycle random pseudo hardcore death reset/dump to Legacy? Nah… There is no “joy” in that… to use a phrase that has become re-popularized recently. However, when the next major *-uck up occurs, let the market/trade faction folks take 1 for the team.

Lets be real clear. EHG I hope you are listening and paying attention. This recent gold duping oopsie-dupe-sy is not the first time non- Market/Trade/Online and Off-line players have endured negative impacts. Remember the massive reduction in vendor sale value of arena keys? I didn’t even get to take advantage of that 5000 gold per key (or what ever high value) vendor sale get rich scheme. Ok so those stash tab prices. How about we cap the tab price at 30k gold for tabs 15+. This means that tab 15 would be 30k and all additional tabs will cost 30k gold. This also means adjusting the cost incline for tabs 1-14 downward.

Also, can we get some serious bulk dev time devoted to the in-game network stability issues. I waited until the game was at release before jumping in because I did not want to be a guinea pig play-testing such issues. I paid like everyone else but I cannot play online. Many of my buddies have the same exact random disconnect issues that I experience. We are spread across the US and Canada with different ISPs. I have 400/30 down/up speed, but my crew has 300/30 to 800/40 down/up speeds. All of us have Ryzen 7 PCs with a 5800x or higher CPU, 32GB RAM, NVMe drives, custom tower configs with plenty of cooling, Gigabit Ethernet, good graphics cards, etc. No VPNs are involved. Can we please get this resolved? I had these same issues in the 1.0 cycle but the game stabilized and I was able to play online for part of 1.0. Nothing has changed hardware wise with my PC. I’m not going to spend days upon days suffering disconnects and submitting reports with no resolution in sight in cycle 1.1. Some of my buds have given up on LE and are at “page me with they fix the game”.

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You covered literally shit.

Your Olympics comparison deserve a trophy from Trisomy21 2024 Awards, comparing an event that take place in few days with an ongoing video game with a permanent environment like Legacy or even Cycles that stay up months is something tha tells alot about your level of logic and intelligence.

Legacy players can compete with each others with an Arena Ladders and the existence of Cycles is literally why new players can choose to have a fresh start and still compete.

Stop fking projecting.

Sure. Legacy players can compete amongst themselves. And the 10 people with the most playtime since the characters aren’t reset are unbeatable. Such competition, much wow.

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The point is that Oldschooldiablo said:

So, the whole argument we’ve been making has been “treat this like a new cycle and your problem is solved.” and your side says “but it’s not a new cycle.” and we repeat “it is in all but name.” and we go back and forth for infinity. If EHG had said “this next patch is 1.2” no one would be upset. Meaning that the cycle ending 20 days early is irrelevant. It’s the fact that it’s a “mid patch reset” which means literally nothing with the amount of content they seem to be planning on adding. You’re just mad that it’s not 1.2

I covered the timing issue, per Oldschooldiablo, the timing is irrelevant. He’d be fine if 1.2 dropped tomorrow. The issue is that it’s not 1.2 and is a refresh of 1.1 with all new content and an event. Presumably, since we’re allowed to assume what EHG means by your own admission, this refresh will last at least 2.5 months, giving you the same amount of time after the refresh as before it, and if you’re okay with the current cycle ending now, then how is the second half after the refresh before 1.2 any different?

No one said anything about boosts. There’s mention of that in the event section, but I referred to the other things outside of the event. Namely the QoL changes and “requested features”.

So now you get to experience the event, QoL changes, and requested features from a fresh slate in the same time frame or longer that you had in 1.1 so far. Again, I don’t see the issue?

You say it’s piss-poor argumentation, but the fact of the matter is that you can’t refute my arguments except by saying “nooooo, you’re wrong!” without any hard evidence why I’m wrong. See above on the similarities between what we’re getting and what you’re ok with EHG doing and then ask yourself again “why am I upset about this?” because frankly you have no reason to be this pissed off about it. I admit that I’ve been incredibly agitated and aggressive in my posts today, so I apologize for that, I’m just baffled and confused as to why people are shouting “this is bullshit, I want a new cycle!” and when EHG says “we have a new cycle at home.” and pulls out what’s effectively a new cycle except it’s not called a new cycle and doesn’t have a balance pass, the Torch and pitchforks come out. Explain to me exactly how this is different from a new cycle without using “it’s not patch 1.2” and “it doesn’t have balance changes.”

It’s exactly about what I’m describing. The only argument from your side is “it’s not a major patch. Which means it’s not a new cycle. We’re mad!” and when all evidence says “but it’s basically indistinguishable from a new cycle” you say “but it’s not a new cycle! Therefore mad!”

I’ve already said, multiple times, that I have no issues with people being annoyed at the poor communication (because frankly… It is poor communication on EHGs part), or at the fact that it’s slightly shorter than expected (though again, those were your own expectations, not ones set by EHG and if you’re fine with a new cycle instead then why are you made about the time frame now when it’s basically a new cycle in all but name.)

So, yeah, I’m a bit irritated at the childish tantrums being shown in this thread and lost my cool.

If you can explain to me, in detail, how this is so different from a new cycle that it’s unacceptable without using “it’s not a major patch” and “other companies don’t do this.” I’ll concede to you and write a letter to EHG_Mike myself saying that this is unacceptable.

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Even better than i could. Good post imo

Im admitting two things here its nott only the reset.

Im actually talking about 3 things the 3rd being what the devs said about fresh starts.

Whag theh have done here is back peddle what they told us

Holy crap. What do u not understand about the difference between these modes

Its not the samething with a different coat of paint.

Which has been my entire argument here.

Legacy and cycle modes are completely different. Same content does change that

Where in the post is this minimum said.???

Its not said anywhere for all we know 1.2 launches a week or two after the event ends.

Ur making a claim thag cant be backed up

So you’re telling me, that if you started playing a new Legacy character tomorrow you’d be able to compete with a person who has had a legacy character they’ve exclusively played since 1.0 dropped?

Are you stupid? You’re talking 100 hours of gameplay and gearing compared to 1000 hours of gameplay and gearing. This is not an MMORPG with hard-caps on stats at specific raid tiers. This is an ARPG with effectively infinite scaling. The amount of time, effort, and energy spent grinding a character to have as close to perfect gear as possible is unimaginable and no new player can compete with someone who’s already put that time and effort in. Let alone the possibility of absurdly op specs being used and then tuned down, but now the Leaderboard is stuck because the OP spec can’t be beaten after balance changes.

You don’t stop to think past “I’d be nice to have” and fail to understand the implications of what you’re asking for.