Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

It has to do with what EHG has been telling us about freah starts.

They have always said major patchs would be a fresh start.

If cycles are going to run longer then just run events parallel with the current cycle.

Reseting mid cycle patch just kills any drive i have left to keep play the current cycle.

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First point:

Nah… not dino nuggies versus normal nuggies.
The comparison here is normal nuggies versus vegan nuggies. ‘But they taste the same!’ Nah, they don’t.
If it would be the same nobody would need to call them by different names anyway, but that’s on the side.

Second point:

Ever imagined someone looking forward to playing the game only on weekends for example? Knowing they won’t have the time to make a fantastic character… but the cycle-timeframe allows them to make a good one and achieve their personal goal?

Now remove around 20% of that time, will it still be possible? Maybe? If not your argument falls flat already.

Someone who wanted to play 1.1 but couldn’t get days off until the 16th. Only got a week, wanted to get into it since otherwise responsibilities are there. Now they can’t since this ‘refresh’ which was expected at least 20 days later will happen and interrupt it exactly in the middle.

Different people have different circumstances and it screws some of them over majorly. That’s the point.

As for some other things:

1.) The arguments for why that’s not a viable for everyone has been presented. At best hassle, at worst complete loss of motivation. So I won’t go into it.

2.) It’s a product everyone playing it paid for. Hence they’re customers. Hence no matter the magnitude of anger, of contained to the specific product it’s absolutely warranted if the product disappoints for one reason or another.
If you pay over 30€ to play in your holiday and then that gets ripped apart in the middle of your experience because EHG wasn’t competent enough to properly handle arising issues then you have absolutely… every… right to be pissed off to hell about it.

The argument of ‘it’s just a game’ is ages old. Yes, it is… but also… no it isn’t.
First of all, it’s something you paid for, second of all it’s probably a quite important aspect of mental stability to escape from a stressful life and third it’s come with specific expectations.

And @oldschooldiablo is absolutely right with his words actually. Not perfectly voiced but what is said is 100% and absolutely true.
You don’t interfere in the middle of a cycle.
We were promised the ‘sanctity’ of the cycle to be upheld.
A ‘refresh’ is breaking this ‘sanctity’.
End of topic.

How far or little people get angry about it is not anyone else’s damn business, no matter if it’s mild annoyance, a temper tantrum or a friggin full scale emotional breakdown over it. It’s utterly disgusting to basically read ‘Yeah, the points are viable but since you were emotional then it shouldn’t be taken into consideration’.

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Correction. They’ve said “new cycles will start with major patches.” that’s it. There’s been nothing about “no resets with events between major patches.” or “major patches will be 3-4 months apart.”

It’s very much implied though.

Which other game does do cycles and wipes in the middle? I don’t know a single one. It’s all done when a new league/cycle/season/whatever else you wanna call it comes.

It’s assumed, certainly, because that’s how all/most other seasonal games do it. But there’s always a first time for everything.

So you’re holding a company accountable for an assumption about an implication? Ok.

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Yes, because it’s part of their job to manage that?

It’s fairly normal? You go under if you don’t do it no matter the segment you work in?

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Again, your character is still there. If you have some deadly allergic reaction that prevents you from playing a character once it reaches “legacy”, then I’m sorry. This is truly the worst possible situation for you.

But considering the fact that someone who only has weekends to play (like myself) likely isn’t that interested in playing a character for 8 days a month for 3 months only for it to be moved out of the cycle and having to start over with the new cycle. This is the main reason why I’m grateful to EHG for giving a smaller/no delay between cycle content being added to Legacy. It sucked having to start a new character every few months to experience the new mechanics in D3 and I told myself I wasn’t going to do that in D4 (not that I still play it.) I actually do play Cycles in LE now because Legacy is barely different from Cycle aside from the aforementioned favor/items, which I am capable of implementing self restraint on the items and don’t horde hundreds of tabs of junk I’ll never use in games like this. I know I’m a minority in that aspect though.

