Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

Is that because of the egregious typo (which is due to my phone not doing autocorrect on these forums for some reason)?

Depends on what you call meaningful. But after many years they decided that they couldn’t just get away with hitting delete on the character servers & calling it a new season. They, eventually, started adding new stuff.

Well, there is, seasons start off as a clean slate.


DRM-5 was re-written in 2013, the vast majority of people haven’t been evaluated in the first place, re-evaluated since then or even know that they should get evaluated which would allow them to better handle their situations.

Before that ADHD and ASD wasn’t even allowed to be given as a diagnosis, they were seen as mutually exclusive, nowadays we know it’s quite the opposite given how autism has been re-defined as a spectrum.

Heck, many don’t even know that ‘Asperger’s’ doesn’t even exist anymore as a term, it’s gone. And many therapists also aren’t even remotely knowledgeable about the new situation, the whole ‘neurodiverse’ thing is a mess currently.

The numbers I’ve presented are the current models, not the older ones. A whole generation hasn’t been able to get diagnosis for ADHD or ASD because it was deemed impossible to diagnose after the age of 7 or 13 respectively… until it was found out that ‘masking’ is a very common thing to happen given it’s literally needed for social survival in modern society.

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Wouldn’t “solo character found” fit the “no pre-existing conditions”. You lose access to the MG, but I’m pretty sure Kulze said he plays COF because he’s “getting shafted” with this reset.

Edit: I see someone else brought this up, and I agree that you do lose the ability to share gear across characters. But ultimately, there’s no real reason to not just continue their Cycle character in legacy and start over with the new cycle… Or treat this as a new cycle given that we don’t know when 1.2 will drop

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Well, it’s a myriad of stuff.

MG looses access to the gear in MG… but gets access to the longer standing economy of Legacy. Which is different though, so it’s a bit ‘meh’ definitely.

CoF basically looses nothing specific, outside of the time limitation for the cycle.

What both factions got though is the stash problem upon merging.
This is either:
-Having no tabs since they weren’t bought in legacy yet, using up gold which is otherwise a resource directly for progression (MG) or Lightless Arbour (CoF)
-Having the tabs already and hence mixing old gear with new gear, taking away the ‘zero to hero’ aspect of a new cycle, could’ve just made a character in Legacy in the first place then.

SSF also doesn’t allow those to be fixed since you can’t share between the character inside that specific frame, hence no moving items around between character started from that specific point on.
And tracking it personally is plainly spoken a major hassle… ‘which tab was a old one again? Ah… now I put something in at the wrong place!’ yeah, it’s annoying.

And then we have the parts about MG directly… how will it be merged this time? Will the cycle gear just appear in Legacy MG? Will the gear be removed? Both suck, majorly. One floods Legacy with exploitation prices, and it was already only slowly recovering, ruining that once more, messing with the people playing in Legacy.
Removing it entirely sucks for the MG people in Cycle on the other hand.

EHG has given us no info about that though. So… should we remove our items from the market to save em? Can we simply keep em in? We don’t know.

We lack info, once again… we lack information left and right and it’s simply badly thought out in my eyes. From a disaster into a disaster.

I completely agree with your first two points and want to focus on this one.

This can entirely be a self limitation. Yes it’s there, yes you have access to it, but you don’t HAVE to use it. Most ARPG’s don’t force a “solo self found” playstyle and offer shared storage for your characters. I personally never take advantage of this because it’s more fun to level with found gear. I might store components/materials if they’re not done naturally (basically just GD and TQ for what I play, as LE has the Forge to share crafting stuff). Just tell yourself “this is my stash tab for this character, nothing in my other tabs can be used on this one.” and the “Zero to Hero” aspect remains.

Just… Rename the tab? Add a category for “new items” and one for “Old items” and at the end of the “cycle” just move the tabs from New to Old and get a new tab or two for New.

I agree with the rest. More information would be nice.

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Yes, but the 50-70% number you gave is itself in question and comes from a meta-analysis. 50-70% is the number that pops up in a google search, but if you read more about it, it becomes, well, questioned, with some good reasoning of why this number might be inaccurate.

Those who make the diagnosis are often not specialized and qualified enough, which was a warning that I got from the psychologist who first said that she thinks I could have Asperger’s (which was the DSM-IV of the time). She said she surely didn’t feel qualified enough in this aspect to make a diagnosis.

@Kulze is right about it that it is a hassle to differentiate between old and new items. With stash tab categories, it is somewhat manageable, but not comfortable. And it doesn’t work well or at all with favour, faction reputation, shards, and gold.

True, but those numbers are the best evaluation of the situation we currently have.
They’ll change, I’m fairly sure about it, but since not much time has passed since 2013 where those things have been written down at long last.

Which means many therapists have ‘0’ clue, many people have ‘0’ clue and in many countries it’s handled like utter crap (UK is a good example, 6 months waiting time for tests… hurray?)

