Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

Thank you @HorusKBZ.

I don’t know if I want to mess with the save files. Also, just moving the chars back to the “cycle” state without the stash would only serve as a partial fix. I have stuff in legacy from 1.0 that I have yet to clean up (remove only tabs). This means my 1.1 stash stuff would be dumped there as well and be a bigger pile to clean up. I haven’t cleaned it up because I haven’t decided if I want to keep the stuff or not. If memory serves me well I would have to spend gold to purchase new non-remove-only tabs in legacy, which could be costly real fast and presents yet another challenge.

I just logged back in game and yes. The 1.0 stuff to legacy would require the purchase of new tabs in legacy with a gold cost. There is also a time cost of creating/recreating the tab structure. Just a quick glance at my 1.0 stuff shows me that I need to think about what I want to do with Legacy in from a long term perspective. Its a bit difficult to plan this out because my goals/desires can and will most likely change over time. There is no way to compartmentalize or containerize. I would need a more sophisticated tool similar to D2’s GoMule.

Separate Notes/Thoughts:

  • Stash tab prices should start at 100, 200, or 500 and rise much more slowly. I haven’t played MG so I’m not swimming in gold
  • A full well thought out external stash/character management and planning tool, that goes beyond GoMule, and is maintained, sounds like a really nice thing but also sounds like a burden for EHG… I would still take it though :smile:
  • I realize EHG is trying to take corrective action and add some sugar to the cold medicine in order to soften the bitter taste… I can appreciate them acknowledging problem(s) and having less than happy options for everyone
  • More time/effort needs to be dedicated to the client and server stability and diagnostic capabilities of the game so that folks like me can play online without the constant disconnects (no blame game please)
  • Any chance at a public test realm where folks can test out changes and give feed back before they go live?

I mean, all this data about stash tabs etc. is saved in your local save files as well. It is possible to copy or edit the files for the stash tabs, too. This should transfer the contents and naming structure, so in theory, it should be possible, if one is willing to meddle with the save files. I can understand if you don’t want to. It was just an idea, since you unfortunately have to play offline.

They are, until Legacy players will have their Arena Ladders.

This is plain lack of respect for legacy players, typical milking Blizzard behavior.

Stop projecting.

If that’s what you think then you clearly don’t understand what Blizzard is like & how they treat their customers (& employees).

You appear to have a very skewed view of what’s normal (I’m not sure any other company does non-season ladders, GGG certainly don’t as far as I’m aware).

I’m not, that phrase doesn’t mean what you appear to think it means. It certainly doesn’t mean “this person disagrees with me so therefore they have psychological issues”.

“Stop projecting” doesn’t even make sense in this context.

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The fact you 1) dont get this is sarcasm, and 2) dont get its making a joke out of the arguments that its fine for the reset because cof players can play on legacy is extremely funny :smiley:

learn to read please i am not hating i am saying what it is i am not judging how you spend your money all i am saying is diablo 4 is low quality garbage wich it is so dont try tell me its high quality game you are just coping and fanboying over it hard the blizzard wont ever add any actual new content in diablo 4 FOR FREE they will only do it with expansions wich will add something little new in 10 years there still will be the same free content in diablo 4 all you gonna do is spam rifts and helltides meanwhile this game in 10 years will have 100x times more content than diablo 4 just like path of exile have becuz blizzard also dont add their season mechanics after the season is over they just forget about it they dont want to expand their game so grow the hell up and read a book or something educate yourself lil bro coper

My sarcasm detector was asleep, I guess :slight_smile:

But not liking it and throwing a tantrum when all arguments against the reset are boiled down to “I don’t want to make a new character yet” and “this is screwing over CoF players” can be refuted with “then don’t?” and “it’s not?”

Saying: “I really don’t like that EHG decided to reset a cycle instead of releasing a new one or at least doing a poll, which they’ve done for lesser issues.” is perfectly fine and reasonable.


As the Bear Grylls meme once said: “Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.”

Or we can keep circle jerking about how the concept of making a new character is foreign to some people unless the X in “1.X” changes for some reason.

Edit: apologies if I seem agitated. It’s just getting ridiculous at this point. If you as a player cannot and will not be ok with making a new character now because the word was “refresh” instead of “new cycle”, and refuse to play Legacy for some reason, then just… Don’t play until 1.2 that’s your only option. And if there’s another refresh, which it seems there will be, just stop playing until the next 1.X. The durations between refreshes are roughly the duration between cycles. With this one losing 20 days before the 3 month mark, which is not significant in any way shape or form.

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When you will step out from your personal Wonderland and come back to Earth you maybe will not miss the whole point.

As long as Last Epoch Legacy players don’t have Arena Ladders this company is behaving literally as Blizzard (that have no respect for players from ages) showing near to zero respect for Legacy player.

Stop projecting (if you don’t get it, i’m sorry).

Explain, please, the logic behind “no ladders in legacy” = “no respect for players”. Because I don’t have Olympic level training in mental gymnastics.

Speaking of the Olympics, do you think the Olympics has no respect for their competitors because events from previous years don’t count? What about Football associations (American and European Football)? Do they not respect their players because… You know… The performance of “this season” is what matters?

Maybe you should play in the season if you want to compete. Idk, just a thought.