I lost my train of thought, but my point was that someone with very limited playtime is more likely to not engage seriously with time limited content.

Edit: I remember where I was going with the me playing cycles lol.

I play cycles in LE because I can experience some of the content in the cycle and then my character being moved to legacy doesn’t mean I have to make a new one. I probably will, but I’ll also keep playing my previous character. I plan to have 15 characters minimum and then being legacy after a cycle is hardly punishment compared to other seasonal games. I may continue to create cycle characters here and there as I come up with new builds and level them in the cycle, but I don’t stop playing them when they hit legacy because I don’t have the time to maintain one cycle character, let alone multiple

Hell, I literally started a Marksman in 1.1 after this announcement because I wanted to try a build I made. The fact it’s being moved to legacy in a couple weeks is a non-issue

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It’s not their job to stop you from jumping to your own conclusions. You made an, admittedly reasonable, assumption that EHG was going to handle seasons exactly like everyone else based on the fact that EHG didn’t explicitly state they were going to do something differently.

That’s literally on you for being upset. EHG neither made, nor broke, any promises.

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I think every time they do say something along those lines, 90% of the people aren’t really listening. If they say “similar to what XYZ does, but we won’t copy it 100%”, all that people remember is “like XYZ, confirmed!”


Oh, I beg to differ, massively so.
That’s what marketing and PR is all about.

And especially with:

The point is that it was after all ‘reasonable’.
This assumptions are expectations which will be had, those are the one which need to be managed.

If not then this happens, a 334 posts long thread. So it’s a prime example even.

Sure it can be forgiven, but first of all a step has to be taken from the devs to address it… since obviously it’s a issue, if you see it as one or not, this is one absolutely massive thread already… so it is, or we wouldn’t have gotten here.

80% of this thread is the same 2 people saying “this is dumb, we hate it!” and the same 3-5 people saying “it could have been handled better, but you’re blowing it out of proportion” with the other 20% being a mixed bag of people asking questions and having those questions answered.

PR and Communication are meant to relay information to the consumers, not prevent consumers from jumping to conclusions.

Case and point, if I announced to my consumers that “I will be launching a new home goods product in 20 days.” and they jumped to the conclusion that the new product was a blender because my competitors released a blender, but I released an air fryer instead. It’s not my responsibility they made an assumption and got all upset on their own. I didn’t say I’d be releasing a blender and they shouldn’t have assumed I was. At worst I could be asked to relay information more clearly next time. Which I agree, I probably should have been more clear, but I don’t owe them a blender because they expected one.

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I think EHGs policy of “don’t confirm anything” is probably the safest they could do. If they confirm it and plans change (auction house) they get crucified. If people make an assumption and they’re wrong. They still get crucified, but at least they don’t have to say “we’re sorry that plans changed.” lol

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Your example doesn’t correlate well with the situation.

EHG proclaimed - through Mike - that they’re aiming for 3-4 month cycles. Maybe longer for the first ones.

1.0 was roughly in that area, hence questions were asked, vague answers were given, results delivered, expectations from those former things formed.
Now it’s the job of EHG to adjust those expectations before it affects people actively.
Intervening into a expected 3 month cycle to reduce it below 3 months is affecting them.

This is the only aspect which was handled badly. They can also reduce it to a week… sure, many will leave… but they can and it would be no issue in itself. The sole issue was intervening onto a pre-existing established expectation basis and moving outside the range of said expectation.

That’s still… all there is to it. And any argument falling into critique (well worded or not, mildly worded or extra spicy) is hence viable. Nothing more nothing less.

If they actually provided coherent and well written info this whole mess wouldn’t happen since people have basis on what to expect.
So nah, the opposite of your suggestion there, yours will make the game go to shit and die, happened to so so many before already because of this.

I don’t feel bad. They have their first two seasons economies ruined by dupers because:

  1. They took action too late
  2. The actions they took were far too little

All they did was announce a dupe happened and the dupers have been banned. and then literally nothing else is said. Both times

And now they announce 1.1 is ending early, but not because of 1.2. They haven’t even stated why they are doing it in blunt terms.