Those numbers in the models come from so called ‘dark numbers’ which are expected estimates with the new situation, which we won’t see for a decade or 2 likely. Not until several laws are re-written in some countries, workplaces adjust accordingly and depending on the country you’re in a diagnosis actually does help rather then ruin your life (which sadly is still happening, which is utterly idiotic).

In other places wrong diagnosis is also a issue. Another main issue is that autism often leads to having alexithymia, which makes it quite hard for them to explain the situation, often leading to misdiagnosis from therapists as well.
A simpler way to actually do things is to give people a friggin EEG, but that’s not commonly done since it’s expensive in many countries. Hence fruitless messing around for months (which costs far more) is instead the outcome.
Why EEG? Because often it’s visible on the brain scans and why shouldn’t a doctor for the function of the brain look at the organ they treat while any other doctor does the same? If you got chest-pain you scan the heart/lungs likely to see if something is off… in psychology this still… despite decades… isn’t the generic way to go.

And also quite often… there simply is no therapist around which is ‘qualified’ since it’s a ridiculously underrepresented aspect still given that it’s only available in the current state since 11 years, which in any medical profession is basically nothing. And re-education for therapists isn’t quite the highest thing on the list in most places sadly, despite the rapid developments.

So yeah… I believe it could rather easily come close to those numbers in reality if we actually remove all the reasons as to why people haven’t gotten a diagnosis, like therapist capability, social issues, knowledge based issues.

1-2 years (for an adult), I think you’ll find (as I did a few weeks ago when I asked my dr about a diagnosis). Unless you go private.

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It was the same in Germany around the time I tried to get the diagnosis. So I paid it out of my pocket, et voila, about 2 months waiting time.


This mid-cycle refresh is killing my fun and my progress. I finally acquired several core pieces for my characters while trying to learn the game’s mechanics. Now EHG is announcing that they are tossing my chars into the Legacy bin in just under 3 weeks. The issue with the economy does not apply to me because I’m unable to play online due to persistent and consistent disconnects. LE is the only game where if I idle outside of town, I’m disconnected in under 30 seconds. I can’t even read and respond, with a one-liner, to a text message without being kicked out of the game. The disconnects come with a green lag meter. This kills the fun and progression. So, I’ve been forced to play solo off-line with CoF. Yes I want to participate in the event, but I’m not looking forward to starting fresh yet. I would potentially be more excited if this mid-cycle reset included a fix to the game’s disconnect issue. I’m not the only player encountering this disconnect issue. I have several friends spread across the U.S. and Canada, that are encountering the same issue. We have different ISPs and beefy PCs on Cat 5 and Cat 6 wired connections. I’ve already created a post in the support forum. I’m not looking forward to playing in the legacy bin.

The event will be happening in Legacy just the same. So no worries mate, they got you.

As long as they don’t change anything with their save-file structure, you might be able to copy your current cycle offline characters into the refreshed offline cycle.

Or delete everything from your current legacy cycle, so you have an absolute clean slate there, with a backup you make before deleting the legacy save files.

Just pretend they did not refresh the cycle and do your own thing. All power to you :wink:

I don’t want to play in the Legacy bin.

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Tbh players shouldnt have to be forced to play legacy in order to keep playing thier character/s they started playing in 1.1 cycle 2

As it stand if players want to keep playing thier 1.1 character/s. Thats the only option they have.

This just kills my motivation to keep play cycle 2 or even try out the cycle event.

Im pretty much done at this point till 1.2 rolls out. Still one the fence about even starting 1.2 due to i have no clue if new gold dupe pops up and then bam a reset happens


When do you add Legacy Arena Ladders?

Show respect for ALL your players.

Do not behave like Blizzard.

Additionally they still haven’t added Legacy Arena Ladders, this is awful and show a huge lack of respect for players that wanna play Legacy.

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Thanks for reading the two posts above yours.

While I do kinda agree with you, you do understand that the only difference is 1 word (cycle/legacy) don’t you? I’m sure you read and understood all of the posts you were so vehemently disagreeing with (which is your prerogative).

They really aren’t.


Its not just one word thats different. Which is what iv been trying to get at.

One is permanent one isnt. One has past progress the other doesnt.

I also dont play any of the SSF modes. Due to if i do i cant party up with my wife. Who plays just as often as i do.

Nor should ibhave to jump through the hoops of setting up a said category for say 1.1 loot thats in the remove only tab.

Cycle mode does this already. Why make me do what another mode already does

Why force players to play in any game mode thwy have no interest in playing

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But… What’s so wrong about starting a new character with a new event and new goals for the rest of this cycle? It seems to me like they’re going to have another 2.5 months after the reset before 1.2 at the bare minimum. Why not just take advantage of the reset and start a new character?

Unless you planned on playing your one 1.1 character for 5+ months until the reset happened with 1.2? If so, I don’t know what to tell you since that’s entirely subjective. I saw a few posts of people excited for the reset because they “finished” their goals for 1.1 and planned to stop playing until 1.2 and this brought them back.

Two sides of the same coin imo.


Some don’t like it.

That has to suffice as an answer actually.