Always Compare + Mod Range Bug

Hey, just wanted to let you guys know this 4 year old bug is still in game and never got fixed. Original post can be found here: Item Roll Information (Tier/Range)

To summarize, since it looks like the devs were having trouble understanding the original post:
Start by going into Settings->Gameplay and UNCHECK “Auto-Compare Items”.
Current item behavior is now: when mousing over item, hold alt to see mod explanation, hold ctrl+alt to see mod ranges (with a unexpected forced compare since ctrl also compares).

Next, go back to Settings->Gameplay and CHECK “Auto-Compare Items”.
Now the current behavior is: holt alt to see mod ranges (previously ctrl+alt) (with expected compare), hold ctrl+alt to see mod explanations (with unexpected no compare).

What it looks like is happening is that the setting auto-compare is making the game believe the ctrl key is being held down for purposes of mousing over items. Due to the current key bindings, this is kinda scuffing things up and creating unexpected and unintended jumbling of the controls.

You could fix by changing the way this setting behaves, changing the keybindings, or whatever way. You do you, but it is currently bugged (and has been for 4 years apparently). Minor bug, but there it is.

While you’re at it, a setting to Always show Mod Ranges would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

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Literally second post in this category of suggestion posts " While posting a large amount of feedback as a First Impressions post can make sense, please do not include bug reports in threads posted outside of the Bug Reports section , as this makes it much harder for us to track them. Different members of the team do different work, and they consequently check different sections of the forum.

We cannot guarantee that bug reports posted in this section will be investigated"

Good info but you come across as a piece of shit in the presentation. You get a C.

I’ve reposted in the correct forum, and made sure to give you credit for pointing out I should move the thread. Thanks!

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UI is broken. Try it yourself, move your mouse fast over inventory, items on the ground, skill bar with the compare option “ON” in game settings - it will destroy your FPS. Please, lets work together and make them notice this.

I know.
I was always good in presentation.

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