Edit: because I’m feeling extra sassy today, I’m going to present to you a scenario.

EHG adds Leaderboards to Legacy:

Billy Bob has been playing Last Epoch on his legacy character since 1.0 launched, he’s grinded thousands of hours on this one character and has it completely decked out in the best possible gear for his build. It also happens to be the most meta of meta builds. He’s absolutely crushing his competition on the Leaderboard.

Jimmy Two-Socks hears about this cool new game that has Legacy Leaderboards and decides to start playing in 1.2, it is physically impossible for him to compete against Billy Bob and he will never even come close to approaching the top of the Leaderboards against players with thousands of hours under their belt. He’s disheartened and decides to go to Cycles where everyone has a fresh start and he can actually compete!

“oh, but we’ll reset the Leaderboards each cycle!” cool, do that. Doesn’t wipe the gear and levels off of Billy Bob’s character, he’ll just reclaim his top spot again and again and again.

“Well, we’ll just have the characters reset too!”

Oh? You… You mean like Cycles/Seasons do? Wow! What a novel thought! You must be so proud of yourself.

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As long as EHG does not implement exactly the feature I want (fluffy pink bunnies replacing all spider-type monsters), this company is behaving like Blizzard (who have no respect for the wishes of their customers, no matter how minuscule the percentile is that asks for this feature)

I don’t care what reasons EHG has for not creating a ladder in a permanent environment where records can be set that due to re-balancing the game might never ever be achievable again. They hate and disrespect their players, it is that simple. I will not listen to any reason but my own. If you don’t get it, I am sorry.

Disclaimer: This is satire.


I’m honestly starting to feel bad for EHG. They released an announcement they were clearly excited about and now there’s 300+ comments arguing about how terrible they are, how they’re not terrible, and apparently now how they’re “just like blizzard for not implementing the worst idea in the history of bad ideas”


As Llama8 said, that word doesn’t mean what you think it does.

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

Considering that Llama, myself, and Horus are disagreeing with you and not displacing our feelings, “projecting” is not the appropriate word to use here.

But you can continue trying to make yourself sound smarter than you are in the hopes that people won’t realize how absurdly terrible your idea for Legacy Leaderboards actually is.

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For the, “just do it in Legacy”, folks.

People keep saying this, and it’s mostly true. But it’s not completely true. There is the whole ‘stash tab exercise’ that needs to happen (eventually). So, if you are a pack rat, and you are still in progress with your current char, and you have backup/alt items in the bank, you are going to need to do that stash tab exercise sooner than you thought you would. And farming for gold may be part of that exercise.

Paging, “don’t be a pack rat”, folks!

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Well, it was basically all said already.

One said presented ‘These are the reasons we don’t like it’ with actual mechanical aspects and some psychological ones.

The other side is ‘nothing changes, just the number’… which… nah, simply not the case.

There are reasons to be pissed off… they’re definitely more or less valid. There’s mild annoyance and some people are extremely pissed off, some words are fitting, others not.

Take the notion in, not the words used for it. Makes it a bit easier.
There’s a point though behind much hyperbole. Ignore the hyperbole :stuck_out_tongue:

As I said:

Edit: moved my edit to a new reply.

Yeah, your argument is fine besides 2 points simply.

The ‘it’s the only option there is’ is after all the cause of the issue.
And the ‘20 days lost is not significant’ is definitely for some people.

If you agree to that aspect rather then belittling it people wouldn’t argue with you about the whole situation in the first place.

First point: it’s the only option remaining, there are other options. You’re just pissed because you don’t like the other options. Which is the same thing as a toddler throwing a tantrum because they want dinosaur chicken nuggets and all you have are regular chicken nuggets. Literally, the difference between the end of a cycle and this refresh is as small as the shape of a chicken nugget.

Second point: if 20 more days of the cycle is so significant to you, I don’t know what to tell you. I doubt anyone here is playing more than 8 hours a day unless it’s their full time job, giving you a soft maximum of 160 hours. Given that you had 70 days before this, that’s 560 hours. You had 560 hours to work on this character and losing those final 160 are going to ruin your day? Really? Ignoring the fact that you have a new 560+ hours to spend on a brand new character with brand new goals.

Also, this was in an edit to my last post but I’ll move it here:

The level of anger is completely unjustified for two main reasons:

  1. your hard work isn’t gone it’s moved to legacy, just like it would be had EHG called this a new cycle. So… Literally nothing changes there.

  2. it’s a video game. It be one thing if your government came in and said “here’s an eviction notice, we’re bulldozing the home and all belongings inside it. Your past X many years of hard work building this home mean nothing!”

It’s 2.5 months of work on a character that’s still going to be there and the opportunity to start a new character that’ll last 2.5 months minimum before it’s also moved and not destroyed.

Is it annoying? Sure, I can agree with you guys on that. But to blast EHG and act like your entire life is ruined because the cycle reset a little earlier than you expected? Come on, grow up ffs. (again, all uses of ‘you’ are generalized and not you specifically)

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Maybe when an actual point is made that’s more than frothing at the mouth because of how a totally different company acts.

Still not how that phrase is used.

Do you understand why there aren’t ladders for legacy?

Quite. Though you may just be white knighting or gaslighting him with, you know, reality.

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Thanks for your answer !