They are absolutely not communicating with regards to duping, and how they can minimize it’s impact in the future. I don’t trust them anymore and honestly I’m moving on to other games.


And I gave you an example where he explicitly says that they don’t want to lock themselves into it. They will try to fall into the 3-4 months range, and Llama highlighted the bit about “we want to be agile on the timing of things at least for the first year”.

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You see… there’s a nice saying that states: ‘You can’t can’t communicate’. (And that’s actually written right there)

It states basically that no matter what you do, even if you don’t say a word… you communicate something. You can only convey things… and it’s up to you what you try to convey and how well you do it to ensure that it reaches as many of your recipients as possible.

The implicated message was trying to stay within 3-4 month with likelyhood of overtime until they manage their stuff.
It goes the opposite side, hence nobody gives a singular shit about it possibly and maybe being implied that it could go this way. The communication there was bad, and that’s it.

Also as was mentioned all too often before… the duping was never properly addressed, neither the first nor the second time.
After such a thing the following needs to happen:
Addressing the issue, banning the culprits, directly stating which measures - if any - will be taken for the cycle and for the future.

Issue was addressed, culprit banned, silence for the important part.
And now after several weeks we get a reaction… that has to be a Day 1 rection, not a week 2 one.
It’s a gross failure, it doesn’t slip easily.
Now it also affects people which weren’t before, which is CoF people for example.

It’s like a shooter has appeared but instead of stopping the shooter they shoot him and then turn wildly around shooting at everyone else in their sight on top, just to make sure!

You see… the only thing which stops the people complaining (and not us discussing it, but those which say it once, are pissed off and simply leave from doing exactly that, or not even speaking out) is by giving out a official statement, acknowledging the parts which have been handled badly and saying what they wanna do to address them in the future, and which ones.
But… alas… where is that? We haven’t seen it with the dupe and we haven’t seen it now. And sifting through Mike’s vods, the discord, reddit or small answers on the forum for that manner just doesn’t cut it.

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No, you are cherry-picking the message you want to understand, ignoring communication strategies you yourself use, using limiters like ‘try’. In this example I gave, it was not even about longer or shorter. Either you are mixing it up with other times Mike talked about it, or you misremember/misinterpret.

No matter what EHG would say, people will find a way to twist words and interpret the message they intend to hear, ignoring everything else. Four sides of communication at work.

I agree that more clear announcement in the official section would be nice. A FAQ where the answers are as clear as possible.
“How long will a cycle last?”
“We cannot make promises. We aim for a duration of 3-4 months, but it could be longer or shorter.”

But as you say: no message is also a message. If they don’t officially announce an end date for a cycle, not even a timeframe, they communicate that there is no set timeframe.


On one side, I am tempted to say that people are overreacting, but at the same time, it needs to be said that you cannot “uhm, actually” your way out of miscommunication.
PR is not legally binding contract work.

Just to take an example, many interpreted their stance on economy resets as “we are going to only reset for new cycles”, the fact that “uhm actually, the directionality of the implication goes only in one way and not the other, and therefore…” is largely irrelevant.
This is not a mathematical proof, it is an interaction with humans whom we know, are prone to jumping to conclusions. This is exactly the same thing that happened when they announced item gifting, and were surprised by the fact that people interpreted their previous communication wrong.

Now, some annoyed players may come to the forums to discuss, where you can absolutely annihilate them with facts and logic to tell them that, in fact, they were wrong, and they should feel bad.
However, most players will just be annoyed ad the miscommunication, lose a bit of faith in EHG, and move on to other games.

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To be fair, I only point that out to people who are seemingly believing their character will be lost and/or people who think Cycle have any additional features not present in Legacy at the moment.
Only 2 times I said this in this thread was to the guy saying “lost motivation because my character will disappear in 3 weeks” and now to this guy who said “I want to participate in the event, but do not wish to start fresh”.

I don’t play Legacy and probably never will too.